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Mrs Navdeep Kaur Emerges As The Winner Of Mrs India Inc. 2020!...

~Will represent India at Mrs World 2020~

One of the biggest events of this year, Mrs India Inc presents Mrs India World 2020-2021 , powered by the Deltin, Daman, was held on January 23, 2021 at The Deltin, Daman. Mrs. Navdeep Kaur was crowned the winner and will represent India at Mrs World 2020, followed by Anupreet Kaur as 1st runner up and Shruti Chauhan as 2nd runner up.  She was adjudged the winner by competing against 61 participants, from all parts of India.

The participants went through multiple rounds that allowed them to showcase their talents to an eminent panel comprising pageant director Mohini Sharma, Presider Soha Ali Khan, Charity ambassador Vivek Oberoi, Mrs World 2020 Caroline Jurie and Couture Designer Masumi Mewawalla.

Speaking of her experience with Mrs India Inc. 2021, pageant director and former winner of Mrs India Inc. Mohini Sharma, said, “With Mrs India Inc., we are on a mission to identify the unseen potential possessed by women. Our amazing panel members are achievers in their right and have served as an inspiration to our Queens. Soha Ali Khan is a wonderful actress, a fantastic mom and a lovely person of royal lineage. I think her humility, despite her achievements is quite inspiring. Vivek Oberoi’s passion for bringing about change in the society is infectious. Caroline Jurie, Mrs World 2020, has lent a lot of insight, being a winner at a global level. Mrs India Inc is, not just a beauty pageant, but a journey of transformation and self-growth. Masumi’s couture wear lent them the grace and appearance befitting a queen. All these wonderful panellists have surely added value to this journey, for the participants.

Presider Soha Ali Khan too expressed her joy and pride for the platform. “I’m glad to be associated with Mrs India Inc., a platform that’s committed to giving women a chance to showcase their talent and shine as an individual. It’s helping to change the perception about the world towards married women and break the stereotypes surround us. The balance between fulfilling our responsibility as wife, mother and also towards oneself, is not easy to achieve. I think every woman is a winner for being able to achieve it.”


While preparing for the pageant, the participants went through intense sessions with renowned experts of the industry. Ramp-walk expert and show director Alesia Raut, Hair and makeup expert Cherag Bambboat, Nutrition expert Suman Agarwal, Holistic wellness coach Shivangi Maletia, Grooming expert Audrey D’Silva, fitness expert Urmimala Boruah and Life Coach Mickey Mehta came through to help these queens fullfil their transformation journey.


Business Tycoon Suraj Mate Honoured With Nelson Mandela Nobel Peace Award 2021...

नेलसन मंडेला नोबल पीस अवार्ड 2021 से सम्मानित हुये बिज़नेस टायकून  सूरज माटे ।

मुम्बई: मे रविवार 24 दिसंबर को विले पार्ले स्थित सहारा स्टार होटल मे । नेलसन मंडेला नोबल पीस अवार्ड 2020, 2021 । का आयोजन किया गया । जँहा केन्द्रीय मंत्रि और रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ़ इंडिया सुप्रिमो राम दास आठवले, प्रोफेसर मधू कृषण सर के हाथो आँनरी डॉक्टरेट पी,एच,डी, सर्टिफ़िकेट देकर सम्मानित किया गया ।

साथ ही  रविवार 24th दिसंबर को ग्रैंड पेनीनसुला होटल साकीनाका  मे दार्शनिक मुम्बई प्रैस मीडिया अवार्ड 2020,2021 । के लिये फिल्म अभिनेता रजा मुराद, अली खान, राजेश पूरी, दिलिप सेन म्यूज़िक डायरेक्ट, ऐक्ट्रेस पारुल चौधरी । जैसें गडमानन्य जनो की मौजूदगी मे सम्मानित किया गया । कार्यक्रम मे समाज मे अपने अपने छेत्र मे सराहनीय योगदान देने वाले को सम्मान चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया गया ।

अपको बता दे की हाल ही मे सूरज माटे चेयरमैन ग्लोबल  सनशाइन, बीते 21 जनवरी को एम्पॉवर डायरेक्ट सेल्लींग अंड बिज़नेस अवार्ड 2021 । मे सबको पीछे छोड़ते हुये,बेस्ट बिज़नेस मैन का खिताब अपने नाम कर लीया ।


सूरज माटे बताते है की लॉकडाउन के दौरान जहा लोगों के लिये मुस्किलो भरा रहा,वही मेरे लिये सुवसर लेकर आया जिसके चलते मैं लोगो के लिये कुछ कर पाया, यही कारन है की सूरज माटे इन दिनो सोशल मीडिया और अखबारो की हेडलाइन  बने हुये है ।

BB News Editor Brajesh Mehar Honoured With Bollywood Legend Award...

