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Maharashtra Medical Council dismissed a complaint against Dr. Yusuf Merchant and exonerated him of all the charges, levelled and framed against him.

Dr. Yusuf Merchant was represented by Adv. Shabnam Latiwala and Dr Gopinath Shenoy.

Advocate Latiwala states that according to the order dated 31/03/2021 The Governing Council of MMC declared that Dr.Yusuf Merchant has not committed any violation of the Code of Medical Ethics or Professional Misconduct.

The Maharashtra Medical Council also held that there was no evidence to substantiate the allegations levelled against Dr.Yusuf Merchant.

Adv. Shabnam Latiwala said that Justice has finally prevailed. Adding further, she said, there was no merit and no evidence at all in the case as observed by the Maharashtra Medical Council. The entire case was a frivolous and malicious prosecution as all the charges against Dr.Yusuf Merchant were baseless and unsubstantiated.

Adv. Shabnam Latiwala states that her client was vindicated  by some disgruntled elements, who are trying to bring discredit and disrepute to her client and stop him from working in the arena of Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers. The said persons, supported by an unregistered and recently formed social organization PARA, tried getting a media trial for my client.

A question therefore arises, as to whether it actually exists or is a fictitious entity floated with sole purpose of maligning Dr. Merchant by creating a media campaign against him and discredit his good work.

According to Dr. Gopinath Shenoy,” Meaningless and baseless allegations have now become a norm. It is legalised harassment and extortion that doctors and other professionals are subject to nowadays.”

It was Dr Merchant, who got the deadly drug MCAT ( Meow Meow) banned in India by filing a PIL, when no one wanted to take on the Drug Mafia even at the cost of the youth of India.

He made many enemies since 1988 due to his All india drug prevention campaigns; and more so after MCAT (Meow Meow) was banned. Dr Merchant had filed a PIL to ban the deadly drug MCAT.

Dr Yusuf Merchant has also received threatening and extortion calls for Rs. Three crores, in the past.

Few months ago, MMC had received a complaint from one PARA alleging that they represented victims and levelled various charges against Dr. Yusuf Merchant. However, PARA itself is an unregistered body and does not even have an address.

This complaint against Dr Merchant is a gross abuse of benevolent provisions of laws. A reputable person is being subjected to ignominy of facing a hearing in a complaint, which as per the Maharashtra Medical Council is nothing but without any merit.

Dr Yusuf Merchant is the founder president of Drug Abuse Information Rehabilitation and research centre, in Mumbai. He has developed a highly successful rehabilitation program for drugs addicts and patients of anxiety. His rehabilitation through community living program began 37 years ago at his own residence.

Dr Merchant does not believe in giving medication but sees his rehab through community living as a half way home. It helps addicts and others to reintegrate back into society.

His novel rehabilitation through community living is a non-medical intervention. It is believed that his success rate is over 85 % for people who have completed the program.

Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan Recieved SDP ICONIC INTERNATIONAL WOMEN AWARD 2021 By Innovative Artist Welfare Association And Amarcine Production...

Shruti Chauhan is a proud reciepent of the most prestigious award ICONIC INTERNATIONAL WOMEN AWARD.100 top women around the world were choosen for this award based on their profile.50 countries participated in it.Out of 3000 entries top 100 were choosen and felicitated with a momorable Momento and certificate.

Everyone has oceans to fly, if they have heart to do it. But do dreams have boundaries ???

From flying mean machines in the sky to walking the ramp in a beauty pageant, Indian Air Force Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan has shown the world that for her even the sky is not the limit

From flying mean machines in the sky to walking the ramp in a beauty pageant, Indian Air Force Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan has shown the world that for her even the sky is not the limit. After fifteen years of distinguished service to the nation, along with being a mother of a 10-year-old daughter, Shruti went after her secret desire of shining in the spotlight and grabbed the center stage at Mrs. India Inc World Beauty Pageant 2021 where she was adjudged the second runner-up.

She comes from the lineage of freedom fighter Devi Singh Chauhan, who was also the PWD and Education Minister, and feels nationalism was instilled in her blood. Hence, her choice of donning the sky blue uniform and wings was discernible to her. A soldier at heart, Shruti is the wife of Gaurav Singh who belongs to the same line of work and is a Wing Commander in the Air Force.

