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Actress Preet Ajmer Music Video ZIKR TERA Is Going To Be Released Very Soon...

Actress Preet Ajmer is acting in a music video song. This music video is going to be released  very soon. This music video song ‘Zikr Tera’ has been sung and acted in by Preet herself. Preet Ajmer is a resident of Punjab. She had dreamed of acting in films since childhood. She came to Mumbai to fulfill her dream. Preet started her career with advertising films. She has also worked with many big brands along with advertisements of jewellery, sarees, cosmetics etc. She is fond of cooking, travelling to hill stations and writing. She also knows how to create music and write Shayari.

Preet Ajmer says that she likes such roles in which a woman has a strong role. She wants to work with Ekta Kapoor. Actress Rekha is her favorite actress. She likes the films ‘Chak De India’ and ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’.

Preet Ajmer says that every woman should be self-reliant. Do not spend your life depending on others, otherwise your self-esteem will be shattered. Create your own respect and identity. A woman is not only a soft-bodied woman adorned with sixteen adornments, she is also Durga adorned with weapons and Kali holding human heads. Therefore, it is necessary to change oneself according to the circumstances. By the way, Preet Ajmer is currently very busy in ad films and soon she will reach the audience through web series, short movies and films.


Actress Preet Ajmer Music Video ZIKR TERA Is Going To Be Released Very Soon

आईसीएमईआई ने 3 जनवरी को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सांस्कृतिक संबंध दिवस घोषित किया...

नोएडा – एक अद्भुत ग्लोबल उत्सव में, 145 देशों में फैले 40,000 से अधिक सदस्यों वाले 127 संगठन 3 जनवरी, 2024 को “अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सांस्कृतिक संबंध दिवस” मनाने के लिए एक साथ आए। यह दिवस डॉ. संदीप मारवाह के जन्मदिन पर घोषित किया गया, जो एक लिविंग लीजेंड, 80 से अधिक देशों के सांस्कृतिक राजदूत और वैश्विक एकता के साधन के रूप में कला और संस्कृति के अथक प्रमोटर हैं।

यह भव्य आयोजन नोएडा के फिल्म सिटी के केंद्र में स्थित मारवाह स्टूडियो में आयोजित किया गया, जहाँ कलाकार, डिप्लोमेट्स और सांस्कृतिक लीडर्स इस उल्लेखनीय दिन के उद्घाटन समारोह को मनाने के लिए एकत्र हुए। इस कार्यक्रम ने वैश्विक शांति और सद्भाव को बढ़ावा देने में कला और संस्कृति की शक्ति को रेखांकित किया।

इस अवसर पर बोलते हुए, डॉ. संदीप मारवाह, जिन्होंने कला और संस्कृति के माध्यम से प्रेम, शांति और एकता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 33 वर्षों से अधिक समय समर्पित किया है, ने कहा, “कला और संस्कृति दुनिया को एक साथ लाने के लिए सबसे शक्तिशाली उपकरण हैं। इस दिन को मनाकर, हमारा उद्देश्य राष्ट्रों के बीच अंतराल को पाटने और स्थायी संबंध बनाने में सांस्कृतिक संबंधों के महत्व को उजागर करना है। आज, हम इस मिशन को मनाने और याद रखने के लिए एक समर्पित तिथि देकर एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम आगे बढ़ाते हैं।”

इस घोषणा का जोरदार तालियों से स्वागत किया गया, क्योंकि प्रतिभागियों ने इस पहल को तेजी से विभाजित दुनिया में आशा की किरण के रूप में सराहा। दुनिया भर के गणमान्य व्यक्तियों, कलाकारों और सांस्कृतिक उत्साही लोगों से बधाई संदेश आए। विभिन्न अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगठनों के नेताओं ने सांस्कृतिक आदान-प्रदान के माध्यम से दुनिया को एकजुट करने के मिशन के लिए अपना समर्थन व्यक्त किया।

डॉ. मारवाह, जिन्हें कला और संस्कृति में उनके योगदान के लिए कई पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित किया गया है, को उपस्थित लोगों ने एक दूरदर्शी नेता के रूप में सराहा। उनके मार्गदर्शन में, मारवाह स्टूडियो सिनेमा, शिक्षा और सांस्कृतिक कूटनीति के क्षेत्रों में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सहयोग को बढ़ावा देने का केंद्र बन गया है।

समारोह में भाग लेने वाले सभी संगठनों द्वारा सांस्कृतिक आदान-प्रदान और समझ को बढ़ावा देने के लिए एक प्रतिज्ञा भी शामिल थी। डॉ. मारवाह ने जोर देकर कहा, “हमारा मानना ​​है कि सांस्कृतिक कूटनीति समय की मांग है।” “अपनी विविधता का जश्न मनाकर और कला के माध्यम से साझा आधार खोजकर, हम एक ऐसी दुनिया बना सकते हैं जो आपसी सम्मान और सहयोग पर आधारित हो।” अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सांस्कृतिक संबंध दिवस अब कला और संस्कृति द्वारा दुनिया भर के लोगों को एकजुट करने में निभाई जाने वाली महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका की वार्षिक याद दिलाएगा। इस वर्ष के समारोह ने एक मजबूत मिसाल कायम की है, जिसने दुनिया भर के समुदायों को सांस्कृतिक संबंधों की परिवर्तनकारी शक्ति को अपनाने के लिए प्रेरित किया है। अपने आप में एक शानदार बयान!


आईसीएमईआई ने 3 जनवरी को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सांस्कृतिक संबंध दिवस घोषित किया

Phool Singh’s ROBIN KING: A Modern-Day Santa Claus Wins Hearts With A Strong Message In DS Creations Movies’ Latest Release...

Since its release on Christmas Day 2024, Robin King, a short film directed by Raakesh Paswan and produced under the banner of DS Creations Movies, has captured the imagination of audiences worldwide. At the heart of this impactful film is Phool Singh, who delivers a stellar performance as Robin King, a modern-day Robin Hood dressed as Santa Claus. The film’s compelling narrative of redistributing wealth from corrupt, wealthy businessmen to underprivileged children has struck a powerful chord with viewers, earning both love and critical acclaim.

Phool Singh’s portrayal of Robin King is being celebrated as one of his finest performances. Known for his versatile acting and dedication to socially relevant stories, Singh has emerged as a sensation with Robin King. His character, donning the costume of Santa Claus, symbolizes hope and justice, as he brings joy to children in need while delivering a profound message about the inequities in society. Fans have praised the film for its unique concept, heartwarming moments, and strong social undertones.

The film, which also stars Kshitij Singh Bhardwaj and Raakesh Paswan in prominent roles, has garnered over 2 lakh views on YouTube in just over a week. Audiences are lauding the performances of the entire cast, particularly Phool Singh’s powerful and emotive depiction of Robin King’s mission. The gripping storytelling, combined with stunning visuals shot in the picturesque locales of Daman and Silvassa, has elevated the film’s appeal.

Phool Singh has been widely recognized for his ability to bring meaningful stories to life. His role in Robin King builds on his legacy of impactful performances, following his celebrated portrayal of Shree Vidyapati in Hey Bholenath. This latest film reinforces Singh’s commitment to using cinema as a platform to highlight pressing social issues, making him a trailblazer in socially conscious storytelling.

The creative brilliance of Robin King extends beyond its acting. Directed by Raakesh Paswan, with creative direction from Dinesh Sudarshan Soi and Sonia Malhotra Soi, the film balances entertainment with a strong moral compass. The costumes, casting, and overall production were meticulously handled by Team DS Creations, adding layers of authenticity and visual appeal.

Released on the official YouTube channel of DS Creations Movies and the OTT platform, Robin King continues to receive love and blessings from audiences across the globe. Its heartwarming depiction of a modern-day Robin Hood dressed as Santa Claus serves as a beacon of hope, reminding viewers of the importance of compassion, generosity, and justice.

As Robin King resonates deeply with viewers, it is clear that this short film is more than just a cinematic experience—it is a call to action, inspiring audiences to reflect on the inequities around them and find ways to make a difference.


Phool Singh’s ROBIN KING: A Modern-Day Santa Claus Wins Hearts With A Strong Message In DS Creations Movies’ Latest Release

एक्ट्रेस शबनम खान के जन्मदिन पर लगा बधाईयों का तांता, जल्द करेंगी भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में धमाकेदार एंट्री...

भोजपुरी सिनेमा की उभरती अदाकारा शबनम खान के जन्मदिन के शुभ दिन पर उनके सगे-संबन्धियों, करीबी मित्रों तथा उनके चाहने वालों ने फ़ोन पर कॉल व मैसेज करके, व्हाट्सप्प पर व सोशल मीडिया पर भी बधाई व शुभकामनाएं दी है। चूँकि वह सोशल मीडिया में काफी एक्टिंव रहती हैं तो उनकी फैन फॉलोइंग की तादाद काफी है। इसलिए उनके पास रात दिन भर बधाईयों का ताँता लगा रहा। ऐसे में मुंबई में फ़िल्मी हस्तियों के बीच शबनम खान का जन्मदिन केक काटकर धूमधाम से मनाया गया, जो काफी यादगार बन गया है। खूबसूरत अदाकारा शबनम ने जन्मदिन की बधाई और शुभकामनाएं देने वाले सभी को तहेदिल से धन्यवाद देते हुए आभार व्यक्त किया है।

गौरतलब है कि एक्ट्रेस शबनम खान उत्तर प्रदेश के जिला मिर्जापुर की रहने वाली हैं। मगर वे मुंबई में रहकर फ़िल्म जगत में करियर बनाने के लिए संघर्ष कर रही हैं। उन्होंने डांस और ऐक्टिंग की पूरी ट्रेनिंग लेकर ही बतौर अभिनेत्री पदार्पण कर रही हैं। उन्होंने रंगमंच से जुड़कर अभिनय की बारीकियां भी सीखीं हैं। वह जितनी अच्छी अदाकारा हैं, उतनी ही अच्छी नेकदिल इंसान भी हैं। बचपन से ही कुछ अलग करने व अपनी खास पहचान बनाने का उनका सपना अब साकार हो रहा है। बतौर हीरोइन फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में बड़ा मुकाम बनाकर स्टारडम हासिल करने का उनका बचपन का ख्वाब अब पूरा होने जा रहा है। वह भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में धमाकेदार एंट्री करके सिल्वर स्क्रीन पर अपने मोहक अदा व नृत्य का जलवा बिखेरने वाली हैं।

उल्लेखनीय है कि भोजपुरी सिनेमा के सुनहरे दौर में जहां रोजाना एक से बढ़कर एक बेहतरीन पारिवारिक फिल्मों का निर्माण किया जा रहा है तो वहीं प्रतिभाशाली नये एक्टर एक्ट्रेस का भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में एंट्री हो रही है। ऐसे में एक्ट्रेस शबनम खान ने भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में धमाकेदार एंट्री करने के कमर कस ली हैं। वे जल्द ही बैक टू बैक कई फिल्मों में अपने अभिनय का जलवा बिखरते हुए नजर आने वाली हैं, जिसकी जानकारी अतिशीघ्र दी जाएगी।

एक्ट्रेस शबनम खान के जन्मदिन पर लगा बधाईयों का तांता, जल्द करेंगी भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में धमाकेदार एंट्री

Actress Srishti Sharma Wishes Happy New Year 2025 To Her Fans, Followers And Her Producers Directors and One And All...

Srishti Sharma Actress And  Model Of  Outstanding Merits And Glimpses Of Latest Photo Shoot

Srishti Sharma, a name synonymous with talent and grace, has carved a niche for herself in the dynamic realm of acting and modeling. Renowned for her exceptional skills and captivating presence, Srishti Sharma is a Popular  star whose journey in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of remarkable. With a string of accolades and a portfolio brimming with diverse roles, she continues to captivate audiences with her remarkable performances and mesmerizing beauty. In this article, we delve into the outstanding merits and glimpses of the latest photo shoot that showcase the undeniable charm and prowess of this multifaceted artist.

Introduction to Srishti Sharma: A Shinning Star in the Entertainment Industry

Early Life and Background
Srishti Sharma, a name that has been gaining momentum in the entertainment industry, was born  at Delhi On 16 Sept. 1996  and brought up & did her graduation from Delhi University with big dreams. Her journey from humble beginnings to the glitzy world of acting and modeling is a tale of determination and passion.

Entry into the World of Acting and Modeling
With a twinkle in her eye and a spirit full of ambition, Srishti Sharma made her foray into the world of acting and modeling. Her natural charisma and dedication caught the attention of many, propelling her towards a path filled with lights, cameras, and endless possibilities.

Career Achievements and Recognition in Acting and Modeling

Notable Roles and Projects
Srishti Sharma has graced the screens with her mesmerizing performances in various notable roles and projects. From portraying diverse characters to adding depth to each role, she has showcased her versatility and talent, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.

Awards and Accolades
Srishti Sharma’s stellar performances have not gone unnoticed, earning her accolades and awards in the realm of acting and modeling. Her dedication and commitment to her craft have been recognized, solidifying her status as a rising star in the industry.

Behind the Scenes of Srishti Sharma’s Latest Photo Shoot

Concept and Inspiration
Step into the creative realm of Srishti Sharma’s latest photo shoot, where imagination meets innovation. The concept and inspiration behind the shoot reflect a fusion of artistry and vision, bringing to life captivating visuals that enchant the beholder.

Collaboration with Creative Team
Behind every incredible photo shoot lies a dedicated and talented team. Srishti Sharma’s collaboration with her creative team showcases a harmonious blend of ideas and expertise, resulting in a seamless execution that captures the essence of her unique persona.

Obstacles Faced in the Industry
Srishti Sharma’s path to success in the entertainment industry has been no walk in the park. From facing rejection at auditions to battling stereotypes and industry norms, she has encountered her fair share of challenges. Despite these hurdles, Srishti’s determination and passion for her craft have always pushed her to keep going, proving that resilience is key to overcoming obstacles in the competitive world of showbiz.

Vital Statics

Height 5’7

Wait 52

Vital 34 24 35

Color fare

Eyes colour light brown

Hair colour light brown

Rich look

Follow Her On Social Media

Actress Srishti Sharma Wishes Happy New Year 2025 To Her Fans, Followers And Her Producers Directors and One And All

ICMEI Declared 3rd January As International Day Of Cultural Relations...

Noida, India – In an unprecedented global celebration, 127 organizations with over 40,000 members spanning 145 countries came together on January 3, 2024, to mark the “International Day of Cultural Relations”. The day was declared by International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) on the birthday of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, a living legend, cultural ambassador to over 80 nations, and a tireless promoter of art and culture as tools for global unity.

The grand occasion was hosted at Marwah Studios, located in the heart of Film City, Noida, where artists, diplomats, and cultural leaders gathered to commemorate the inaugural celebration of this remarkable day. The event underscored the unifying power of art and culture in fostering global peace and harmony.

Speaking at the gathering, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, who has dedicated over 33 years to promoting love, peace, and unity through art and culture, said: “Art and culture are the most powerful tools to bring the world together. By celebrating this day, we aim to highlight the importance of cultural relations in bridging gaps and building lasting connections between nations. Today, we take a significant step forward by giving this mission a dedicated date to celebrate and remember.”

The announcement was met with widespread applause, as participants hailed this initiative as a beacon of hope in an increasingly divided world. Congratulatory messages poured in from dignitaries, artists, and cultural enthusiasts from around the globe. Leaders from various international organizations expressed their support for the mission to unite the world through cultural exchanges.

Dr. Marwah, who has been honored with numerous awards for his contributions to art and culture, was lauded by attendees as a visionary leader. Under his guidance, Marwah Studios has become a hub for fostering international collaborations in the fields of cinema, education, and cultural diplomacy.

The celebration also included a pledge by all participating organizations to continue promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
“We believe that cultural diplomacy is the need of the hour,” Dr. Marwah emphasized. “By celebrating our diversity and finding common ground through art, we can create a world that thrives on mutual respect and collaboration.”

The International Day of Cultural Relations will now serve as an annual reminder of the pivotal role that art and culture play in uniting people across the globe. This year’s celebration has set a strong precedent, inspiring communities worldwide to embrace the transformative power of cultural connections.

ICMEI Declared 3rd January As International Day Of Cultural Relations

पाखी हेगड़े ने नववर्ष पर बिहार में जरूरतमंद लोगों को वितरित किया कम्बल...