बॉलीवुड लीजेंड अवॉर्ड से BB न्यूज के संपादक ब्रजेश मेहर हुए सम्मानित

केसीएफ का बॉलीवुड लीजेंड अवॉर्ड 2020 समापन

2020 के अंत के निकट 26 दिसंबर की शाम को बॉलीवुड लीजेंड अवार्ड 2020 के दूसरे संस्करण का आयोजन कृष्णा चौहान फाउंडेशन (केसीएफ) के अंतर्गत धूमधाम से सम्पन्न हुआ। इस अवार्ड शो के आयोजक कृष्णा चौहान हैं जो बॉलीवुड और सामाजिक क्षेत्रों में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देने वाले लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करने के उद्देश्य से यह अवार्ड शो पिछले दो वर्षों से करते आ रहे हैं। पिछले कई वर्षों से मीडिया जगत से जुड़े BBन्यूज़ के संपादक ब्रजेश मेहर को बॉलीवुड अभिनेता गजेंद्र चौहान, कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल और कृष्णा चौहान के हाथों से पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया। इस मौके पर ब्रजेश मेहर ने कहा कि कृष्णा चौहान ने मुझे इस सम्मान के काबिल समझा इस के लिए में उनका तहेदिल से धन्यवाद करता हूँ।

पुरस्कार समारोह के दौरान उपस्थित सभी कलाकारों ने अपने इंडस्ट्री से जुड़े अनुभव के बारे में बात की। इसके साथ ही कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल ने अपने बहुत चर्चित कैरेक्टर रतन नूरा को पेश कर समारोह में चार चांद लगा दिए। शो में बॉलीवुड अभिनेताओं ने अपने हँसी मजाक से माहौल को खुशनुमा कर दिया है। इस साल भी पुरस्कार समारोह में बॉलीवुड इंडस्ट्री, सामाजिक एवं मीडिया जगत से जुड़े हुए लोगों को सम्मानित किया गया है। इस वर्ष बॉलीवुड इंडस्ट्री के दिग्गज अभिनेता रजा मुराद, अरुण बक्शी, सुरेंद्र पाल, गजेंद्र चौहान, अली खान, कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल, गुलशन पांडेय, शेरीन फरीद इंटरनेशनल परफॉर्मर, एंकर सिमरन आहूजा, म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर संजय पाठक, लिरिक्स राइटर सुधाकर शर्मा, एक्टर एंड कोरियोग्राफर राजीव दिनकर को बॉलीवुड लीजेंड अवॉर्ड 2020 देकर सम्मानित किया गया है। इसी क्रम में कृष्णा चौहान फाउंडेशन के द्वारा मीडिया जगत में अपनी धाक रखने वाले मीडियाकर्मियों को पुरस्कार प्रदान किए गए। जिसमें BBन्यूज़ के संपादक ब्रजेश मेहर, फिल्मी झलक मैगजीन के संपादक राजाराम सिंह, पत्रकार अमित मिश्रा, जयेश गोहिल, मुंबई मेट्रो से अब्दुल कादिर, बॉलीवुड हलचल से सोहेल एफ. फिदाई, आज की न्यूज़ के नाशिर तगले, बॉलीवुड अड्डा के दलविंदर दिमान, कृष्णा के शर्मा, प्रेस फोटोग्राफर राजेश कोरिल सहित कई लोगों को पुरस्कारों से नवाजा गया।

इस कोरोना महामारी के समय में सभी अतिथि और अवार्डी ने सरकारी आदेशानुसार मास्क और सोशल डिस्टेंस का पूर्ण रूप से पालन किया। अभी हालही में कृष्णा चौहान द्वारा लीजेंड बाबा साहब फाल्के अवॉर्ड 2020 भी किया गया था। स्टैंडअप कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल ने सभी का भरपूर मनोरंजन किया।


‘4th Cinema Aajtak Achiever’s  Award-2020’ was hosted successfully by Veteran Journalist Publicist and Event Organiser Puneet Khare at Country Club,Mumbai on 18 th Dec.-2020!

It was a grand and a super successful show with extraordinary fanfare, glitz and glamour from our entertainment industry !

‘Cinema Aaj Tak Achiever’s Award-2020‘ – conceived , designed and directed by Puneet Khare and hosted by chief editor Narendra Sharma is a Vipul Shah presentation.

The event started with lightning of the auspicious lamp by veteran producer director Saawan Kumar Tak,bhajan samrat Anoop Jalota,producer Balkishan Srivastava,writer Sachinder Sharma,Sadhika Randhava,Actor Rakesh srivastava,Shabbir sheikh,Eshaan Qurashi,Manisha Khare and Vipul Shah along with presentation of awards and gala entertainment and galore.

The entire team of Anup Jalota’s most ambitious multi- faceted cultural and spiritual feature film ‘Satya Sai Baba’ (made in Hindi,English,Telugu, &Marathi -due for release soon) was felicitated with awards by Maha mandeleshwar Himangi Sakhi to Anoop Jalota,Sadhika Randhava,Govind Namdev,Mustak Khan,Balkishan Srivastava,Sachinder Sharma,Vicky Ranavat and Shabbir Sheikh.