The 38 years old diva was always an outdoor aficionado who loved challenges and seized every opportunity to quench her thirst for adventure. She was a performer and front runner in competitions, both in the field and in art. She was awarded All India Best Cadet in NCC, she is an All India Gold Medalist in Painting and has also been a leader of marching contingents at the prestigious Republic Day Parade at Rajpath. She has been conferred with several awards and honours including Awards from the President of India and the Marathwada Women`s Achiever Award felicitated by Shri Anna Hazare in 2011.

A believer of feminism, Shruti Chauhan has made heads turn in her appreciation in all walks of life. Navigating between the roles of a soldier, a wife, a mother, and now a diva, she has set an example for everyone and has made a statement that – A woman can get anything she sets her eyes on. She is an exemplary role model for the girls who want to break free from the chains of society which sets limits on their dreams. 

The most `Common` image of a 38-year-old woman, who is happily married and mother to a 10-year-old girl, would start with something like – talkative, shopping enthusiast, loves working from home. Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan challenges this ‘Common Imagination’ and takes the Crown of being an ‘Uncommon Woman’ who is a soldier at heart, a loving mother, a fitness enthusiast, and a complete woman.

Worldwide Records – Celebrating 20 Years With 20 Million Subscribers...

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के 20 वर्षों के जश्न के साथ 20 मिलियन सब्स्क्राइबर हुए पूरे

म्यूजिक कंपनी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने इंडस्ट्री में अपने 20 साल पूरे कर लिए हैं। वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स की 2001 में स्थापित हुई थी। और वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स भोजपुरी की शुरुआत 2016 में हुई थी।

उस समय किसी ने भी ये नहीं सोचा होगा कि ये कंपनी म्यूजिक इंडस्ट्री में इतना धमाल मचाएंगी। और इंडस्ट्री में 20 वर्षों का लंबा सफर तय कर लेगी, लेकिन कंपनी ने ऐसा करके दिखा दिया। इसके साथ ही कंपनी ने इस साल एक और रिकार्ड अपने कर लिया है। जी हां 23 अप्रैल को कंपनी के भोजपुरी यूट्यूब चैनल ने 20 मिलियन यानी कि 2 करोड़ सब्स्क्राइबर का आंकड़ा पार कर लिया है।

जिसको लेकर कंपनी से जुड़ा हर कोई काफी ख़ुशी महसूस कर रहा है, साथ ही सभी सब्सक्राइबर में ख़ुशी की लहर दौड़ पड़ी है। भोजपुरी जगत के लिए ख़ुशी की बात है। क्योंकि अब तक यूट्यूब पर किसी भी भोजपुरी चैनल के इतने सब्स्क्राइबर नहीं है।

इस नई उपलब्धि पर वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी म्यूजिक कंपनी के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार को चारों ओर से बधाईयां व शुभकामनाएं मिल रही हैं। और वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के ओनर रत्नाकर कुमार भी कंपनी की इस उपलब्धि से काफी खुश नजर आ रहे हैं। और उन्होंने अपने सभी चाहने वालों, श्रोताओं और कंपनी स्टॉफ का तहेदिल से धन्यवाद दिया है। आगे रत्नाकर कुमार ने कहा कि कंपनी अपने दशकों के इस प्यार की आभारी है। क्योंकि ये दर्शकों का प्यार ही है जो कंपनी इस ऊंचाई तक पहुंच पाई है।

आगे भी कंपनी के द्वारा अपने दर्शकों के लिए एक से बढ़कर एक फिल्में व म्यूजिक एल्बम लाती रहेगी। भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के सभी दिग्गज कलाकारों और सिंगरों ने कंपनी को बधाई भेजी है।

Actress Azra Qureshi will make her Bollywood debut with her acting in 2021...