मुंबई से आकर भोजपुरी सिनेमा की सुपरस्टार अभिनेत्री और समाज सेविका पाखी हेगड़े जी ने बिहार में गरीब और शोषित समाज के बीच अपना नव वर्ष मनाया। इस विशेष अवसर पर उन्होंने जरूरतमंदों के बीच कंबल वितरण किया और सरकार की योजनाओं की आवश्यकता पर जोर दिया।

कंबल वितरण और सहायता

पाखी हेगड़े ने कहा, ‘नव वर्ष के इस खास मौके पर, मैं चाहती हूँ कि हमारी ओर से कुछ ऐसा किया जाए जिससे गरीब और जरूरतमंदों को ठंड से राहत मिले।’ इस दौरान उन्होंने कई जरूरतमंद परिवारों को कंबल वितरण किए और उनके चेहरे पर मुस्कान लाने का प्रयास किया।

सरकार की योजनाओं पर जोर

पाखी हेगड़े जी ने बिहार सरकार के प्रयासों की सराहना की और कहा, “सरकार अच्छा काम कर रही है, लेकिन सरकारी योजनाएँ सभी तक नहीं पहुँच पा रही हैं।” उन्होंने अधिकारियों से निवेदन किया कि वे हर घर तक सरकारी योजनाओं को पहुँचाएं ताकि गरीबों और शोषितों को इसका पूरा लाभ मिल सके।

अधिकारियों से अपील

पाखी हेगड़े जी ने अपनी बात को जारी रखते हुए कहा, ‘मैं सरकार के अधिकारियों से निवेदन करती हूँ कि वे अपनी योजनाओं को जमीन स्तर तक लागू करें और हर जरूरतमंद व्यक्ति तक उनकी पहुँच सुनिश्चित करें।” उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि अगर सभी योजनाएँ सही ढंग से लागू हों तो राज्य के गरीब और शोषित लोगों की समस्याओं का समाधान हो सकता है।’

समाज सेवा का संदेश

इस मौके पर पाखी हेगड़े जी ने समाज सेवा का महत्वपूर्ण संदेश भी दिया और कहा कि “समाज के हर व्यक्ति को आगे आकर जरूरतमंदों की मदद करनी चाहिए। नव वर्ष के इस शुभ अवसर पर, हम सबको मिलकर ऐसा कुछ करना चाहिए जो हमारे समाज के कमजोर वर्गों के जीवन को सुधार सके।”

समर्पित और प्रेरणादायक

पाखी हेगड़े जी का यह कदम ना सिर्फ प्रेरणादायक है बल्कि समाज के प्रति उनकी समर्पित भावना को भी दर्शाता है। उनके इस सामाजिक कार्य ने लोगों के दिलों में एक नई उम्मीद और ऊर्जा का संचार किया है।

पाखी हेगड़े ने नववर्ष पर बिहार में जरूरतमंद लोगों को वितरित किया कम्बल

With Dolly Singh, Sandeep Singh, And Sameer Fireboy, Dolly Studios’ MAAF KIYA Becomes An Unforgettable 1-Million-View Success!...

The recently released music video MAAF KIYA by Dolly Studios has taken the digital world by storm, crossing an impressive 1 million views on YouTube. Audiences worldwide have embraced this emotional saga, showering it with love and praise. Directed by the renowned Team DS Creations® and unveiled on Christmas evening, this captivating piece tells a poignant story of love, sacrifice, and the weight of societal expectations. Social media is abuzz, and the song is now a trending sensation on audio streaming platforms, solidifying its status as a modern classic.

In MAAF KIYA, Dolly Singh delivers a standout performance as a young woman caught between her true love, played by Sameer Fireboy, and her family’s unyielding demands. Her portrayal of vulnerability and strength has won accolades, marking it as a defining moment in her career. The music video begins with a seemingly innocent scene of Sameer dropping Dolly off at her home on his modest bike. This touching moment sets the stage for the emotional upheaval that follows. Dolly’s father, portrayed by Phool Singh, vehemently opposes their relationship due to Sameer’s humble background. The story intensifies as Dolly is confined to her home, cut off from Sameer, and coerced into an arranged marriage with the affluent Sandeep Singh.

The wedding sequence is a heart-wrenching culmination of events. Dolly’s quiet despair is evident as she introduces Sameer to her wealthy fiancé at the venue. Sameer’s pain is equally palpable as he reflects on their cherished moments together before leaving the ceremony. The video concludes with an emotional exchange of glances between Dolly and Sameer, leaving viewers deeply moved and reflecting on the sacrifices love often demands.

The music, composed by Shahrukh Mashkoor and sung soulfully by Shadab Faridi, amplifies the story’s emotional resonance. With its haunting melody and evocative lyrics, the song has captivated listeners and is trending across major audio platforms. Fans have described Maaf Kiya as a melody that lingers long after the first listen, cementing its place as a cherished anthem for love and loss.

Dolly Studios has emerged as a formidable name in the entertainment industry with this release. Director Dinesh Sudarshan Soi has been widely praised for his masterful storytelling and ability to draw powerful performances from the cast. Behind the scenes, the production team showcased remarkable synergy. Executive Producer Deepak Soi ensured smooth operations, while Creative Director Sonia Malhotra Soi added depth and authenticity to the narrative. Team DS Creations® meticulously handled the casting and costumes, enhancing the video’s aesthetic appeal. The technical team, including DOP Vikas K Sharma, Associate Director Gaurav Sharma, First Assistant Director Yugal Harrison, Costume AD Rageswari Mahanta, and Make-Up Head Vrutti Jagda, contributed their expertise to create a visual and emotional masterpiece.

The grand premiere of MAAF KIYA on Christmas was a glittering event attended by prominent personalities from the entertainment world. Since its release, the video has gained immense traction, with audiences hailing Dolly Singh’s performance as transformative. The storyline’s universal appeal and emotional depth have sparked conversations, making it a cultural phenomenon.

MAAF KIYA is more than just a music video—it’s a deeply cinematic experience that explores the timeless themes of love, sacrifice, and societal constraints. With its exceptional direction, memorable performances, and mesmerizing music, this masterpiece is set to remain etched in the hearts of audiences for years to come.

With Dolly Singh, Sandeep Singh, And Sameer Fireboy, Dolly Studios’ MAAF KIYA Becomes An Unforgettable 1-Million-View Success!


“Marathi Film Vaama-Ladhai Sanmanachi Will Have Tirthanand’s Comedy Tadka…”...

The upcoming Marathi film ‘Vama-Ladhai Sanmanachi’ is the story of Sarla (played by Kashmira Kulkarni) and the film narrates her journey. Sarla, a young woman, suffers humiliation and abuse from her husband Suresh (played by Mahesh Wanve), who is ego-driven and a man devoid of respect. Despite promising to help Sarla with her education, Suresh mistreats Sarla as well as her mother and sister. Sarla, frustrated by the passive acceptance of such behaviour by her mother and mother-in-law, resolves to regain her self-respect. In this “Marathi film Vama-Ladhai Sanmanachi you will get to see the tadka of Tirthanand’s comedy…”

The cast of the film is: Kashmira G. Kulkarni and Dr. Mahesh Kumar, along with Ganesh Divekar, Jui B., Tirthanand Rao, Avadhoot Chintan, Sanjeevani Patil, Pradnya Kelkar, Amol Dorugade, Ruhi Naik, Sangma Kulkarni, Kunal Kumar Bantalu, Sanchita Bhavsar. The item lavani song is done by Gautami Patil, sung by Vaishali Sawant.

The film is written, directed and conceptualized by Ashok R. Kondke under the banner of Omkareshwara Productions, and produced by Subramanyam. Cinematography is handled by Dheeraj Katkade, dialogues are written by Tarang Vaidya, and art direction is done by Ravi Kondke. The film gives a strong message on women empowerment, highlighting the disparity between the ideals of gender equality and the reality faced by women. All the actors in the film have played their characters very strongly, especially Tirthanand Rao who has played the comedy character brilliantly in a new way.

Director Ashok Kondke ji says that Tirthanand Rao is my younger brother, he has already done the second negative role of the main partner in my first Hindi film Mumbai Special Pav Bhaji and in this Marathi film Vama, he has done a very brilliant and wonderful comedy role of Pandit, which was beyond my imagination. The film “Vama” will be released in February 2025. Tirthanand Rao will also do upcoming Marathi and Hindi projects together in 2025.

The Muhurat of the film was held in Ujjain (Mahakal Nagari), Madhya Pradesh. The cast and crew were deeply inspired to start their project with the divine blessings of Mahakal, which created a positive and energetic atmosphere.


“Marathi Film Vaama-Ladhai Sanmanachi Will Have Tirthanand’s Comedy Tadka…”

संचिता बनर्जी और आकाश यादव का पहला वीडियो सांग ‘बढ़िया लागेलू’ हुआ रिलीज...

नया वर्ष 2025 का स्वागत आकाश यादव ने नई पारी के साथ किया है। उन्होंने फिल्मों में अभिनय के साथ ही साथ अब म्यूजिक वीडियो में अपनी आवाज और अभिनय कला का जौहर दिखाना शुरू कर दिया है। जी हाँ! भोजपुरी सिनेमा की पॉपुलर अदाकारा संचिता बनर्जी के साथ हैंडसम हंक आकाश यादव ने अपना पहला म्यूजिकल वीडियो सांग ‘बढ़िया लागेलू’ नये साल के पहले दिन ही लेकर आये हैं। जिसे पुन्नी एंटरटेनमेंट के यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। इस गाने में संचिता बनर्जी और आकाश यादव के बीच रोमांटिक केमिस्ट्री देखने को मिल रही है। इस गाने में दिखाया गया है कि आकाश यादव रोमांटिक मूड में संचिता बनर्जी के रूप श्रृंगार की बखान कर रहे हैं और अपना प्यार जता रहे हैं। इस गाने का फिल्मांकन बहुत ही प्यारा किया गया है। इस गाने का बोल बहुत ही सरल है, जोकि आसानी से जुबान पर चढ़ जाता है। संगीत बहुत ही मधुर बनाया गया है जो सुनने में बहुत ही कर्णप्रिय लग रहा है।

गौरतलब है कि पुन्नी एंटरटेनमेंट फ़िल्म प्रोडक्शन हाउस अब म्यूजिक इंडस्ट्री में भी धमाकेदार कदम रख दिया है। यह म्यूजिक कंपनी ने बिग लेवल पर पहला म्यूजिक वीडियो सांग ‘बढ़िया लागेलू’ का निर्माण किया है। इस वीडियो सांग की प्रोड्यूसर पूनम यादव हैं। सिंगर आकाश यादव और नेहा राज हैं। गीतकार और संगीतकार अंसार हुसैन हैं। निर्देशक चिराग दत्ता कश्यप कोरियोग्राफर सुदामा मिंज हैं।

संचिता बनर्जी और आकाश यादव का पहला वीडियो सांग ‘बढ़िया लागेलू’ हुआ रिलीज

“मराठी फिल्म वामा-लढाई सन्मानाची का में देखने को मिलेगा तीर्थानंद की कॉमेडी का तड़का…”...

जल्द ही आने वाली मराठी फिल्म ‘वामा- लढाई सन्मानाची’ कहानी है सरला (काश्मीरा कुलकर्णी द्वारा अभिनीत) की और यह फिल्म उसकी यात्रा का वर्णन करती है, सरला, एक युवा महिला है जो अपने पति सुरेश (महेश वानवे द्वारा अभिनीत) से अपमान और दुर्व्यवहार सहती है, जो अहंकार से प्रेरित और सम्मान से रहित व्यक्ति है। वह सरला की शिक्षा में मदद करने का वादा करने के बावजूद, सुरेश सरला के साथ-साथ उसकी माँ और बहन के साथ भी दुर्व्यवहार करता है। सरला, अपनी माँ और सास द्वारा इस तरह के व्यवहार की निष्क्रिय स्वीकृति से निराश होकर, अपने आत्म-सम्मान को पुनः प्राप्त करने का संकल्प लेती है। इस “मराठी फिल्म वामा-लढाई सन्मानाची का में देखने को मिलेगा तीर्थानंद की कॉमेडी का तड़का…”

फ़िल्म के कलाकार हैं: कश्मीरा जी कुलकर्णी व डॉ. महेश कुमार, साथ में गणेश दिवेकर, जुई बी., तीर्थानंद राव, अवधूत चिंतन, संजीवनी पाटिल, प्रदन्या केलकर, अमोल दोरुगाडे, रूही नाइके, संगमा कुलकर्णी, कुणाल कुमार बंटालू, संचिता भावसार। आइटम लावनी गीत, गौतमी पाटिल ने किया है, जिसको वैशाली सावंत ने गाया।

फिल्म का लेखन, निर्देशन और संकल्पना ओंकारेश्वरा प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले अशोक आर. कोंडके द्वारा की गई है, और निर्माता सुब्रमण्यम के हैं। छायांकन धीरज कटकड़े द्वारा संभाला गया है, संवाद तरंग वैद्य द्वारा लिखे गए हैं, और कला निर्देशन रवि कोंडके द्वारा किया गया है। फिल्म महिला सशक्तिकरण पर एक मजबूत संदेश देती है, लैंगिक समानता के आदर्शों और महिलाओं द्वारा सामना की जाने वाली वास्तविकता के बीच असमानता को उजागर करती है। फिल्म के सभी कलाकारो ने अपने-आने किरदार को बहुत सशक्त रूप से निभाया है, विशेषकर तीर्थानंद राव ने कॉमेडी किरदार को नए अंदाज में शानदार तरीके से निभाया है।

निर्देशक अशोक कोंडके जी का कहना है कि तीर्थानंद राव मेरा छोटा भाई है, वह मेरी पहले हिंदी फिल्म मुंबई सेपिकेल पाव भाजी में मुख्य साथी का दूसरा नकारात्मक किरदार कर चूका है और इस मराठी फिल्म वामा में पंडित का बहुत शानदार व बढ़िया कॉमेडी किरदार का काम किया, जो मेरी सोच से भी आगे रहा। फ़िल्म “वामा” फरवरी 2025 में प्रदर्शित होगी। तीर्थानंद राव आगामी मराठी और हिंदी प्रोजेक्ट भी 2025 में साथ  करेंगे।

फिल्म का मुहूर्त मध्य प्रदेश के उज्जैन (महाकाल नगरी ) में आयोजित किया गया था। कलाकारों और क्रू को महाकाल के दिव्य आशीर्वाद से अपना प्रोजेक्ट शुरू करने के लिए गहराई से प्रेरित किया गया, जिससे एक सकारात्मक और ऊर्जावान माहौल तैयार हुआ।


“मराठी फिल्म वामा-लढाई सन्मानाची का में देखने को मिलेगा तीर्थानंद की कॉमेडी का तड़का…”

SACHIN JAIN The Popular Person Event Organiser & Media Person Of Ujjain !...

Sachin Jain

Brain Behind Star Event Company

Situated at 16,Tirupati Dham Kaani Pura Tarana Road Ujjain (MP)

Email id-:

Instagram Id-: Sachin Jain

This most energetic person is the personal manager of  Madhu Sharma Look A Like Madhuri Dixit. Recently she has performed a dance number with ARIF KHAN, look like Anil Kapoor.

Her dance number was highly appreciated by public n media.


SACHIN JAIN The Popular Person Event Organiser & Media Person Of Ujjain !

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने अभिनेत्री दिया मुखर्जी के साथ एक्सक्लूसिव कॉन्ट्रैक्ट किया साईन...

नए साल में नया धमाल मचाने जा रही बंगाली बाला ‘दिया मुखर्जी’ ने अब भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में कदम रख दिया है। वह बतौर एक्ट्रेस धमाल मचाने के लिए कमर कस लिया है। जी हाँ! बंगाली फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री की खूबसूरत अदाकारा दिया मुखर्जी ने वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी म्यूजिक कंपनी के साथ एक्सक्लूसिव कॉन्ट्रैक्ट साइन कर लिया है। वह जल्द ही वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स की फिल्मों और अल्बम्स में नजर आने वाली हैं।

यह जानकारी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के एमडी रत्नाकर कुमार ने अपने इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट पर पोस्ट करके दी है…

उन्होंने दिया मुखर्जी की फ़ोटो पोस्ट करते हुए लिखा है कि… ‘वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी ने अभिनेत्री दीया मुखर्जी को एक्सक्लूसिव साइन किया’

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने अभिनेत्री दिया मुखर्जी के साथ एक्सक्लूसिव कॉन्ट्रैक्ट किया साईन

INTERNATIONAL CROWNING 2024 Grand Show Held In Navi Mumbai...