The unit members of Producer director Rajeev Chaudhari’s film RED – the film being directed by Ashok Tyagi and co produced by Rekha Surendra Jagtap with their leading male lead actor Krushna Abhishekh also graced the occasion and were felicitated by veteran producer Saawan Kumar !

Renowned singer Shahid Malliya sang his hit numbers and Eshaan Qureshi made the audience laugh with his hilarious acts ! ‘Cinema AajTak’ awardees were awarded by Saawan Kumar Taak and Govind Namdev.


Gajendra Chauhan,Dharam J .Gupta,Gopi Sapru,Amit Verma,Satpal Singh Sokhi,Jyoti Jhangayani,Peeyush Gupta,Dr.Sayali Gaikward,Harnaam Singh,Raju Tonk,Preeti Soni,Honey Bhalla,Aishwarya singh,Amol Bavdankar,Swapana Pati,Dr.Subhash Dutta Sawant,Ramakant Munde,Chief editor Leo Media Digital,’s Dr Keval Kumar and Yogesh Lakhani.

Vote of thanks was rendered by Manisha

Pixs Raju Asrani and Rajesh Koril

Actor Mukesh J Bharti & Producer Manju Bharti fecilated by Midday Showbiz Icon Award 2020...

When talking about a Star-studded celebration, Mid-Day Showbiz Icon Awards 2020 grabs the limelight, it was held at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai. To recognize the celebrated work across the entertainment industry.

This colossal event witnessed a winning moment for Actor Mukesh J Bharti & Producer Manju Bharti bagged the best actor Award and Best producer award. Well -known industry personalities like Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Vivek Oberoi, and Amruta Fadnavis awarded the title to Mukesh J Bharti & Manju Bharti, making this glittering event even more blissful.

Actor Mukesh J Bharti feels blessed that his lifelong dream of becoming a mainstream Bollywood actor has achieved realization. Debuting from the film Kaash Tum Hote, Mukesh J Bharti has travelled a diverse acting journey with several films under his hat. He is now waiting for his upcoming releases ‘Pyaar Mein Thoda Twist’ and ‘Ishq Nachaunda’ under the banner of Vivek Films Production House helmed by his supremely talented wife Manju Bharti. “We have finished the shoot of ‘Pyaar Mein Thoda Twist’ and it is set to release in early 2021. ‘Ishq Nachaunda’ is another project I’m excited about as we have the legendary Bappi Da onboard with us as the music director, plus he’s composing a revamped version of the famous song “Jhumka gira re…”, written by Sameer Anjaan, that will win people’s hearts for sure,” Mukesh J Bharti said. The film is also said to have a super popular star cast with some terrific performers from the industry.


Manju Bharti Debuting in 2012 in the producer’s chair from ‘Kaash Tum Hote’ which released in 2014, where she also acted as the second lead, Manju Bharti focused solely in putting her knowledge of films and media to task, and came up with her second film ‘Mausam Ikrar Ke Do Pal Pyar Ke’ in 2018. Her third, much-awaited film ‘Pyaar Mein Thoda Twist’ was scheduled for release this year, but is now postponed due to the covid-19 pandemic’s aftermath. In a brief chat with her, Manju Bharti revealed about her future projects and her duties as a Bollywood Film Producer.

Miss Glamourface World-INDIA Angel Tetarbe Recieved LEGEND DADASAHEB PHALKE Award 2020...

International Winner In Germany ,Angel Tetarbe -“Miss Glamourface World India” & “Popular Queen of Universe” Recieved.   “LEGEND  DADASAHEB  PHALKE AWARD”2020 in mumbai 5th Dec for her International Achievement . “Angel ” Represented our country India In Germany and got India win in the World for ” Best National Costume”2018″.

Then she is chosen as  “Popular Queen of Universe 2019”,then she flew down to London,New york for Holidays and In  Los Angeles she recieved “World Peace Messenger Award”2019.Dec,

“It was really a beautiful moment for me to have in hands” Legend DADASAHEB PHALKE  Award “2020. We truly love n respect from the bottom of the  heart”The Father Of our  Indian Cinema”.

It has come to me as a  great Surprise as I reached India from New York after having holiday  and shows along wd Bollywood Stars. And after  lockdown over am  recieving such a beautiful Award .

Thanks a lot to the Organiser &Team.

“Thank u so much my sweet  mom dad for always loving and  supporting me so ppmuchhh at every step of my life. Mom this Award is For You.”


“Its a true blessings to me from Maa Mumbadevi n my Lord Shiva,whatever God has blessed me with am very very greatful to my god and still a long way to go..”

“Important is to enjoy the journey towards your goal”. Its the Best Wishes of my Family & friends.Thank u so muchh for yr wishes n blessings to me. Love u all .