अभिनेत्री अज़रा कुरेशी 2021 में अपने एक्टिंग से मचाएंगे बॉलीवुड में धमाल ।

खूबसूरत एक्ट्रेस अजरा कुरेशी निर्देशक कुमार नीरज की आने वाली हिंदी वेब सीरीज जो गैंगवार पे आधारित है उसको साइन किया है।उस वेब सीरीज में अजरा कुरेशी मेन कैरेक्टर में दिखेंगी।महोबा जिले के चरखारी गांव में जन्मे अजरा कुरेशी लड़कियों के लिए हिम्मत की मिसाल है। अपने खुद के बलबूते पे अजरा कुरेशी ने पढ़ाई लिखाई की।और आज गवर्मेन्ट जॉब में हैं। बचपन से जुनूनी अजरा को खुद पे भरोसा था।कुछ कर गुजरने का जुनून था। डांस,एक्टिंग ट्रेवलिंग राइडिंग की शौखिन अजरा को छोटो सी उम्र से फैमली ने सपोर्ट खींच लिया।अजरा के सारे सपनों को उसके फैमली ने नज़र अंदाज़ कर उसके सपनों के पंख काट दिए।फिर भी अजरा ने हिम्मत नही हारी मेहनत की मजदूरी की खूब मन लगा के अपना पढ़ाई जारी रक्खा।और उसकी मेहनत रंग लाई और वो आज छोटी सी उम्र में प्रिंसीपल बनने में कामयाब हो गयी।

अजरा को बचपन से फ़िल्म में एक्टिंग करना ।डांस करना का बहुत शौख था।पर हालात ऐसे थे के कोई शौख पूरा नही हुआ था। पर आज बॉलीवुड में अजरा कुरैशी अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाने की तरफ बढ़ रही हैं।वेब सीरीजके बाद उन्होंने हिंदी फिल्म में भी काम की शुरुआत कर दी है।और धीरे धीरे वॉलीवुड में अपनी पहचान बनाती जा रही हैं।

अजरा कुरेशी लगातार सुर्खियों में बनी रहती हैं। कुछ दिन पहले नवाबों के शहर लखनऊ में अज़रा कुरेशी अपनी फ़ोटो शूट करवाते हुए नजर आई थी।अज़रा अपनी अपकमिंग वेब सीरीजको लेकर काफी उत्साहित हैं। वेब सीरीज में उनका किरदार काफी अलग और चुनौतीपूर्ण है।वेब सीरीज के अज़रा अलावा वह कई हिंदी एल्बम में भी नज़र आएंगी।

अजरा कुरेशी सोशल मीडिया पर भी काफी ऐक्टिव हैं और सोसल मीडिया पे वो अपना जलवा दिखा रही हैं जो दर्शक भी बेहद पसंद करते रहे है।

बॉलीवुड में कुछ हटकर करने की ख्वाहिश रखने वाली वाली अज़रा को अच्छा किरदार चाहिए जिसमे चैलेंज हो और जो उन्हें करने में काफी मजा आए।


अजरा से स्ट्रगल करते कुछ लड़कियों के लिए पूछा तो वो बोली कि खुद पे भरोसा रखना चाहिए।कोई कुछ भी बोले हमें जो करना है उसपे फ़ोकस करना चाहिए।आपकी जुनून ही आपको कामयाब बनाएगी जिसे बाद में आपका टैलेंट पूरी दुनियाँ देखेगी,,,

Little Kanha Mehta’s Charisma Will Convince You To Know More About Him...

It’s even more striking when we see a celebrity kid following in their parents’ footsteps, and teensy Kanha Mehta proves it that DNA doesn’t lie! He is a 6 years old baby boy of a well reputated Producer and Bollywood personality Paras Mehta. Kanha is already creating his own public persona and is in the spotlight, even though he is too young to understand how the glamour world operates.

Kanha marked his presence with star studded music video ‘Phir Hasenge’ which made space in YouTube Trending list, starring B-Town Celebrities like Zareen Khan, Daisy Shah, Pranutan Bahl, Gurmeet Choudhary, Preeti Jhangiani, Upasna Singh, Aarti Chhabria and many more. He came as a lead in Holi Tere Naal directed by renowned Director Dinesh Sudarshan Soi, released worldwide by Zee Music Company.

He is stealing the entire limelight and media spotlight at such a tender age and we are damn sure that whatever path this baby boy lass ultimately chooses, it will bound to lap massive attention, fandom and success. Celebrities like Suniel Shetty, Shraddha Kapoor showers love on him.  .

It’s only natural to expect Kanha Mehta embracing the entertainment industry in the near future. After all, the Bollywood gene pool is strong!

At the moment, Kanha Mehta is loving every bit of the attention and is constantly showered with incessant social media attention from his fans and well-wishers, thanks to her charisma and charm! Internet sensation Jannat Zubair is seen admiring his content very often.


His warm, genuine smile is gazed at very intently. You simply can’t ignore his heart-warming pictures that has set social media on fire. No doubt, he is already lining up to hit the marquee.