INTERNATIONAL CROWNING 2024  Winners List & Photos

* Queen of Global International 2024


* Queen of Earth Asia Universe 2024


* Queen of Global Universe 2024


* Universe Trans Community


* Queen of Asia 2024


* Queen of Euro Asia 2024

Winner :- MIRA NEKAL

* Asia Continent Queen 2024


* Queen of Pacific Universe 2024

Winner:- MRS SEEMA


INTERNATIONAL CROWNING 2024 Grand Show Held In Navi Mumbai

MOTHER’S EMBRACE A Photography Exhibition By Devendra Naik In Jehangir Art Gallery...

From: 25th to 31st December 2024

“Mother’s Embrace” – the timeless bond of love

A Photography Exhibition by Renowned Photographer Devendra Naik


Jehangir Art Gallery

Terrace Gallery

M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: +91 9833113555, +91 9920430607

This exhibition explores the profound bond between a mother and her child, capturing a relationship defined by care, sacrifice, and unconditional love through a series of compelling photographs.

“A mother’s embrace is more than just a physical touch—it’s a profound experience of pure, selfless affection,” says Devendra Naik. Through his lens, he seeks to portray the unseen struggles, quiet sacrifices, and heartfelt moments of a mother’s journey.

The release of Coffee Table book – Chitrakatha and the Photography exhibition was inaugurated on 25 December 2024 by Dr. Ajit Kumar Mohanty – Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (GOI), Shri Dattatraya Padekar – Renowned Senior Artist, Shri Ashok Bagwe – Renowned poet and author, Shri Kumar Desai – Advocate,  Mumbai High Court, Mr. Parvez Damania and Mrs. Roshani Damania – Businessman, Mr. Mudit Jain  and Mrs. Malti Jain – Businessman, Architect Suchit Gadakari – MD, Sankalpana Designs, Mr. Pranav Vaswani – Director, Felix Schoeller India, Mr. Vishal Dudeja – PR and Marketing, The Lalit Mumbai, Mr. Vimal Parmar – India Editor, Photo Imaging News, Mr. Achal Jain – Fine Art Digital Imaging Pvt Ltd., Mr. Satish Solankurkar – Renowned poet and many others.

This show is curated by Trupti Naik.

What You will Experience:

This exhibition takes you on an emotional journey through themes like:

  • A mother’s relentless pursuit to shape her child’s dreams.
  • Her tireless efforts to balance work and family.
  • Stories of motherhood in tribal traditions.
  • The legacy of nurturing passed down through grandparents.
  • Motherly love in Mother Nature, a nurturing force we often take for granted.

Nature as the Universal Mother

We call her Mother Nature because, like a mother, she gives selflessly – providing us with life-sustaining resources, shelter, and beauty. She mirrors a mother’s care, strength, and sacrifices. Yet, as humanity prospers, we often neglect and exploit her generosity.

This exhibition sheds light on this delicate relationship, urging viewers to reflect on the ways we can honor and protect the planet we call home. The theme reminds us that nurturing our natural world is as crucial as cherishing the mothers who raise us.

An Invitation to Feel and Reflect

“Motherhood is not just a relationship; it’s a constant presence guiding us through life’s every phase,” says Devendra. This exhibition invites you to reflect on the true meaning of a mother’s love—be it from the one who gave us life or from the Earth that sustains us.


MOTHER’S EMBRACE A Photography Exhibition By Devendra Naik In Jehangir Art Gallery

Actress Moonmoon Chakraborty Is Doing An Item Song In Her Upcoming Hindi Feature Film BIJLI KA LATTU...

Actress Moonmoon Chakraborty is doing an item song in her upcoming Hindi feature film ‘Bijli Ka Lattu’. The Muhurat and Ganesh Puja of this film has been done and the shooting of the film has also started. The shooting of the film is being done in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The director of this film is Dhiru Yadav and the producer is Keshav Maheshwari. The main actors of this film are Rajiv Verma, Sanjay Pandey, Rajaram, Ambika Vani, Sandeep Yadav, Ritu Maheshwari, Moonmoon Chakraborty, Rajiv Ayachi, Yogesh Tiwari, Dwarika Dahiya, Ananya Rathi, Pushpa Panth, Bunty Sharma, Ankit Agarwal and Shivam Yadav. The film is being shot by Satyaprakash. Moonmoon Chakraborty’s special item song is in this film which gives momentum to the film.

Although Moonmoon is from Calcutta, she was brought up and educated in Mumbai.

Her web series, music video and short film are also coming. She is working on many projects. She has a company named ‘Style Agent’. She is also working on many projects under the banner of her company. She has been awarded many awards as a fashion designer, model and actress.

She has been honored with the India International Influencer Award 2024 by Mannara Chopra in Bangkok, where actress Noza Sheikh was the show stopper, Sunita S Bawa was the creative and Rajesh Rai did the videography, she has also been honored by Isha Koppikar in Bollywood Lifestyle. Apart from this, she has been honored with the Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award, Bollywood Legend Award, Rashtriya Ratna Samman, Bollywood Iconic Award, which she has received from legends like famous singer Kumar Sanu and Padma Shri Udit Narayan. Moonmoon has worked in the Bengali film industry.

Moonmoon has done modeling and fashion shows, after that she is working in the film industry in Mumbai. She has appeared in the music videos of many companies like T Series. Moonmoon has worked in the advertisements of many saree, jewelry and Indian clothing brands. Moonmoon Chakraborty is a multi-talented person. She is good at acting, dancing, fashion designing and modeling. She is a good swimmer, adept at cooking at a different and professional level and is also proficient in Judo Karate. Moonmoon always likes to do and learn something new. Moonmoon is proficient in Kathak dance and is also very good at hip-hop and Bollywood dance.

Moonmoon has done a course in fashion designing and has her own brand in which designer clothes are made for many celebs and film actors. She has also learned a cooking course. Moonmoon Chakraborty is a big fan of the acting of actors Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. She likes hot, bindaas and glamorous roles.

Moonmoon likes to do something new and different. She always keeps learning something new. She says that you should never give up, there is talent hidden inside you, recognize it. Moonmoon is a positive thinker, self-respecting and religious. She is a very dedicated and hardworking person and does not give up easily.


Actress Moonmoon Chakraborty Is Doing An Item Song In Her Upcoming Hindi Feature Film BIJLI KA LATTU

Actress Kamna Sharma Has Done Many Plays, Including “Aashadh Ka Ek Din”, “Kala Ghoda ” , “Ulti Salwar” And “Aadhe Adhure”...

Actress Kamna Sharma is acting in South Indian films. The shooting of that film is currently underway. She is playing the lead role in this film. Kamna Sharma started her career as a model. She has done many print and ad shoots. She has worked in theatre and has done many plays, including “Aashadh Ka Ek Din” , ” Kala Ghoda  ” ,  “Ulti Salwar ” and  “Aadhe Adhure ” In the play Aashadh Ka Ek Din, she played the role of Queen Priyangumanjari, who was the wife of poet Kalidas.

Kamna Sharma has acted in singer Richa Sharma’s music video song ‘Tera Dhokha’. She has also played the lead role in the short movie ‘Sunday Girlfriend’.

Her upcoming projects include South films and music videos. Kamna Sharma has been fond of acting since childhood. She hails from Meerut city of Uttar Pradesh and came to Mumbai to fulfill her dream. Kamna Sharma has walked the ramp in many cities like Jaipur, Chandigarh, etc. She likes actress Priyanka Chopra and actor Akshay Kumar very much. She likes watching movies, dancing, acting and going on long drives with her friends.

Kamna says that she wants to play such roles that the audience recognizes her as a good actress. She says that acting is my passion. She believes that acting is in your blood, you don’t have to learn it, you just have to hone your skills. If you work with full patience and dedication, you will definitely get success.

Kamna Sharma is busy with her upcoming projects and is very excited about them.

Diship Garg: From Ghaziabad To Global Acclaim – A Journey Of Music, Passion, And Perseverance...

Born on August 30, 1996, in Ghaziabad, India, Diship Garg’s life is a testament to the transformative power of music. From his humble beginnings as a devotional singer at the tender age of seven to becoming a multi-faceted artist and music consultant in New York, Diship’s journey is one of relentless dedication, versatility, and impact.

The Early Days in India

Diship’s musical journey began in Ghaziabad, where his talent was nurtured under the guidance of his kindergarten mentor, Ms. Preeti, and esteemed figures like Bhajan Samrat Anup Jalota and Ravindra Jain. By the age of 12, Diship had already achieved national recognition, earning the title of ‘India’s

Youngest Bhajan Singer’ in the India Book of Records in 2008.

His captivating performances garnered accolades from dignitaries, including the former Vice President of India, the Defence Minister, and the Chief Ministers of Delhi and Uttarakhand. In 2009, Diship’s influence extended internationally when he was invited by the Government of Sri Lanka to perform in Colombo.

Diship began a decade-long association with T-Series, one of India’s leading music labels, releasing seven devotional and Urdu albums. Highlights include Shyam Ji Ka SMS and Zindagi Ek Kiraye Ka Ghar Hai, which cemented his place as a rising star in the Indian music industry.

Academic Pursuits and Growth

Diship’s insatiable thirst for knowledge drove him to pursue multiple advanced degrees. He holds a Master’s in Indian Classical Vocal from Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, a Master’s in Economics, a Master’s in Public Policy from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, and a Master’s in Music Business (Music Technology) from New York University (NYU). These achievements reflect his commitment to understanding music’s multifaceted world and its intersections with business, policy, and technology.

At NYU, Diship’s leadership shone as he organized flagship events like the Benny Blanco gathering and annual alumni reunions. His academic excellence earned him the prestigious Steinhardt Alumni Scholarship, the Dean Mary Brabeck Scholarship, and recognition for Outstanding Contribution to the Graduate Music Business Program.

Professional Excellence

Diship’s career is as diverse as his skill set. In India, he produced chart-topping singles for Twelve Strings Productions and directed devotional reality shows for Subharti Channel. He also taught underprivileged students through NGO Antarang, instilling a love for music in future generations.

In the U.S., Diship made his mark at AEG Presents-TMWRK Management, contributing to marketing campaigns, presale coordination, and content production for artists such as Major Lazer and Jai Paul. A recent highlight of his work at TMWRK includes video editing for London-based artist Qendresa’s song ‘Whatever You Like.’ At Adhyâropa Records LLC, he managed operations for 50 artists, spearheading innovative release strategies and collaborating with PR firms.

At NYU’s Create Research Lab, Diship pushed the boundaries of innovation, working on VR projects that blended music and technology. As a Concert Recordist, he documented 50 live performances, showcasing his technical expertise in audio production.

Awards and Recognition

Diship’s career is adorned with numerous accolades, including the prestigious Agra Vibhushan Award presented by former Vice President of India Hamid Ansari, the Meri Dilli Award conferred by former Chief Minister of Delhi Sheila Dikshit, and recognition as ‘India’s Youngest Bhajan Singer’ in 2008 by the India Book of Records. His academic accomplishments, including multiple scholarships at NYU, along with invitations to perform on international stages, further underscore his remarkable journey.

A Visionary in Music

Beyond his professional roles, Diship is a cultural ambassador. As the author of Music – The Mirror of the Soul, he examines the societal impact of music. As co-founder of Sri Sri Ganesh International, he has led operational strategies, data visualization, and website creation.

Today, Diship balances his consultancy work in New York with creating his own music, achieving significant streaming milestones on platforms like Spotify and YouTube. His ability to fuse Indian classical heritage with contemporary innovation has established him as a global music visionary.

Looking Ahead

Diship is committed to furthering his mission of cultural exchange through music. He plans to launch workshops in New York that blend Indian classical traditions with global sounds while collaborating with emerging artists. His journey from Ghaziabad to New York serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring artists, embodying excellence, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to community impact.

Diship Garg: From Ghaziabad To Global Acclaim – A Journey Of Music, Passion, And Perseverance

समर सिंह और नम्रता मल्ला का वायरल गाना ‘बलमुआ के बल्लम’ का 140 मिलियन व्यूज का मना जश्न वाराणसी में...

140 मिलियन पार समर सिंह और नम्रता मल्ला का गाना ‘बलमुआ के बल्लम’, वाराणसी में मनाया गया सेलिब्रेशन

करोड़ो दिलों की धड़कन देसी स्टार समर सिंह ने मात्र पाँच महीने में ही 140 मिलियन प्लस व्यूज देकर एक और नया कीर्तिमान स्थापित कर दिया है। हरदम संगीत प्रेमियों के दिलों में राज करने वाले समर सिंह और हॉट केक अदाकारा नम्रता मल्ला की शानदार जोड़ी में आया बिगेस्ट हिट सांग ‘बलमुआ के बल्लम’ 140 मिलियन व्यूज ‘टी-सीरीज हमार भोजपुरी’ के यूट्यूब चैनल पर पार कर चुका है, जिसका सेलिब्रेशन धूमधाम से वाराणसी में किया गया।

सेलिब्रेशन पार्टी में देसी स्टार समर सिंह, एक्ट्रेस नम्रता मल्ला, टी-सीरीज हमार भोजपुरी के प्रोजेक्ट हेड सोनू श्रीवास्तव, वीडियो डायरेक्टर आशीष सत्यार्थी, सिंगर नेहा राज, गीतकार आलोक यादव, संगीतकार एडीआर सहित संगीतकार आशीष वर्मा, समाज सेवक अंकित मिश्रा, कोरियोग्राफर अनुज मौर्य सहित बहुत से गणमान्य व बहुत से क्रिएटर मौजूद थे। सभी के साथ केक काटकर जश्न मनाया गया।

गौरतलब है कि मात्र 5 महीने में ही यह गाना ‘बलमुआ के बल्लम’ 141 मिलियन व्यूज टी-सीरीज हमार भोजपुरी के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर हासिल कर चुका है। और इतना ही नहीं इस गाने को और समर सिंह को लोगों का बहुत ज्यादा प्यार आशीर्वाद मिल रहा है। मस्ती से भरपूर गाना ‘बलमुआ के बल्लम’ को समर सिंह ने अपने खास अंदाज में गाकर सबका दिल जीत लिया है, वहीं उनके स्वर में स्वर मिलाया है सिंगर नेहा राज ने।

इस सांग के वीडियो में समर सिंह ने हॉट एक्ट्रेस नम्रता मल्ला के बोल्ड लुक के साथ गरदा उड़ा दिया है। इस गाने के वीडियो में समर सिंह जहाँ बड़े बाल और बढ़ी दाढ़ी में अट्रैक्टिव लुक में नजर आ रहे हैं तो वहीं बोल्ड लुक में नम्रता मल्ला पानी में आग लगाने का काम कर रही है। उनकी केमेस्ट्री जहां काफी शानदार लग रही है, वहीं उनका मस्ती से भरपूर डांस बहुत ही मजेदार है।

इस गाने को गीतकार आलोक यादव ने लिखा है। संगीतकार एडीआर आनन्द ने इस गाने को मधुर संगीत से सजाया है। कॉन्सेप्ट समर मोदी का है। वीडियो डायरेक्टर आशीष सत्यार्थी हैं, प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजर सोनू श्रीवास्तव, डीओपी राहुल, कोरियोग्राफर असलम, एडिटर पंकज साव, डीआई रोहित सिंह ने किया है।

समर सिंह और नम्रता मल्ला का वायरल गाना ‘बलमुआ के बल्लम’ का 140 मिलियन व्यूज का मना जश्न वाराणसी में

Hon’ble Prime Minister Of India Shri Narendra Modi Jii Is Honoured With ATAL GLOBAL PEACE NOBEL AWARD 2024 From His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan...

Hon’ble Prime Minister Of India Shri Narendra Modi Jii is Honoured with ” ATAL GLOBAL PEACE NOBEL AWARD 2024″ from His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan , Eminent Scientist, The Chairman cum Chief Rector of AUGP, USA .

Hon’ble Prime Minister Of India Shri Narendra Modi Jii is Honoured with ” ATAL GLOBAL PEACE NOBEL AWARD 2024″  from His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan , The Eminent Scientist , Chairman cum Chief Rector of The UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY FOR GLOBAL PEACE USA , as a tribute to Hon’ble late Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji  on his Birthday Jayanthi in a befitting event at Jammu , India .

The  international prestigious Award ,from USA , ATAL GLOBAL PEACE NOBEL AWARD ‘ to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi Jii on his behalf was received by the Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh , PMO Minister in a befitting special program in Jammu in  the Theatre  of J & K Academy Of Arts , Culture & Language  on 22/12/2024.

In his key note address , H.E. Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan informed that this Atal Global Peace Nobel Award was honoured to Hon’ble Narender Modi Jii on the basis of the board resolution passed by the board of Governing Council of Governors & Senate members of AUGP & UNUGP USA in it’s  branches in 120 countries. Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan in his address told that The incredible services of Hon’ble Narendra Modi Jii for  his incredible efforts to make  India Sustainable Developed and Strong Nation , Viswa Guru on the concept of “Vasudev Kutumbkamb” ( World is One Family )

The organizer team consists of Prof. Dr. Kulbhushan Malhotra , The President of Parmeswari Care & Cure  Charitable Trust ,Dr. Romesh Khajuria,Chairman

Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India, Wool Sector, Mr. Pawan Sharma President of PKS Films Creations & many reputed personalities like former Army General Goverdhan Singh Jamwal , Brigadier Dr. Vijay Sagar Dhwman  , etc made this special event very colourful by presenting many Indigenous Dogra Cultural programs  & Presented Awards to Many achievers.

The Sangathan Minister Shri Ashok Koul  MLAs , MPs and many top leaders of different communities honoured many artists and achievers on the occasion.

H.E. Amb. Dr. Neeraj Tandan The Director cum Dean of AUGP & UNUGP USA also graced the occasion and presented Nation Building Awards to Many achievers & Nation Builders on the occasion.

The anchor Mrs. Rajini  read the letter of Appreciation from the US President Elected Donald Trump’s office ,from the Chairman of MPAC  Dr. Mark Burns who is the Spiritual Advisor to Hon’ble  Donald Trump  & Chairman of MPAC USA .

The Text of the Officeal letter addressed to His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan, quote , ” We acknowledge and appreciate Your incredible Support through your entire Inter-Faith Community , Indian ,Asian Communities in USA to give their mandate to elect His Excellency Mr. Donald Trump the Hon’ble President of USA.

We are also delighted to appreciate your noble Mission of Establishing Global Peace through your groups of AUGP GLOBAL PEACE Institutions & Universities world wide .

We wish you all  The Very best in all your endeavours.

With Blessings

Ps. Dr. Mark Burns,

Spiritual Advisor to President Donald Trump,

Chairman MPAC USA ”

Unquote .

H.E. Prof. Dr. Kulbhushan Mohtra in his address informed that AUGP & UNUGP  USA a 501 (c ) ( 3 )  Inter – Govt. Organisation  ( IGO ) is legally incorporated under the Law of Federal Govt. of USA with a validity period of 99 Years , having good standing and Federal Tax Exemption by IRS, Federal Govt of USA.

Her Excellency  Dr Daljeet Kaur  as Ambassador of AUGP USA ( India Chapter ) ,on behalf of all the board of Governing Council of Governors, Senate members of AUGP  / UNUGP USA in 120 Countries have  conveyed heartiest congratulations to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Modi Jii


Hon’ble Prime Minister Of India Shri Narendra Modi Jii Is Honoured With  ATAL GLOBAL PEACE NOBEL AWARD 2024 From His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan

Angel Tetarbe Is Shooting For A Short Film In Hollywood, Los Angeles...

Angel shot for a short film in Hollywood  where she  Is playing in the role of representing India on the red Carpet in International Film Festival,

Angel says – It was a great moment for me shooting with Hollywood directors n producers .

It was a great working with my co stars .

We were Shooting in a big house ,near Pacific  Ocean was such a beautiful view of the blue Ocean.

Short film will be releasing soon Worldwide ,then the movie name will be released .

India n USA stands together for World Peace “

Let’s stay strong  n  united for

Mission World Peace

Angel Tetarbe

Miss Glamourface World India

International Peace Ambassador

Angel Tetarbe Is Shooting For A Short Film In   Hollywood, Los Angeles

SRAM & MRAM Group and Paradigm Pictures AD Ltd Announce Landmark Merger in London’s Prestigious Warren House...

A monumental merger between global conglomerate SRAM & MRAM Group and the renowned film production company Paradigm Pictures AD Ltd was unveiled at an exclusive event held at the prestigious Warren House. This partnership signifies a groundbreaking venture that combines luxury, technology, and storytelling, poised to revolutionize the entertainment landscape in India and beyond.

Dr. Sailesh L. Hiranandani, Chairman of SRAM & MRAM Group, and Mr. Arvind Dharmaraj, Chairman of Paradigm Pictures, graced the event. This merger signals SRAM & MRAM Group’s strategic foray into the high-end entertainment sector in India, further cementing its legacy of innovation and sustainable growth.

SRAM & MRAM Group has earned its reputation through a diverse portfolio that spans technology, finance, agriculture, healthcare, energy, hospitality, and infrastructure. The group’s leadership in pioneering technological advancements and sustainable practices has made it a global powerhouse. With this merger, SRAM & MRAM brings its expertise into the entertainment industry, aiming to blend technical excellence with Paradigm Pictures’ creative brilliance.

“Our vision is to create a world-class film city, seamlessly blending cutting-edge technology with elite talent from Europe and the US, redefining the standards of storytelling and production excellence,” stated Dr. Sailesh L. Hiranandani, outlining the group’s aspirations.

A cornerstone of the merger is the proposed development of a 50-acre film city, set to commence construction soon.

Envisioned as a global benchmark for film production, this facility will offer comprehensive infrastructure, including customizable sets for schools, hospitals, and residential spaces. This all-encompassing ecosystem will simplify the filmmaking process for creators.

The film city will feature:

  • World-Class Studios – Equipped with advanced VFX capabilities and top-tier dubbing and editing suites.
  • Luxury Preview Theatres – Five theatres with Dolby Atmos technology, including two with over 100 seats for press screenings and three with 25 ultra-premium seats for exclusive previews.
  • Opulent Lodging and Resorts – Ten high-end resorts, each with private pools and four-bedroom accommodations for celebrities, alongside a 100-room facility for film crews.
  • Recreation and Event Spaces – Featuring a café, pub, conference halls, and a sophisticated venue for audio launches, effortlessly combining production and leisure.

Paradigm Pictures AD Ltd showcased its cinematic prowess at the Warren House event with its award-winning Cannes short film. Celebrated for its compelling storytelling, Paradigm Pictures has achieved streaming milestones with V1 Murder Case and Harkara, each surpassing 100 million minutes on Amazon Prime Video. With seven projects currently in development, the studio continues to shape impactful narratives that resonate across the globe.

Global and Pan-Indian Productions in the Pipeline

The newly merged entity is poised to begin production of high-profile pan-Indian films once the state-of-the-art film city enters its construction phase. The first slate of five films will draw inspiration from novels and real-life stories and feature celebrated actors. Simultaneously, the collaboration will expand into European and American markets, combining Indian storytelling traditions with global filmmaking expertise to deliver internationally appealing projects.

Elevating the merger’s allure, the alliance with RingDance Entertainment will bring the Nordic Casefiles trilogy to life, inspired by the acclaimed novel Bird Whisperer by Ruud & Mild. This ambitious project includes::

  • RUUD & MILD: Nordic Casefiles (Game) – A real-time interactive mystery-solving experience.
  • BIRD WHISPERER (TV Series) – A deep dive into Scandinavian crime stories.
  • PARISTAN (Feature Film) – A powerful tale of a father’s search for his missing son in Stockholm, revealing hidden truths.

The event witnessed the presence of distinguished guests, including representatives from BBC, Netflix, and associates of renowned director Danny Boyle. Attendees celebrated the merger with awards recognizing contributions to technology, the arts, and sustainable development.

This historic evening at Warren House heralds a transformative chapter in global entertainment, setting the stage for groundbreaking projects destined to captivate audiences worldwide.


SRAM & MRAM Group and Paradigm Pictures AD Ltd Announce Landmark Merger in London’s Prestigious Warren House

ENCOUNTER WITH THE MOMENT An Exhibition Of Photographs By Gurdeep Dhiman In Jehangir...

From: 18th to 24th December 2024


An Exhibition of Photographs by Renowned Visual Photographer Gurdeep Dhiman


Jehangir Art Gallery

Terrace Gallery

161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: +91 9815884232/+91 7901708090

This show was inaugurated on 18th December 2024 by Chief Guest Rishiraj Sethi (Director -Aura Art Development Pvt Ltd.)  in the Presence of Pradeep Chandra (Eminent Photographer / Author), Padma Shri Sudharak Olwe (Eminent Photographer), Mr. Kumar Desai (Advocate High Court, Mumbai), Dr. YS Alone (Eminent Writer/Curator/Art Historian) among others.

Leh and Ladakh: A Canvas of Divine Contrast

Renowned visual photographer Gurdeep Dhiman describes his encounters with Leh and Ladakh as transformative journeys that nourish the soul and inspire the spirit. With its stark yet stunning contrasts — barren landscapes, deep blue skies, and lush green valleys — the region evokes a sense of harmonious spirituality. Dhiman, drawn like a magnet to this land where heaven meets earth, uses his camera as a medium to converse with these awe-inspiring surroundings.

As a passionate explorer of the world’s diversity, Dhiman captures the large and small wonders of our planet through his lens. His love for the Indian Himalayas is evident in his work, which documents life, culture, and nature’s grandeur. These landscapes, whether vast and panoramic or intimately personal, resonate with raw emotion and timeless beauty.

Portrait Photography: A Window to the Soul

Dhiman’s portraits are an ode to the human spirit. He considers them “maps to one’s heart” and “windows to the soul.” His process is deeply immersive, involving long, meaningful interactions with his subjects to capture their essence. These powerful visual narratives highlight the interplay of light and shadow, often rendered in striking black and white, inviting viewers into the world of his subjects.

Landscape Photography: Stories of the Earth

For Dhiman, landscapes are not mere documentation but expressions of imagination and emotion. His visual storytelling elevates the viewer’s relationship with nature, offering a deeply reflective experience. He masterfully uses the natural play of light, color, and structure to highlight the planet’s beauty while advocating for its preservation and protection.

A Vision for Connection and Conservation

Through his evocative work, Gurdeep Dhiman not only seeks to immortalize the breathtaking essence of places like Leh and Ladakh but also aims to foster an emotional connection with the environment. His photography inspires viewers to cherish and safeguard the wonders of our world, making his art a compelling call to action for nature conservation.


ENCOUNTER WITH THE MOMENT An Exhibition Of Photographs By Gurdeep Dhiman In Jehangir

माही किरन का बॉलीवुड में होगा धमाल, एक्टिंग सिंगिंग और डांसिंग से होगा सबके दिलो पर राज...

मुंबई वैसे तो सपनों की नगरी मानी जाती है कई लोग अपना सपना सच करने मुंबई आते हैं हम बात करेंगे  एक्ट्रेस, सिंगर और डांसर माही किरन की जो कि मध्य प्रदेश के सागर जिले बॉलीवुड की चमकती दुनिया का सपना ले कर मुंबई आई है और उनके एक के बाद एक तमाम प्रोजेक्ट बॉलीवुड में आने की तैयारी मे हैं l अगर माही किरन की बात करें माही किरन में एक साथ कई खूबियां है एक अच्छी सिंगर है,अच्छी डांसर और एक अच्छी एक्ट्रेस भी उन्होंने अभिनय के क्षेत्र में भी अपना पैर जमा दिया है l

माही किरन का अपने  आनेवाले प्रोजेक्ट को लेकर के तमाम बड़ी हस्तियों से मुलाकात का दौर जारी  है,और उम्मीद है आने वाले समय में बड़े प्लेटफार्म और बड़े प्रोजेक्ट में उनको देखा जा सकता है, बहुत ही सुंदर सी दिखने वाली माही किरन जितनी खूबसूरत हैं उनका दिल उतना ही खुश मिजाज है l

मीडिया से बातचीत करते हुए माही किरन ने बताया बॉलीवुड के कई जाने-माने सिंगारे से बातचीत चल रही है जल्द ही उनके गाने पर रोल में नजर आऊंगीl आगे बातचीत पर माही किरन ने बताया कि आदमी के अंदर अगर सच्ची लगन हो तो उसे मंजिल पाने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता और एक दिन अपने बुलंदियों के शिखर पर पहुँच ही जाते है l

आपको बता दें माही किरन की सुरीली आवाज और जब उनके पाँव थिरकते है तो मानो लोगो की सांसे थम सी जाती है लोगों का दिल जीत लेती है अब वही उनकी एक्टिंग काफी  लोगों को भा रही है तस्वीरों में आप देख पा रहे हैं मशहूर गायक सलमान अली, अल्तमश, और शब्बीर के साथ की तस्वीर खुद बयां कर रही हैं आने वाले कल की क्या तैयारी चल रही हैं l


माही किरन का बॉलीवुड  में  होगा धमाल, एक्टिंग सिंगिंग और डांसिंग से होगा सबके दिलो पर राज

NATURALNESS An Exhibition Of Recent Works By Artist Ramdas Manikrao Thorat In Jehangir...

From: 17th to 23rd December 2024


An Exhibition of Recent works by well-known artist Ramdas Manikrao Thorat


Jehangir Art Gallery

161-B, M.G. Road,

Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: +91 8082050330

This show was inaugurated on 17th December 2024 by Parents of artist Ramdas Thorat in the presence of Hansodnya Tambe, Aashutosh Aapte, Mangesh Naik, Pradip Palav, Ashok Hinge, Nilesh Jadhav among others.

Art, time, and eternity are impersonal, awakened, conscious, and unique. They are the eternal manifestations of the ever-existing conscious Nature, whose inner and outer forces pervade all existence. The experiences born out of these natural forces are what we call art and life. When a painter contemplates through a visual medium, they transcribe their mental impressions into pictorial narratives or translate their thoughts into visual forms. In this process, the painter captures the invisible language of visual consciousness, imprinting it in the form of pictorial imagery. This act of transforming primal human experiences into visual forms, inspired by naturalness, is known as ‘visual-form paintings’ or ‘pictorial essence of vision.’

The ongoing interplay of space, sky, earth, water, and soil reflects the dynamic process of this eternal primordial nature, whose inherent power takes on various forms. This dynamic manifestation is what we perceive as ‘Chitramaya’ (illusory imagery) or ‘Chittamaya’ (illusory consciousness). Each painting embodies the unique attributes of this illusory essence, rendering a distinctive artistic character.

Nature’s light, shadow, twilight, darkness, warmth, coolness, solitude, fire, flame, density, sparsity, thick forests, lush meadows, gardens, ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, seas, oceans, homes, villages, cities, streets, marketplaces—all these myriad attributes of natural existence contribute to the visual-textural symphony of form, tone, and rhythm. This synthesis of qualities is evident in Ramdas’s artistic oeuvre, reflecting the convergence of tangible and intangible qualities.

A visual artist channels the shadows of this eternal, conscious Nature into their mind, responding to its impressions and projecting them outward in visual form. This process, where mental experiences are translated into physical expression, is what we call the “experience of artistic time” or “the era of art.” It is the conscious repetition of impressions imprinted on the human psyche by the external world. This deliberate act of creation is what we define as “artistic genesis.”

The texture, structure, spatial voids, and depth on Ramdas’s canvases actively contribute to the viewer’s perception of the artwork. His creations exist in an imaginative world where tangible nature and abstraction dissolve into a unified, cosmic resonance. This resonance expresses emotional and sensory capacities, evoking deep responses in the observer. Ramdas journeys from the vast expanse of the physical to the infinite subtleties of the metaphysical, showcasing the dynamic interplay of visible expression and ongoing exploration. His art embodies the release of accumulated potential, akin to the release of water from an overflowing dam.

In Ramdas’s works, there is a seamless blend of abstract sensibilities and tangible representations, making it difficult to measure his creations against traditional standards of naturalistic art or to quantify the value of abstraction. Instead, his art seeks a middle ground, uncovering the essence of visual perception through tonal harmony, textures, structure, and light.

His visual compositions, enriched by organic forms and patterns, depict landscapes resembling vast gardens or boundless carpets of infinite nature. The horizontal elements in his art evoke tranquility, while the interplay of the skies, waters, and earthy tones—textured and rugged—convey a profound connection to the primal landscape. The velvety greens, subtle hues, and tactile depth come together to create an immersive sensory experience, transporting viewers to a state of cosmic sensitivity. This transcendent moment, akin to an axis or pivotal instant, unfolds through Ramdas’s artistic vision, leaving the viewer profoundly affected.

Ramdas’s artwork is a testament to the unique fusion of abstraction and tangible representation, where neither naturalistic depiction nor pure abstraction dominates. Instead, his art bridges these extremes, presenting a chromatic, textured exploration of the sensory world, rendered in visual notes.

His compositions, with their organic shapes and intricate patterns, often evoke vast, limitless natural landscapes. The tranquil horizontality, the earthen textures of the soil, the layered tones of vegetation, and the juxtaposition of light and shadow create a harmonious visual symphony. These elements, combined with the emotional and cosmic resonance of the art, allow viewers to connect deeply with the work, experiencing it as a dynamic interplay of nature’s infinite forms and human creativity.

NATURALNESS An Exhibition Of Recent Works By Artist Ramdas Manikrao Thorat In Jehangir

MET Institute Of Management, Mumbai Wins Big At Smart India Hackathon 2024...

– MET Students Won a 36-hour Coding Hackathon

– SIH 2024 Witnessed 49,000+ Teams on the National Level

– PM Narendra Modi also interacted with the Finalists

Mumbai, December 18, 2024 : The MET Institute of Management (MET IOM), Mumbai redefined the spirit of innovation and problem-solving as they won the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2024 and triumphed in the Grand Finale of the coveted innovation tournament. The Finale of the Software Edition was hosted at Belagavi, Karnataka with 26 participating teams on December 11 and 12, in which Team ‘Manthan 1 ’, Master of Management Studies (MMS) students from MET IOM, Mumbai emerged victorious competing in a 36-hour coding Hackathon.

For the unversed, SIH is a premier nationwide initiative designed to engage students in solving some of the most pressing challenges faced in everyday life and provides a dynamic platform for students to develop and showcase their creative solutions to real-world problems.

The hackathon also aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical application by encouraging students to think critically and innovatively. The MET IOM team (Manthan 1) successfully tackled a challenging problem statement from the Ministry of Law and Justice. Their solution focused on simplifying and gamifying the learning process for key aspects of the Indian Constitution, including the Preamble, Fundamental Rights (Part 3), Directive Principles of State Policy (Part 4), and Fundamental Duties (Part 4A). The innovative platform they developed gears toward to make constitutional literacy engaging and accessible to citizens.

The team developed innovative solutions, creating two main games and four mini-games to make learning engaging and impactful. The main games, Samvidhan Manthan, a 3D role-playing game with immersive storytelling, and Samvidhan Mandal, a digital board game exploring concepts of law, rights, and imprisonment, captivated the judges. The mini-games, including Shasn, a monopoly-style game on constitutional concepts; Snakes & Ladders (Beginner) and Snakes & Ladders (Advanced), featuring MCQs of varying difficulty levels; and Samvidhan Explorer, a 2D animated game, provided a creative and interactive learning experience.

The Chairman of Mumbai Educational Trust, Mr. Chhagan Bhujbal, honored the team for their innovative contributions to education and technology. During the felicitation ceremony held at MET Mumbai, Mr. Bhujbal applauded the team for their creativity and commitment, highlighting their transformative approach to technology-driven learning.

“The students’ efforts resonate with MET’s mission to nurture innovation and academic excellence. This remarkable victory highlights MET Institute of Management’s commitment to fostering creativity, critical thinking, and real-world problem-solving among its students,” he said.

The team’s journey through the competition involved three rigorous rounds of evaluation– the first being the assessment of the originality of their idea, research, and progress in game development. The second round focused on improvements made based on judges’ feedback while the final round evaluated the market readiness and scalability of their solution. The innovative solutions created by the MET team not only addressed the problem statement but also showcased the transformative potential of gamification in learning.

Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi interacted with all young innovators at the SIH via video conferencing. Addressing the gathering on the occasion, he said that the India of today can progress at a fast pace with ‘sabka prayas’ or everyone’s effort and that the occasion was a prime example of the same.

The MET Mumbai team included Yash Parmar, Vidisha Ghosh, Anish Kumar Singh, and Om Khattar (MMS 2023-25), along with Vivek Pawar and Manas Jadhav (MMS 2024-26), under the mentorship of Dr. Manmeet Barve, Associate Professor, MET IOM, and Mr. Shailesh Sargade, Assistant Professor, MET IOM, that became one of the top five finalists. The team also received invaluable support and direction from Dr. Swati Lodha, Director, MET IOM, whose visionary leadership played a pivotal role in their success.

In the SIH 2024 edition, the tournament witnessed 86,000+ Teams’ participation at the institute level and 49,000+ student teams were recommended for the national round to solve 254 problem statements.


MET Institute of Management

MET Institute of Management, Mumbai is one of the best B-Schools in Mumbai. It offers a full-time Management degree – MMS, affiliated with the University of Mumbai. At MET, MBA students are treated as managers under training and at the end of MBA term are well placed in leading companies.

Smart India Hackathon 2024

Smart India Hackathon (SIH) is a premier nationwide initiative designed to engage students in solving some of the most pressing challenges faced in everyday life. Launched to foster a culture of innovation and practical problem-solving, SIH provides a dynamic platform for students to develop and showcase their creative solutions to real-world problems.

MET Institute Of Management, Mumbai Wins Big At Smart India Hackathon 2024

Model Actress SHAHIN PERWEEN Was Recently Honored In The Beauty Celebrity Award Show Organized By Nidhi Foundation In Vadodara...

Model actress Shahin Perween was recently honored in the Beauty Celebrity Award Show organized by Nidhi Foundation in Vadodara. In this award show, Shahin Perween received the Best Model Award from TV serial Anupama and Sarabhai vs Sarabhai fame actress Rupali Ganguly. Shahin is soon going to work in music videos and series.

Shahin has worked in many ad films. Which includes advertisements of sarees, jewelry, household items and many big brands. Shahin started her career as a model from Calcutta. With talent and experience, she got a chance to enter the industry. Shahin Perween is a resident of Bihar, she did her primary education there, after which she moved to Jharkhand. After marriage, she came to live in Kolkata and also completed her further education.

Along with this, she did a course of beautician and makeup artist and also practiced, but her heart was diving in the ocean of acting. Her family fully helped her in fulfilling this dream.

Shahin Perween likes gym, yoga, cooking, traveling. Superstar Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan are her favorite actors. She also likes the acting of actress Kajol. Shahin Perween says that if you have talent and dedication then age and time cannot stop you, you will definitely reach your destination. Dream and have the courage to fulfill it.

Shahin told that she also had to face many ups and downs to reach her destination but she was successful in taking the first step towards her destination.

Model Actress SHAHIN PERWEEN Was Recently Honored In The Beauty Celebrity Award Show Organized By Nidhi Foundation In Vadodara

SUNITA SHIVDAS BAWA alias Arpita a businesswoman and actress Recently Honoured With Business Woman Award Which was organized by Nidhi Foundation in Vadodara...

Sunita Shivdas Bawa alias Arpita is a businesswoman and actress. Recently, Beauty Celebrity Award was organized by Nidhi Foundation in Vadodara in which Sunita Bawa (Arpita) was honored with the Business Woman and Actress Award by TV serial Anupama and Sarabhai vs Sarabhai fame actress Rupali Ganguly. Many well-known personalities were present in this award show. She was the chief guest in this award show. Sunita Bawa is a businesswoman as well as she also acts. Her biography is an inspiration for other women. One should not give up on the problems of life, rather every woman should become self-reliant like Sunita.

Sunita Bawa (Arpita) has acted with Sunil Pal and Rajkumar Kannaujiya in the music video song ‘Gajanan Sat Sat Karun Pranam’ dedicated to Lord Ganesha. She has been honored with the India International Influencer Award 2024 by Mannara Chopra in Bangkok. She received the Business Woman Award there. Mumbai Global organized the 21st International Pageant Award Vietnam 2024 in Vietnam, where Sunita Bawa was also honored.

Sunita was born in Nandurbar, Maharashtra and she also received her education from there. Currently, Sunita (Arpita) lives in Ahmedabad and manages her business. She has ‘Sear and Have’ Salon and Spa. She manufactures various types of spices in Maharashtra under the name Tulja Aai. She works in real estate and finance in Ahmedabad itself. She also works as an associate with many companies. She is dedicated to her business and work and she will soon work on new projects and business. Her new music album will also be released in the new year.

Sunita aka Arpita says that if you keep a definite goal for yourself, then you can do your work easily. Arpita started with a small business, today she manages many businesses. She started this work on her own and today her business is moving forward.

SUNITA SHIVDAS BAWA alias Arpita a businesswoman and actress Recently  Honoured With Business Woman Award Which was organized by Nidhi Foundation in Vadodara

NOVEX NOC MUST FOR MUSIC IN EVENTS : Hotel Associations’ Appeal Rejected By Bombay HC...

In a significant setback for hotel associations, the Division Bench of the Bombay High Court has refused to stay the judgment passed by Justice R.I. Chagla, which favored Novex. The court upheld the original order, stating that no case was made out by the opposing side.

This verdict reinforces two crucial points:

Novex’s Licensing Rights: Novex can continue issuing licenses for all categories of events.

Novex’s Right to Seek Relief: Novex can file cases and seek relief against venues that repeatedly infringe on their rights.

This ruling is consistent with the Bombay High Court’s earlier decision, which held that music rights holders like Novex are copyright owners and can issue music licenses without being registered as copyright societies.

NOVEX NOC MUST FOR MUSIC IN EVENTS : Hotel Associations’ Appeal Rejected By Bombay HC

Bhupindder Bhoopii To Star As The Villain In Punjabi Film KARMI AAPO APNI Replacing Legendary Shakti Kapoor...

Bhupindder Bhoopii, celebrated for his unforgettable performances in films like Rowdy Rathore and dhoom 1 is stepping into the Punjabi cinema spotlight as the lead antagonist in the upcoming movie Karmi Aapo Apni. The versatile actor, known for his magnetic on-screen presence and deep commitment to his craft, is all set to deliver a gripping performance in this much-anticipated film.

Initially, the legendary Bollywood villain Shakti Kapoor was considered for this role. However, due to religious restrictions the role was passed on to Bhupindder Bhoopii. Acknowledging Kapoor’s iconic legacy, bhoopi expressed his gratitude for the opportunity. “It’s a huge honor to step into such a significant role, especially following someone as legendary as Shakti Kapoor ji He’s an inspiration to all actors, and I hope to bring my own essence to this character while paying respect to his legacy.”

A Stellar Career

Bhupindder bhoopi, affectionately known as “bhoopi,” has built an impressive repertoire of performances in Bollywood hits like dhoom, garv, rowdy Rathore, full and final Janasheen, Ek Hasina Thi,l Apne, and Yamla Pagla Deewana. His ability to adapt seamlessly to various genres has established him as a powerhouse performer. Now, with his foray into Punjabi cinema, bhoopi is poised to further expand his horizons.

A Villain to Remember

In Karmi Appo Apni, bhupindder takes on a multi-dimensional villainous role that promises to keep audiences captivated. The film delves into themes of justice and redemption, with his character forming the backbone of the narrative. Fans are eager to see how bhoopi adds his signature intensity and flair to the film, marking a monumental shift in Punjabi cinema.

A Busy Year Ahead

Following Karmi Appo Apni, Bhuppendar will next be seen in the historical drama Lahore 1947, sharing the screen with Sunny Deol and Abhimanyu Singh in a crucial role then after this he will be seen in Aryan khan’s web series STARDOM not only this some insiders has informed us that bhoopi also going to be part of RANA NAIDU S2 This upcoming project further cements bhoopi’s reputation as a versatile actor capable of handling emotionally charged narratives with finesse.

What Fans Can Expect

Bhupindder stepping into Shakti Kapoor’s shoes is no small feat, but with his dedication and proven talent, audiences are in for a treat. As social media buzzes with excitement, fans are thrilled to see bhoopi take on such a significant role, reflecting the growing recognition of his craft and versatility.

Prepare to witness an electrifying performance from Bhupindder in Karmi Appo Apni, as he takes on a villainous avatar that promises to be unforgettable.


Bhupindder Bhoopii To Star As The Villain In Punjabi Film Karmi Aapo Apni, Replacing Legendary Shakti Kapoor

Precious Gems Of India Award 2024 Was Organised By IAWA, Powered By Amar Cine Productions, Curated By Dr Daljeet Kaur An Actress And President Of IAWA...

PRECIOUS GEMS OF INDIA AWARD 2024 Season 3 was conducted on 30th November at Hotel Ginger, Vile Parle.

Dr. Dheeraj Kumar jee a Legendary Actor, Producers, Director Produced more than 15,000 hours of TV series was the CHIEF GUEST of the beautiful Evening.

The Motive to organise this Prestigious Award is to bring great Precious Gems of India, who are working tirelessly in their respective fields towards Sustainable Development of India on one Dice and share their Success Journey. Entrepreneurs, Army Officers Navy Officers, Custom Officers, Doctors, Lawyers, Social Activities, Bollywood , Entertainment and Awardees from various fields were felicitated. IAWA is Registered under NITI AYOG.

Dr. Daljeet Kaur has been working tirelessly since 2015 towards bringing a change in the society with her social activities and Philanthropic activities. She is being called a “Single Woman Army”. She has become an example for many women worldwide. She gained fame on the strength of her Multi talents and courage.

“IAWA” (Innovative Artist welfare Association) is working towards various social causes, Cancer awareness, Environment Protection Education, Skill Enhancement, Harassment against Gender equality. Acid Attack cases etc.Besides organizing beauty pageants Pan India  and on International Platform ,IAWA recognises the unsung talents every year and felicitates them with Awards from last 8 years. IAWA started with the motive to recognise artists of various fields  and covered many social fields .

Other Eminent Personalities Dr. Yogesh Lakhani, Respected Actor Deepak Prashar jee, Singer Arvinder Singh, Bollywood playback Singer Hrishikesh Chury embarked the evening with their presence and beautiful Motivational speech. SP Ahuja (All India Anti-Terrorist Front) President felicitated Dr. Daljeet Kaur for her Activities towards Society was a great surprise and great Gesture. Dr. Harjeet Anand Supported the event through Global Chambers of Commerce working towards promoting Education.

Life Time Achievement  Award was Honoured to Pandit Surendra Sharma Jee Santoor Maestro and other great Personalities who were awarded as Precious Gems of India are Wing Commander  SV Choudhary  IAF, Commando Madhusudan Surve recipient of Shaurya Chakra by Abdul Kalam jee Dr Vinod Anand a revolutionist in Medical Field ( Akanksha, Dr. Jasjit Suri a scientist AI Specialist from USA,(Athropoint) Dr. Thejo Kumari Amudala a social Activist, ACP Sanjay Patil, Aacharya Vinod Kumar jee Celebrity Astrologer, Shri B N Tiwari jee FWICE President, Dilip Sahu an Entrepreneur from EPS Worldwide Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd. Vikas Goyal Charted Accountant from Delhi, Shammi Jhingam from Sanskriti Communications, Krishan Kumar Senior Journalists d Social Worker, Ashok shekhar jee from Madhuri Entertainment, Dalvinder Dhiman Founder of Bollywood Adda, JK Chaturvedi Entrepreneur and Banker, Amit Chavda Cosmetic Manufacturer from La Cosmos.

Let us tell you that Daljeet Kaur’s NGO IAWA is currently organizing many successful competitions and programs both National and international level.IAWA is working towards various social causes, Cancer awareness, Environment Protection Education, Skill Enhancement, Harassment against Gender equality. Acid Attack cases etc.Besides organizing beauty pageants, IAWA  recognises the unsung talents every year and felicitates them with Awards from last 8 years.Where in IAWA has built a community of more than one lakh women world wide.

Her dream is to create a club for artists where all artists can present their art. She has been working hard to establish an old age home which will be a wonderful home where senior citizens and orphans will be kept together.

IAWA ( Innovative Artist welfare association)will complete a decade of its social works in 2025.Which Dr. Daljeet said will celebrate in 2025 by felicitating those artists ,technicians  who have worked since years for small roles as Cameo but never got recognised .She feels no film or serial is complete without their presence. Technicians work hard to let the show run. Which will be SUPER ACHIEVER STARS OF India 2025.

The event was supported by IIS, USA Mr. Arun Gandhi is working hard to make the world Diabetes Free. Outdoor Media Partner was Bright Outdoor, Gift partners were La cosmos as Hair care Partner Nandini Herbals as Skin Care Partner, followed by a Networking Dinner at Ginger Hotel for all guests.


Precious Gems Of India Award 2024 Was Organised By IAWA, Powered By Amar Cine Productions, Curated By Dr  Daljeet Kaur An Actress And President Of IAWA

वेब सीरीज़ “कठपुतली” की घोषणा, निर्माता राजीव कुमार, दीपक बी वर्मा की सीरीज में रितिका कुमावत बनीं पुलिस अधिकारी...

मुम्बई। 13 दिसम्बर 2024, ओटीटी और वेब सीरीज के इस दौर में एक और बेहतरीन वेब सीरीज़ “कठपुतली” की ऑफिशियल घोषणा मुम्बई के क्लासिक क्लब में हुए एक भव्य समारोह में की गई। महिला सशक्तिकरण के सब्जेक्ट पर आधारित इस सीरीज में रितिका कुमावत ने सेंट्रल किरदार निभाया है। सीरीज़ के निर्माता राजीव कुमार, दीपक बी वर्मा और अब्दुर्रहमान हैं। निर्देशक पंकज कपूर और संगीतकार इस्माइल दरबार व विवेक माहुनकर हैं। सभी मेहमानों द्वारा दीप प्रज्वलित किया गया, फिर राष्ट्रगान के बाद कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत हुई। ऎक्ट्रेस रितिका कुमावत ने पुलिस अधिकारी की भूमिका निभाई है और वर्दी में उन्होंने इस कार्यक्रम में एक दृश्य के साथ धांसू एंट्री मारी।

निर्माता दीपक बी वर्मा ने कहा कि कठपुतली महिलाओं पर होने वाले अत्याचारों पर बात करती है। कुप्रथा के नाम पर महिलाओं को समाज मे कठपुतली की तरह इस्तेमाल किया जाता है जबकि वे कठपुतली नहीं हैं, उनके दिल मे भी जज़्बात हैं एहसास हैं। यह सीरीज़ महिलाओं के ऐसे ही दर्द को दर्शाती है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ अभियान चला रहे हैं। इस सीरीज के माध्यम से हम सब सरकार तक यह सन्देश पहुंचाना चाहते हैं कि समाज मे औरतों को महज एक कठपुतली न समझा जाए।

अभिनेत्री रितिका कुमावत ने कहा कि कठपुतली का हिस्सा बनकर मैं बहुत उत्साहित हूं। यह काफी चुनौतीपूर्ण भूमिका है जिसके लिए हम सब काफी तैयारियां कर रहे हैं। मैं दीपक वर्मा सर की आभारी हूँ कि उन्होंने मुझे इस सीरीज में केंद्रीय भूमिका निभाने का अवसर दिया। सीरीज में और भी कई नामी गिरामी ऐक्टर्स हैं जिनके साथ शूटिंग शुरू करने को लेकर काफी एक्साइटेड हूँ।

निर्माता दीपक बी वर्मा ने बताया कि इस सीरीज की शूटिंग 20 दिसम्बर से चौमू सामोद, मेहर कला गांव, जयपुर, राजस्थान में शुरू होने जा रही है। सीरीज में रितिका के अलावा जैकी श्रॉफ, अमित लेखवानी, पंकज कपूर इत्यादि नजर आएंगे। कई ओटीटी प्लेटफार्म से हमारी बातचीत जारी है जल्द ही इसकी रिलीज़ को लेकर भी हम आपको सूचित कर देंगे।

सीरीज कठपुतली के एडिटर आशीष म्हात्रे, कोरियोग्राफर आशीष पाटिल, आर्ट व प्रोडक्शन डिज़ाइनर कृष्णा ठाकुर, डीओपी सुदीप चटर्जी, कॉस्ट्यूम डिज़ाइनर नीता लुल्ला और ईपी अनिल रवाते हैं। रेनड्रॉप्स एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बनने जा रही वेब सीरीज में एक्शन, सॉन्ग, ड्रामा, इमोशन सबकुछ होगा।

सीरीज कठपुतली की घोषणा पार्टी में अदाकारा रितिका कुमावत का बर्थडे भी

शानदार केक काटकर मनाया गया।


वेब सीरीज़ “कठपुतली” की घोषणा, निर्माता राजीव कुमार, दीपक बी वर्मा की सीरीज में रितिका कुमावत बनीं पुलिस अधिकारी

IFTDA (Indian Film And Television Director Association) ELECTIONS On 15th Dec. 2024...

For Betterment Of IFTDA Vote For  Ashfaque Khopekar Group


बुरे कर्मों का बुरा नतीजा यह कहावत नहीं हकीकत है। असिस्टेंट डायरेक्टर के हक़ की लड़ाई लड़ने 1959 में बनायी गयी असोसिएशन इफटडा आज वही काम छोड़कर  किसी डिक्टेटर का अड्डा बन चुकी है।  मानो न मानो यह हकीकत है कभी इफटडा ऑफिस आकर आजमालो। इफटडा मे अध्यक्ष अशोक पंडित के पर्सनल  और सोसायटी के‌ काम  हो रहे हैं  मेम्बर्स के लिए बनायी हुए लायब्रेरी में मेम्बर जा नहीं सकते। मनमानी तरीके से हमारी असोसिएशन का फंड का इस्तेमाल हो रहा है । मेम्बर्स की सारी सुविधाओं को खत्म कर दिया है।

दोस्तों इस मौके को हाथ से जाने जाने न दो इफटडा को मेम्बर्स की बनाना जरूरी है।डीक्टेटरशिप खत्म करनी जरूरी हैं।

मैं उम्मीद करता हु आप आप के अपने आशफाक खोपेकर ग्रुप को‌ इफटडा मेम्बर्स के इंसाफ की लड़ाई में  स्पोर्ट जरुर करोंगे


आशफाक खोपेकर

Cast your Prestigious  vote

on  15 Dec 2024

10am to 6 pm


* Impartial Medical Aid to all IFTDA Members

* Govt. Recognised Cine Workers Welfare Fund card for eligible Members

* Voicing for de-activated long standing members.

* Amendments of dictatorial clauses added in constitution.

* Helping unemployed Asst. Director & Director Members to get work.


IFTDA (Indian Film And Television Director Association) ELECTIONS On  15th Dec. 2024

नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड से सम्मनित हुए पीआरओ ब्रजेश मेहर...

मुंबई। डीपीआईएएफ ग्रुप इंडिया और दुबई द्वारा तीसरा मुंबई पुलिस आइकन अचीवर अवॉर्ड 2024 और नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड का आयोजन किया गया। भारतीय फिल्म और मनोरंजन जगत में अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाने वाले फिल्म प्रचारक ब्रजेश मेहर को नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया। 9 दिसंबर  की शाम को इस शो में कई जाने माने लोगों को सम्मानित किया गया है। इस समारोह का आयोजन डीपीआईएएफ के संस्थापक कल्याणजी जाना एवं अंकित बाबुलकर जाना द्वारा पिछले कई सालों से किया जा रहा है।  शो के आयोजक कल्याणजी जाना एवं अंकित बाबुलकर जाना ने पुलिस विभाग और सामाजिक क्षेत्रों में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देने वाले लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करने के उद्देश्य से यह अवार्ड शो का आयोजन करते आ रहे हैं।

पिछले कई वर्षों से मीडिया जगत से जुड़े फिल्म प्रचारक ब्रजेश मेहर को सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त राजभवन सेक्रेटरी महाराष्ट्र रिहाना शेख,  सहज मीडिया एंटरटेनमेंट इंडिया एवं दुबई अध्यक्ष नगमा खान, डीपीआईएएफ के नेशनल अध्यक्ष महिला एवं एक्ट्रेस अंकिता बांबुलकर जाना, जय भीम बसनिक, सोशल वर्कर युवा नेता गौरव अनिल शाह के हाथों से पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया।

इस मौके पर ब्रजेश मेहर ने कहा कि कल्याणजी जाना ने मुझे इस सम्मान के काबिल समझा इस के लिए में उनका तहेदिल से धन्यवाद करता हूँ।  इस पुरस्कार के संस्थापक कल्याणजी जाना ने कहा कि ये मेरे लिए सम्मान की बात है जो मैं इन सभी महविभूतियों को सम्मानित कर पा रहा है। ये इन सभी का सहयोग है जो मैं इस तरह का पुरस्कार समारोह कर पा रहा है।

इससे पहले भी ब्रजेश मेहर को कई पुरस्कारों से सम्मनित किया जा चुका है। इस साल का ये ब्रजेश को मिला 6 अवार्ड है।

इस बार समारोह में पूर्व सांसद गोपाल शेट्टी, स्पेशल आईजी महाराष्ट्र मोहन राठौर, मुंबई बीजेपी सेक्रेटरी विनोद शेलर, सीनियर कामगार नेता एवं मुंबई बीजेपी पार्टी के उपाध्यक्ष  अभिजीत राणे, कामगार नेता एवं अध्यक्ष केके ग्रुप खालिद खान, सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त मॉरल सुरेखा बाबूराव कपिल, सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त राज भवन सेक्रेटरी रिहाना शेख, एपी बांगुर नगर पुलिस चौकी विवेक तांबे, सोशल वर्कर राम कुमार पाल, जकरिया लकड़ावाला,  साजिद पटेल, सहज मीडिया एंटरटेनमेंट इंडिया एवं दुबई के अध्यक्ष नगमा खान जी, सॉस नाइट लाइफ के अध्यक्ष चांद सेठ जी, एक्टर अली खान जी, पूर्व नगरसेवक श्री सुनील कोहली जी, एक्टर विकास मोहिते जी, उप-प्राचार्य मरोल पुलिस प्रशिक्षण केंद्र रविंद्र दलवी , अंधेरी(पूर्व),सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त नीलकंठ दामोदर पाटिल, पॉलिटिकल लीडर, बिजनेसमैन शोएब खान, सोशल वर्कर, युवा लीडर गौरव अनिल शाह,  फिल्म निर्माता विपुल शाह सहित कई दिग्गजॉन ने अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज कराई।

आपको बता दें कि कल्याणजी जाना अब जनवरी 2025 में दुबई में दूसरा भारत गौरव आइकन अवार्ड इंटरनेशनल, दूसरा दुबई ऐंड भारत इंटरनेशनल एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड और भारत ऐंड यूएई इंटरनेशनल कल्चरल फैशन शो करने जा रहे हैं। जिसके लिए उन्होंने अभी से तैयारियां शुरू कर दी।


नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड से सम्मनित हुए पीआरओ ब्रजेश मेहर

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स से रिलीज माही श्रीवास्तव का नया सांग ‘चाहत चाय के चुस्की’ हुआ वायरल...

बहुत से लोगों के दिन की शुरुआत चाय के साथ ही होती है। काम की थकान मिटाने के लिए भी चाय पीकर फुर्ती लाई जाती है। जो लोग चाय के शौकीन हैं, उन्हें चाय मिलते ही ऐसा लगता है कि उन्हें दुनियाँ की सारी खुशी मिल गई है। ऐसे में प्रियंका सिंह और अंकित सिंह के मधुर आवाज में गाया हुआ चाहत चाय पर आधारित भोजपुरी लोकगीत ‘चाहत चाय के चुस्की’ वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। इसके गाने के वीडियो में माही श्रीवास्तव ने मनमोहक अदायगी करके दिल जीत लिया है। वह साड़ी पहने बला की खूबसूरत दिख रही है और उनका साड़ी लुक देखते ही बन रहा है।

इस गाने के वीडियो में दिखाया गया है कि माही श्रीवास्तव का हसबैंड ऑफिस से थकान से चूर होकर घर पहुंचता है और थके होने की बात कहता है कि..

‘दिन भर कइले बानी काम धनिया, भइल बाटे बहुते थकान धनिया…’

तब जवाब माही श्रीवास्तव कहती है कि..

‘चली होन्ने सोफा पे हटाईं कुर्सी, आईं लेलीं राजा जी चाहत चाय के चुस्की, राउर बनल रही चेहरा पे हरदम मुस्की…’

इस गाने को लेकर एक्ट्रेस माही श्रीवास्तव ने कहा कि ‘मुझे चाय बहुत पसंद है और सुबह बेड से उठते ही जब गर्म गर्म चाय मिल जाती है तो दिन की शुरुआत मस्त हो जाती है। मुझे जब चाहत चाय पर गाने पर परफॉर्म करने का ऑफर मिला तो मैं बहुत एक्साईटेड हो गई थी। क्योंकि इस तरह के गाने पर पहली बार अदाकारी करने का मौका मिला था। इस गाने का कॉन्सेप्ट बहुत प्यारा है और इसकी शूटिंग करके बहुत ही बहुत मजा आया। ऑडियंस को   यह सांग बहुत पसंद आ रहा है। इसका लोकेशन और गाने की मेकिंग देखते ही बन रहा है। मैं अपने फैंस और ऑडियंस से कहना चाहती हूं कि अपना भरपूर प्यार आशीर्वाद दें!’

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स प्रस्तुत इस लोकगीत ‘चाहत चाय के चुस्की’ विंध्यवासिनी मीडिया एंड वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स द्वारा निर्मित इस गीत को सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह एंड अंकित सिंह ने गाया है। इस गाने में अदाकारा माही श्रीवास्तव ने अट्रैक्टिव लुक में अदायगी करके सबको मंत्रमुग्ध कर दिया है। उनके साथ एक्टर विकाश यादव शानदार परफॉर्मेंस किया है। इस गाने को गीतकार शुभदयाल सोहरा ने लिखा है, जबकि संगीतकार विक्की वॉक्स ने मधुर संगीत दिया है। वीडियो डायरेक्टर सुनील बाबा, डीओपी गौरव राय एंड रंजन, कोरियोग्राफर एमके गुप्ता जॉय, एडीटर आलोक गुप्ता है। स्पेशल थैंक्स नवरत्न पांडेय का है। डीआई रोहित सिंह, प्रोडक्शन पंकज सोनी ने किया है। इस गाने का ऑल राइट वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स के पास है।


वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स से रिलीज माही श्रीवास्तव का नया सांग ‘चाहत चाय के चुस्की’ हुआ वायरल

17th Global Film Festival Noida Inaugurated At Marwah Studios...

Noida: A wave of excitement, an extraordinary gathering of filmmakers, film enthusiasts, students, and delegates from across India and the globe marked the grand opening of the 17th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) 2024 at Marwah Studios, Film City Noida. This landmark event celebrated cinema as a universal language of love, peace, and unity.

Sandeep Marwah, the visionary behind this festival, inaugurated the event with a resounding message:
“We have reached a stage where we no longer need to tell the world how much we love cinema. The 17th edition of GFFN has elevated us to a global platform, recognized for its activities and its purpose of fostering love, peace, and unity through cinema.”

The grand inauguration witnessed the presence of eminent personalities from the world of film and diplomacy. Firdausal Hassan, Producer and President of the Film Federation of India Elect, lauded the scale and grandeur of the festival, remarking, “These festivals infuse immense energy into the nation.” Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, acclaimed director of the film Pink, shared his admiration for the festival’s vibrancy and zest.

Abhay Sinha, Film Producer and President of the Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPPA), added, “The arrangements and enthusiasm of the people create a real cinematic environment, elevating Indian cinema to new heights.” Sakshi Mehra, President of the Motion Pictures Association (MPA), emphasized the festival’s international acclaim, stating, “GFFN surpasses many international festivals abroad, showcasing the prestige of Indian cinema.”

A host of celebrities, including renowned actress Shobit Rana, actor and singer Aroon Bakshi, and popular actors Anang Desai, Rajeev Mehta, and Surendrapal Singh, shared their excitement and appreciation for the festival’s unmatched spirit.

Representing Palestine, Dr. Abed Elrazeg Abu Jazer, Charge d’Affaires at the Embassy of Palestine, expressed his delight, saying, “This is one of the most well-organized film festivals I have ever attended. The hospitality and the quality of programs are remarkable. I am proud that Palestine is participating in this festival.”

In a symbolic gesture, the event also paid homage to Mahatma Gandhi with the release of a commemorative poster honoring the Father of the Nation. A special poster was unveiled to mark the launch of the MSTV OTT Channel, heralding a new chapter in digital entertainment. The occasion also witnessed the release of two books, Accolades and Achievements of Sandeep Marwah, a tribute to his inspiring journey and contributions to the global film community.

The 17th Global Film Festival Noida 2024 is more than just a cinematic celebration; it is a testament to the power of cinema in uniting people and cultures condensed Ashok Tyagi Festival Director and Secretary General of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry.

17th Global Film Festival Noida Inaugurated At Marwah Studios


नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड से सम्मनित हुए पीआरओ ब्रजेश मेहर...

मुंबई। डीपीआईएएफ ग्रुप इंडिया और दुबई द्वारा तीसरा मुंबई पुलिस आइकन अचीवर अवॉर्ड 2024 और नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड का आयोजन किया गया। भारतीय फिल्म और मनोरंजन जगत में अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाने वाले फिल्म प्रचारक ब्रजेश मेहर को नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया। 9 दिसंबर  की शाम को इस शो में कई जाने माने लोगों को सम्मानित किया गया है। इस समारोह का आयोजन डीपीआईएएफ के संस्थापक कल्याणजी जाना एवं अंकित बाबुलकर जाना द्वारा पिछले कई सालों से किया जा रहा है।  शो के आयोजक कल्याणजी जाना एवं अंकित बाबुलकर जाना ने पुलिस विभाग और सामाजिक क्षेत्रों में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देने वाले लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करने के उद्देश्य से यह अवार्ड शो का आयोजन करते आ रहे हैं।

पिछले कई वर्षों से मीडिया जगत से जुड़े फिल्म प्रचारक ब्रजेश मेहर को सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त राजभवन सेक्रेटरी महाराष्ट्र रिहाना शेख,  सहज मीडिया एंटरटेनमेंट इंडिया एवं दुबई अध्यक्ष नगमा खान, डीपीआईएएफ के नेशनल अध्यक्ष महिला एवं एक्ट्रेस अंकिता बांबुलकर जाना, जय भीम बसनिक, सोशल वर्कर युवा नेता गौरव अनिल शाह के हाथों से पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया।

इस मौके पर ब्रजेश मेहर ने कहा कि कल्याणजी जाना ने मुझे इस सम्मान के काबिल समझा इस के लिए में उनका तहेदिल से धन्यवाद करता हूँ।  इस पुरस्कार के संस्थापक कल्याणजी जाना ने कहा कि ये मेरे लिए सम्मान की बात है जो मैं इन सभी महविभूतियों को सम्मानित कर पा रहा है। ये इन सभी का सहयोग है जो मैं इस तरह का पुरस्कार समारोह कर पा रहा है।

इससे पहले भी ब्रजेश मेहर को कई पुरस्कारों से सम्मनित किया जा चुका है। इस साल का ये ब्रजेश को मिला 6 अवार्ड है।

इस बार समारोह में पूर्व सांसद गोपाल शेट्टी, स्पेशल आईजी महाराष्ट्र मोहन राठौर, मुंबई बीजेपी सेक्रेटरी विनोद शेलर, सीनियर कामगार नेता एवं मुंबई बीजेपी पार्टी के उपाध्यक्ष  अभिजीत राणे, कामगार नेता एवं अध्यक्ष केके ग्रुप खालिद खान, सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त मॉरल सुरेखा बाबूराव कपिल, सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त राज भवन सेक्रेटरी रिहाना शेख, एपी बांगुर नगर पुलिस चौकी विवेक तांबे, सोशल वर्कर राम कुमार पाल, जकरिया लकड़ावाला,  साजिद पटेल, सहज मीडिया एंटरटेनमेंट इंडिया एवं दुबई के अध्यक्ष नगमा खान जी, सॉस नाइट लाइफ के अध्यक्ष चांद सेठ जी, एक्टर अली खान जी, पूर्व नगरसेवक श्री सुनील कोहली जी, एक्टर विकास मोहिते जी, उप-प्राचार्य मरोल पुलिस प्रशिक्षण केंद्र रविंद्र दलवी , अंधेरी(पूर्व),सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त नीलकंठ दामोदर पाटिल, पॉलिटिकल लीडर, बिजनेसमैन शोएब खान, सोशल वर्कर, युवा लीडर गौरव अनिल शाह,  फिल्म निर्माता विपुल शाह सहित कई दिग्गजॉन ने अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज कराई।

आपको बता दें कि कल्याणजी जाना अब जनवरी 2025 में दुबई में दूसरा भारत गौरव आइकन अवार्ड इंटरनेशनल, दूसरा दुबई ऐंड भारत इंटरनेशनल एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड और भारत ऐंड यूएई इंटरनेशनल कल्चरल फैशन शो करने जा रहे हैं। जिसके लिए उन्होंने अभी से तैयारियां शुरू कर दी।


नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस नोबल पीस अवार्ड से सम्मनित हुए पीआरओ ब्रजेश मेहर

Mr Vinod Anand Honoured With An Honourary Doctorate ( Honoris Causa)From The American University 30th November At Ginger Hotel Mumbai....

Mr. Vinod Anand now know as Dr.Vinod Anand has  been Honoured with Honourary Doctorate from the American University by Vice Chancellor Dr. prof HE Madhukrishan,senior Scientist Mrs Tatyana of Kazakhstan, Chancellor of University affiliated by our AUGP USA Scientist in Kazakhstan Ambassador  Dr.Daljeet Kaur Representative of AUGP Asia. The Honourable Guests present at the ceremony  were ACP Sanjay Patil,Veteran Actor Dheeraj Kumar, Deepak Prashar, Prof Dr Jasjit Suri a renowned scientist and AI expert and  many more Dignitaries  were present at the  gala ceremony .

He is also honoured as precious Gems of India 2024 for his revolutionary work in the Medical Industry on the Dice with Other Precious Gems from various  fields of Politics, Music Army ,Navy fashion entertainment, Doctors ,Lawyers social activist and many more.

Dr Vinod Anand  is widely  known as the father of the present medical revolution in india,Due to his Self Achievement he was also Awarded as ATMANIRBHAR FACE of BHARAT 2024 by Ngo IAWA.

He joined the customs clearing and forwarding industry in the year 1985 when treatment and surgery of critical diseases was not available or was very expensive because of non availability of advanced medical equipment due to very high rate of custom duty at 176%.

In those days patients, who could afford, would go abroad for  their treatments and even most of the  doctors would also prefer to go abroad for jobs.

Dr.Vinod Anand with his great efforts convinced custom authorities and the ministry of finance to reduce this high rate of custom duty to zero % during the early nineties due to which a large scale of import of medical equipment started and affordable treatment could become possible in Indian Hospitals.

This also resulted in  onset of medical tourism in the country in a big way and India has earned foreign exchange worth 7.4 billion US dollars in the last 10 years which is expected to rise to USD 43 billion in the next decade.

Dr.Vinod Anand’ s organisation, Akanksha Global logistics Pvt Ltd has been able to handle import of medical goods till date worth more than 14000 crores which is a record in itself.

Dr. Vinod Has been the pioneer in creating awareness on Hospital equipment supply chains in India.


Mr Vinod Anand Honoured With An Honourary Doctorate ( Honoris Causa)From The American University 30th November At Ginger Hotel Mumbai

अभिनेत्री अनाया त्यागी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रही है हिंदी फिल्म “शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स” में , निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की बेस्ट फिल्म है “शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स”...

बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर शेल्टर होम कांड पर बेस्ड निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की रियलिस्टिक फिल्म शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स में अभिनेत्री अनाया त्यागी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में हैं। उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म में अपने रोल के साथ इंसाफ किया है।

ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर बेस्ड इस फ़िल्म के टीज़र ने इंटरनेट पर हंगामा खड़ा कर दिया है। मुजफ्फरपुर के बालिका गृह कांड के सच को दिखाती इस फिल्म में पीड़िताओं के दुःख दर्द की कहानी दर्शाई गई है जो जल्द ही बड़े पर्दे पर पेश की जाने वाली है। स्पार्क मीडिया द्वारा प्रस्तुत लेखक निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की फ़िल्म “शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स” की निर्मात्री बीना शाह और   खुश्बू सिंह हैं। इसके कैमरामैन सनी देओल की फ़िल्म गदर फेम नजीब खान हैं।

मुजफ्फरपुर के शेल्टर होम की दर्दनाक कांड की याद दिलाती इस फ़िल्म में अक्षय वर्मा, निसाद राज राणा, राजवीर सिंह ,रोहित भारद्वाज, अनामिका पाण्डेय, नाजनीन पटनी ,अनाया त्यागी मनीशा ,ठाकुर और  सान्या ठाकुर इत्यादि ने अभिनय किया है।

कुमार नीरज ने इसकी पटकथा और संवाद लिखने में काफी रिसर्च की है। पीड़ितों से मिले, उनके दर्द और तकलीफ को महसूस किया और फिर उसे पर्दे पर प्रस्तुत करने जा रहे हैं।

फिल्म में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रही  अनाया त्यागी का कहना है कि फ़िल्म  शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स में कड़वी सच्चाई एक मैसेज के साथ प्रस्तुत की गई है। हमें उम्मीद है कि ऑडिएंस यह फ़िल्म अवश्य पसन्द करने वाली है। इस फ़िल्म की कहानी समाज को झकझोर कर रख देगी। बालीवुड के मशहूर कोरियोग्राफर गणेश आचार्य के निर्देशन में एक गीत भी देखने को मिलेगा।

अनाया त्यागी शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स को अपने लिए बड़ा मौका मानती हैं। भविष्य में उनके कई और प्रोजेक्ट्स भी अपकमिंग हैं।


अभिनेत्री अनाया त्यागी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रही है हिंदी फिल्म “शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स” में ,

निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की  बेस्ट फिल्म है “शेल्टर होम द डार्क वाइब्स”

Biopic On SILK SMITHA To Reveal The Star’s Untold Story, Set For 2025 Release...

On the occasion of her birth anniversary, December 2, the legacy of the late Silk Smitha is being honored with a new biopic that promises to reveal the hidden chapters of her fascinating life. Silk Smitha: The Untold Story, an upcoming film by STRI Cinema, is set to explore the many facets of the iconic actress’s life that remained largely unknown to the public.

Silk Smitha, born Vijayalakshmi Vadlapati, became a household name during the 1980s and 1990s, dominating South Indian cinema with her powerful screen presence and memorable roles. Despite her stardom, her personal life was shrouded in mystery, and the film seeks to offer a deeper, more personal insight into her life, beyond the glitz of the film industry.

Actress Chandrika Ravi, known for her role in Veera Simha Reddy, has been chosen to portray Silk Smitha. With her striking resemblance to the late actress, Chandrika is seen as the perfect choice to bring Silk’s life to the screen. Chandrika’s portrayal will showcase both Silk’s glamorous film career and the personal struggles she faced in her journey.

The biopic, directed by Jayaram, is set to be produced by S.B. Vijay Amritraj under the STRI Cinema banner. The movie will be made with the consent of Silk Smitha’s family, ensuring that the story portrayed on screen is both respectful and authentic. It will delve into Silk’s rise to stardom, the challenges she encountered, and the truth about her personal life, which had always been a subject of speculation.

Filming will commence soon, with an expected release in 2025. The biopic will be available in multiple languages, including Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi, making it accessible to fans across India and beyond.

The film aims to offer an honest portrayal of Silk Smitha’s life, one that highlights her struggles and triumphs. As the actress who ruled the hearts of millions, Silk Smitha’s story will now be shared in a way that honors her memory and introduces her to a new generation of moviegoers.

On this special day, Silk Smitha’s legacy continues to inspire, and this upcoming biopic promises to celebrate the life of a woman who became an enduring symbol of strength, beauty, and grace in Indian cinema.



Biopic On SILK SMITHA To Reveal The Star’s Untold Story, Set For 2025 Release

RAJADHIRAAJ: Love. Life. Leela.: The Mega-Musical’s Captivating Songs, Composed By Sachin-Jigar, Releases On All Music Streaming Platforms...

* The lyrics are penned down by celebrated lyricist and Padma Shri Awardee, Prasoon Joshi.

* The music composer duo, Sachin-Jigar has composed 20 original foot-tapping scores for the mega-musical.

The enchanting songs of ‘Rajadhiraaj: Love. Life. Leela.’, which gracefully brought Shri Krishna’s timeless leelas to life in the mega-musical, are now available on all music streaming platforms worldwide. Conceptualised by visionary Dhanraj Nathwani, the soundtracks of the theatrical have been composed by renowned composer duo Sachin-Jigar, and the lyrics have been penned by celebrated lyricist Padma Shri Awardee Prasoon Joshi.

20 original melodic tracks, which illuminated the auditorium with their captivating lyrics and lively scores, are now available for streaming, allowing audiences to immerse themselves in the magic of the grand musical. The songs elegantly capture the unconditional love between a mother and son, the enchanting love story of Radha and Krishna, and the mischievousness of Balgopal, evoking a wide range of emotions.

Sharing his thoughts on the release of the songs, Dhanraj Nathwani said, “Music stirs a rich blend of emotions and leaves a lasting impact on individuals. And Rajadhiraaj’s songs have resonated deeply with the audience across generations, Shri Krishna’s leelas have reached them through music. The enthusiasm we witnessed among the spectators here in Delhi and Mumbai led us to release these soul-stirring songs on the streaming platforms, ensuring they reach a wider audience. Of the 20 tracks we are releasing 11 right now. We are hopeful that everyone will love them as much as we loved creating them.”

The composition is a blend of Western symphonic elements from Budapest and Indian classical music, highlighting multiple musical genres such as haveli sangeet, Rajasthani and Gujarati folk, Sapakra, Raas Garba, and Hindustani semi-classical music. To capture the flavours of various regions of India, the musical duo also incorporated local instrumentalists, including tabla, dholak, shehnai, and others. The songs have been sung by renowned singers like Shankar Mahadevan, Shreya Ghoshal, Kailash Kher, Sachin Sanghvi, Parthiv Gohil, Keerthi Sagathia and Jonita Gandhi .

Revealing the idea behind the creation of the lively composition, music composer Sachin-Jigar said, “It was an interesting as well as quite challenging project for us and we thrive on such experiences. We have grown up hearing the songs and stories of Shri Krishna from our grandparents and this musical was an opportunity to bring the Krishna we know to the audience. To add depth, we blended Western and Indian classical music, while also experimenting with different local instruments to create unique and dynamic melodies. Each song is different from the other, and each one is close to our hearts.”

After a stellar run at Mumbai’s Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC), ‘Rajadhiraaj: Love. Life. Leela.’ — the world’s first mega musical on Shri Krishna’s life graced Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Auditorium in the last week of November. Executive Producer Bhoomi Nathwani presents the musical masterpiece, which seamlessly blends rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and soul-stirring live music. The show received an enthralling response from the audience in both cities, uniting generations under one roof to celebrate the rich tapestry of art, culture, and tradition. The musical is set to premiere in Dubai in 2025.

To tune into the songs, click on the below mentioned links:



Apple Music:

YouTube Music:

RAJADHIRAAJ: Love. Life. Leela.: The Mega-Musical’s Captivating Songs, Composed By Sachin-Jigar, Releases On All Music Streaming Platforms

A Glamorous Birthday Bash For Sonali Jain

The Fashion And Entertainment World Came Together For A Spectacular Evening As Celebrated Designer Sonali Jain Hosted A Dazzling Pre-Birthday Bash That Was Nothing Short Of Iconic. Known For Her Exceptional Style And Vibrant Energy, Sonali Marked The Occasion In Grand Fashion, Surrounded By Her Close Friends From The Television And Entertainment Industry.

Adding To The Excitement Of The Evening Was The Unveiling Of Sonali’s Much-Anticipated Dhoom Dhadaka Wedding Collection, A Stunning Showcase Of Tradition And Modernity.

A Star-Studded Celebration

Sonali’s Birthday Bash Turned Into A Night To Remember, With The Who’s Who Of The Tv And Entertainment World In Attendance. The Guest List Featured Popular Names Such As Gulfam Khan, Shagun Sharma, Meera Deosthale, Zaan Khan, Nivedita Basu, And Altamash Faridi, All Of Whom Added To The Festive Spirit.

The Party Was A Perfect Mix Of Heartfelt Moments And High-Energy Vibes, With Guests Celebrating Sonali’s Special Day In Style. From Electrifying Music To Candid Moments, The Evening Was Filled With Joy, Laughter, And The Unmistakable Charm That Sonali Brings To Every Event She Hosts.

Sunny Leone: The Showstopper

The Highlight Of The Night Was Bollywood Star Sunny Leone, Who Took Center Stage As The Showstopper For The Dhoom Dhadaka Wedding Collection. Dressed In A Stunning Red Lehenga Adorned With Intricate Embellishments, Sunny Embodied The Essence Of The Collection—A Flawless Fusion Of Traditional Elegance And Modern Sophistication.

The Dhoom Dhadaka Wedding Collection Celebrates The Vibrant Traditions Of Indian Weddings, Featuring Luxurious Silks, Intricate Embroidery, And A Vivid Palette Inspired By The Hues Of Wedding Rituals. It’s A Testament To Sonali’s Unparalleled Talent For Blending Heritage With Contemporary Design.

A Memorable Night

Sonali Jain’s Pre-Birthday Celebration Was Not Just A Personal Milestone But Also A Remarkable Moment In The Fashion World. With Her Dhoom Dhadaka Wedding Collection Taking Center Stage, The Evening Showcased Her Creativity, Elegance, And Deep-Rooted Connection To Indian Culture.

The Night Reaffirmed Sonali’s Position As A Leading Figure In The Fashion Industry, Leaving Guests And Fashion Enthusiasts Inspired And Eagerly Awaiting Her Next Creations.

A Glamorous Birthday Bash For Sonali Jain

ANA’S…… SPRING FORTH An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures by Mahua Ray in Nehru Centre Art Gallery...

“Ana’s…… Spring Forth”

The Art Walk of Mahua Ray

An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures from the artist’s archive

December 3rd to 9th, 2024


Nehru Center Art Gallery, Worli, Mumbai

Open daily: 11 AM to 7 PM | Free Entry

Contact:+91 9820246962


“Art whispers where words cannot ” in Mahua Ray ‘s

Ana’s……. Spring Forth, these whispers become a symphony of the soul of yours and her.

An Art Walk by Mahua Ray

Mumbai, India – From December 3rd to 9th, the Nehru Centre Art Gallery will bloom with the evocative artistry of Mahua Ray in her solo exhibition Ana’s Spring Forth. This unique art walk invites visitors to immerse themselves in a world where memory, emotion, and imagination entwine in vivid harmony through her mesmerizing paintings and sculptures.

This show was inaugurated on 3rd December 2024 by Hon’ble Guests Dr. Prakash Kothari(Sexologist, Padmashree Awardee) in the presence of Mr. Prakash Bal Joshi(Eminent Artist), Mr. Snehal Muzoomdar(Chairman Maharashtra Rajya Gujrat Sahitya Academy), Ms. Sunita Sanghai(Vachi Art Gallery – owner), Dr. Jayesh Dakre(Neuo Scentist & Smart Future Counselor), Rtn Khuzem Sakarwala( Co Founder Rotary Club of Mumbai Bravehearts), Mr. Rajendra Agarwal(Akhil Bharatiya Agarwal Sammelan Vice President), Mr. Ajinkya Chaulkar(Eminent Sculptor), Mr. Vijay Jessani, Mr. Nitin Jadia(Art Collector), Raju Shukla(Eminent Photographer), Mr. Hetal Shukla(Renowned Artist), Mr. Sameer Dnyaneshwar(Illusionist & Mind Reader),  Mr. Manmohan Jaiswal(Art Curator) among others

Mahua’s artistic journey began under the open skies, where as a child, she traced faces in clouds with her ‘Maa,’ her first muse. Guided by the wisdom of legendary artists such as Devi Prasad Roychowdhury, Mahua’s creative path blossomed, earning her accolades from a young age. This exhibition is a testament to her growth, passion, and unwavering dedication to storytelling through art.

Step into a soulful sanctuary where art whispers the unspoken. Through fluid strokes and vibrant hues, Mahua breathes life into moments, memories, and emotions, blending logic with profound emotional depth. Her latest series of oil paintings and bronze sculptures transcends time, offering a poetic exploration of human emotions and their fleeting yet eternal essence.

A celebrated artist with prestigious national and international awards.

Her works have graced galleries across Bangalore, Mumbai, New York, Canada, Dubai, Goa, Delhi, Paris, London, Ahmedabad, and beyond, earning widespread acclaim.

Cherished by prominent collectors in India and abroad, her art is a blend of impressionist elegance and philosophical depth.

In Ana’s Spring Forth, Mahua transforms innocent clouds and their hidden stories into vibrant narratives. Her graceful curves and dynamic expressions capture the vitality of feminine forms and the power of human emotions. Each piece in this collection invites the audience to experience life’s beauty through her imaginative lens.

This exhibition is more than an art showcase—it is an emotional journey, a beacon of inspiration, and a celebration of creativity that promises to leave you spellbound. Mahua Ray’s work is an invitation to see the world anew, to find beauty in life’s fleeting moments, and to connect with the emotions that bind us all.

ANA’S…… SPRING FORTH  An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures by Mahua Ray in Nehru Centre Art Gallery

Singer NAINA CHOUDHARY Brain Behind Top To Top Academy Presents Ek Shaam RAFI SAHEB Ki Kuch Yaad Mein To Be Held On 16th Dec. 2024 At Mayor Hall Mumbai....

Singer NAINA CHOUDHARY : I am a versatile artist with a passion for poetry, music, and visual arts. My  journey began as a celebrated poet in my hometown, where my work resonated with audiences. As an accomplished painter, I had the honor of exhibiting my art  at Kolkata Academy of Fine Arts,  as well as in China, Japan, and South Korea.

My creative pursuits extend beyond poetry and painting. I am a songwriter and composer, and my compositions have garnered widespread appreciation. I have performed in Kolkata, U.P and other region, captivating audiences with my soulful melodies. Additionally, I founded a charitable institute for underprivileged children, organizing programs since 2010 to uplift their spirits and provide them with opportunities.

ANUP JALOTA. (born July 29 1953) is an Indian Singer, musician and actor, best known for his contribution to the Bhajan genre of the Indian music. He is popularly known as the “Bhajan Samraat” The Padma Shri was awarded to him by the Government of Indian in 2012. He was a contestant on the reality show Big Boss 12

DILIP SEN, (born December 1, 1965) the musical maestro from Mumbai, has had a hand in shaping Bollywood’s golden years. Known for his dynamic compositions, he shot to fame with iconic tracks in movies . His music didn’t just entertain; it set the tone for romance, drama, and emotion in 90s Bollywood.

RAMESH GOYAL, (born January 13, 1957) a prominent figure in the Hindi film industry, has worn many hats as an actor, director, and producer Starting his career in the early 1980s, he has graced the screen in over 100 films. With a career spanning over three decades, he’s made a significant mark in Bollywood.

JAKIR KHAN, is a good actor, comedian, and poet, and he has been awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award by the Indian government.

MOHAN BADGUJAR, is a well-known figure in Mumbai, particularly in the cultural and entertainment sectors. He is the President of the Cultural Department at the ICON Foundation, which is involved in various cultural and social activities in Mumbai.

Singer NAINA CHOUDHARY  Brain Behind Top To Top Academy  Presents  Ek Shaam RAFI SAHEB Ki Kuch Yaad Mein To Be Held On 16th Dec. 2024 At Mayor Hall Mumbai.

Apeejay Stya Art Festival 2024 I Creative Cascades I Art Exhibition at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery...

From: 2nd to 7th December 2024

Apeejay Stya Art Festival 2024

Creative Cascades

A Vibrant Display of Paintings, Sculptures, Photographs, Digital Art, Tapestries, Terracottas and Drawings


Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery

Bajaj Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021

Contact: +91 9815205622 / +91 8699523596

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Apeejay Education nurtures and manifests its social commitment through the more than 50 year old Apeejay Education which runs 26 quality Educational Institutions across India. Apeejay Education envisions to usher in value-based holistic education and excellence in education, leading to man-making and nation-building. Apeejay Stya institutions are guided by the vision of the Founder Chairman, Dr. Stya Paul – eminent industrialist, educationist, freedom-fighter, philanthropist and the inspiration behind all Apeejay Education Institutions. Dr. Stya Paul’s glorious legacy is being carried forward very passionately by Mrs. Sushma Paul Berlia, illustrious daughter of Dr. Stya Paul and Chairman, Apeejay Stya & Svran Group, Chairman, Apeejay Education and Chancellor, Apeejay Stya University, Gurugram.

This show was inaugurated on 2nd December 2024 by Hon’ble Mrs.Sushma Paul Berlia, Chairman Apeejay Stya and Svran Group in the presence of  Mr.Nishant Berlia,co-promoter Apeejay Stya and Svran group, pro chancellor Apeejay Stya university, Ms.Neeta Mahindra, Ms.Seep Taneja, Mr.Ridhi Dogra, Ms.Kriti Gupta, Mr.Vijay Nayyar, Mr.Sukanth, Ms. Swaranshi, Ms.Supreet, Mr.Raghav Kapoor, Mr.M K Wanjari, Mrs.Veena Gulshan, Mr.Anand Prabhudesai among others.

Promotion of arts has always been a constant and continuous endeavour of Apeejay Education which it realises through its institutions primarily those which are specially dedicated to this noble cause viz Apeejay Stya University (ASU), Sohna, Gurugram, Haryana, Apeejay College of Fine Arts (ACFA), Jalandhar, Punjab and Apeejay Institute of Design (AID), New Delhi.

Apeejay Stya Art Festival 2024: Creative Cascades showcasing the creative works of the faculty and students of these Institutions is being organized at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai from 2nd December to 7th December 2024. The first of its kind Art Exhibition celebrates a vibrant galaxy of art forms ranging from Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Tapestries, Terracottas, Mixed Media to Photography.

The rich variety of media used by the artists to unleash their Imaginative flights add multi-hued dimensions to the Exhibition providing an enhanced and enriching experience to the onlookers. Marked with lnnovations and Originality of Expressions, the works on display would provide a peep into the variegated messages conveyed by the artists in a subtle and creative Manner.

Apeejay Stya Art Festival 2024 I Creative Cascades I Art Exhibition at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery

HINDUSTAN RATNA AWARD 2024 Was Given For Notable Contribution In Art, Science, Social Service And Other Fields To Social Workers, Bollywood Celebrities And Businessmen...

The 22nd award-honour ceremony organised by Mumbai Global, ‘Hindustan Ratna Award 2024’ was concluded successfully at Mukti Cultural Hub, Model Town, Andheri West, Mumbai. Renowned doctor, artist and social worker of Raipur (Chhattisgarh) Dr Ajay Sahay inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. Social worker Abhijeet Rane was the chief guest. Senior playback singer Udit Narayan, actor producer Dheeraj Kumar, writer director Rumi Jafri, actor Deepak Parashar,leena kapoor  and Arjunman Mughal were present as special guests.

This award, given for notable contribution in art, science, social service and other fields. Senior film Publicist, and film producer Puneet Khare was active in the arrangements and events.

Prominent names among the people honored with ‘Hindustan Ratna Award 2024’ are –

Director Neeraj Sahay and R.P. Sharma, pop singer Goldking Baljit Singh and Nitin Rocks, singer actor Nitin Rajput, actor Kamal Malik and Ravi Yadav, actress model Rivika Mani and Kajol Solanki,  Himani Pathak, dance director Neha Kore, model actress Sana Khan, Leena Kapoor, Pooja Pandey, Swagata Bose and model business woman Zaheera Sheikh and Renuka Chougle and business woman and actress Sunita Bawa. Apart from these, numerology expert Ravinder K Kaur and child artist Dhruv Raj Chandran.

Apart from these, the names of fashion designers Moonmoon Chakraborty and Ritu Goyal and Hindustani Ratna Award’s brand ambassador Prahvi Pathak are also included. Some other people who were honoured include Mohan Shinde, Shahnaz Khan, Lavkush Kumar Singh, Chandra Prakash Nirvana, Vaishnavi Nikam and Dr. Vaibhav Andhare.

On the same stage, some beauties were crowned as Miss and Mrs. Sapna Singh became Miss Hindustani Gold winner. Dimple Queen Shikha was crowned as Miss Global India Platinum winner and Priyanka Dey was crowned as Miss Global India Diamond. Jayshree Patil was chosen as Mrs. Global India.

The names of the girls honoured as runway models are – Pooja Rao, Annu Singh, Rukhsar Khan and Eram Sami.

HINDUSTAN RATNA AWARD 2024 Was Given For Notable Contribution In Art, Science, Social Service And Other Fields To Social Workers,   Bollywood Celebrities And Businessmen

Kavya Keeran A Diamond Craft Of Odisha In Bollywood Decorated With Best Actress “State Award”...

Exclusive Interview by Raja Sarfaraz


Doozy The Panorama of Art that Has Stage that connect emotions make society understand the Value of Craft .Kavya Keeran Shukla an actress with out Film Background is setting a remarkable example not only in Bollywood but Ollywood the Film industry of Odisha. Recently Crowned  as ” Best actress” State award for Film “Saheed Raghu Sardar” an initiative by  Government of Odisha Kavya acquires it as most deserving Actress for the award and shines overnight once again.

Known for her methodology ,best action, acting, dancing skills Kavya has made it possible to inspire other Female actress that nothing is impossible if Patience, Consistency and Talent is depicted with Enthusiasm and determination.

Kavya Is an example of women empowerment and an ambassador of self made Public Figure. Bringing laurels to Her Family and State as well.In a  Special interview with Us we got to know more about Ollywood Queen Kavya Keeran.

Congratulations for bringing Laurels, Tell us more about the award you Crowned recently?

It is every actor’s dream to get appreciated for their work and to get a state or national award once in their lifetime… and I am glad that I got this chance. And I am happy that I got this opportunity.. it just gives me some confidence and I feel that hard work pays off

How  Would you like to  define this  “Award” in your carrier ?

I am lucky that even though I am not from a film background, getting good roles is a matter of luck and now after having some work experience, I understand the difference between good and bad, so I want to do some projects in future .For me Performing art and aesthetics is like heart beat,i have Made it very clear that impact full stories need to be painted pompous and crafted for generation.

What are Your upcoming projects?

I have completed few of Bollywood & Ollywood projects last year, hopefully in this year it releases

Hindi Webseris “Inspector Avinash” feature film “Choupar” one Music Vedio short film  in  Bollywood & few ollywood projects two features film one biopic “Mahanayak”, thriller film “Angel”, one Webseris “Balijatra”

Best actress Award is a dream what’s your message for New comers?

Yes, a small appreciation bring a joy of confidence and imparts clear picture to frame in future, but State Award means a lot infact a dream come true moment for any person working on craft since years.I would like to say that everyone should keep working and have patience.. most importantly a positive thought along with an income source

You are known for your acting, dancing skills and Looks what make you feel more impact full on screen?

Yes true that,Thanks for noticing well Acting makes me feel close to emotions, dancing gives me confidence to move on beats ,action is all time favorite infact interesting to perform on screen .

I think my dedication, honesty hard-works

My dedication towards films and art, I worship actually, the satisfaction i get through in acting is not there in anything else.. I enjoy this thing more than anything

Kavya is an inspiration with in .An Institution that will be soon Rise and  shine more bright with her craft and art she has worked since years to break the X factor .Bollywood  Directors and Producers need to Encourage and Introduce such talented girls on grand scale so that Nation will witness how talented and crafted the self made Girls are in our country and trend is that public is loving such Personalities more.


Kavya Keeran A Diamond Craft Of Odisha In Bollywood  Decorated With Best Actress “State Award”

SAFARNAMA Solo Show Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Manish Sutaar In Jehangir Art Gallery...

From: 26th November to 2nd December 2024


Solo Show of Paintings by well-known artist Manish Sutaar


Jehangir Art Gallery

161-B, M.G. Road

Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: +91 9372941458 / +91 9869170967 


Recent work of a well-known artist – Manish Sutaar is showing his recent work in Jehangir Art Gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 26th Nov. to 2nd Dec. 2024 between 11 am to 7 pm. This series in Water colours on Archies paper.

Manish Sutaar hails from Mumbai. He had his art education at L.S. School of Arts, Bandra Mumbai upto BFA. Then he displayed his thematic works in numerous leading art galleries in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, New Delhi, New York Biennale, Taipei-Taiwan, etc. He also actively participated in art camps at Hyderabad and Pune. He is a proud recipient of several prizes and awards as well as recognitions from leading art promotional institution of national and international reputations. His works are in collection of many reputed art collectors such as Reserve Bank of India- Mumbai, – New Delhi, Bangalore, Kenya, England, Germany, USA, Paris, New York, Italy etc.

The present series in Water colours on art paper lays emphasis on his journey through life’s canvas as a tapestry of life. It is a chronicle of the ever-shifting landscapes of human existence.  He has encountered a Kaleidoscope of emotions such as joy, sorrow, anger, excitement, enthusiasm, satisfaction in his life. These emphasize profound turmoil and fragile beauty which define the human condition so as to highlight diverse complexity of life in a metropolitan city bustling with hustle & bustle resulting into a pulsating lifeline in urban areas,  Safar transcends more transits leading to a profound metaphor of human aspirations, struggles and fleeting moments. Aptly moved by these moments, his artistic mind has found expressions in colours and forms so as to render unique parameter and dimension to his symbolic exploration of existence via various human postures, moods and unusual characters through flowing forms, textured washes and abstract nuances etc. His quest to unveil and articulate the unseen has resulted into a visual harmony of the intricate complexities of human life.  His canvas has become a refuge where chaos transforms into beauty and despair gives way to hope thereby rendering a happy and positive dimension to his thematic work.


SAFARNAMA Solo Show Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Manish Sutaar In Jehangir Art Gallery