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Shamim Khan Organizes The Indian Icon Film Awards TIIFA 2019...

शमीम खान द्वारा टिफा द इंडियन आइकॉन फ़िल्म अवार्ड्स का शानदार आयोजन
“टिफा कल और आज” पुरस्कार समारोह में श्री रामदास आठवले ( केंद्रीय मंत्री ), श्रीपद नाइक (आयुर्वेद मंत्री), श्री फागन सिंह कुपस्ते ( मंत्री भारत सरकार ), सरोज खान, गुलशन ग्रोवर, शक्ति कपूर सहित बेशुमार फिल्मी हस्तियों की शिरकत की अवार्ड, पुरूस्कार और इनाम से कलाकारों का हौसला बढ़ता है। उन्हें और बेहतर करने के लिए प्रेरणा मिलती है। ऐसा ही एक अवार्ड समारोह शमीम खान पिछले आठ वर्षों से कराते आ रहे हैं। इस बार भी उन्होंने यह शो मुंबई के पांच सितारा होटल जे डब्ल्यू मेरियेट होटल में आयोजित किया। टिफा अवार्ड का शानदार आयोजन कामयाब रहा। जिसका उद्घाटन केंद्रीय मंत्री रामदास आठवले ने किया।
शमीम खान द्वारा आयोजित टिफा (द इंडियन आइकॉन फ़िल्म अवार्ड्स) “टिफा कल और आज” पुरस्कार समारोह में सरोज खान, गुलशन ग्रोवर, शक्ति कपूर सहित बेशुमार फिल्मी हस्तियां मेहमान के रूप में मौजूद थीं। इस अवार्ड शो में न केवल हस्तियों को इनाम से नवाजा गया बल्कि कई कलाकारों की शानदार परफॉर्मेंस भी देखी गई।
इस शो में उदित नारायण ने अपने कुछ गीत गा कर दर्शकों और श्रोताओं का दिल जीत लिया। मंत्री रामदास आठवले की मौजूदगी में इस सबसे बड़े अवॉर्ड शो का शानदार आयोजन हुआ, जिसके लिए सभी ने शमीम खान को शुभकामनाएं दीं। शमीम खान हमेशा चैलेंज स्वीकार करने के लिए तैयार रहते हैं।
शमीम खान ने यहां कहा कि चमक सूरज की नहीं मेरे किरदार की है। मै सभी लोगों का शुक्रगुजार हूं जो उन्होंने इस अवॉर्ड शो को बेहद कामयाब बनाया। पिछले आठ साल से यह अवॉर्ड फंक्शन किया का रहा है।
इस अवॉर्ड शो में तिरंगा के डायरेक्टर श्री मेहुल कुमार, अमीन पठान, भाग्यश्री, गोविंद नामदेव जैसी कई हस्तियां शामिल हुईं।
भाग्यश्री ने यहां कहा कि आज फिल्म मैंने प्यार किया को तीस साल पूरे हो गए लेकिन लोग आज भी मुझे याद रखे हुए हैं, प्यार करते हैं, यह बड़ी बात है, मैंने भी अपने फैन्स से प्यार किया है।
गुलशन ग्रोवर को भी यहां अवॉर्ड से नवाजा गया उन्होंने कहा “आपके सम्मान भरे शब्दों के लिए शुक्रिया। शमीम खान को इस अवॉर्ड शो के आयोजन के लिए ढेरों शुभकामनाएं। नए साल में शांति और सुकुन चाहता हूं।
नया साल मेरे लिए बहुत अहम है। आज लोग कहते हैं “पहले के जमाने जैसी खलनायकी फिल्मों से चली गई” लेकिन अगले साल मेरी कई फिल्मे आ रही हैं।
मेरे लिए यह नया साल उम्दा होगा। मेरी आने वाली फिल्मों में महेश भट्ट साहेब की सड़क 2 के अलावा रोहित शेट्टी की फिल्म सूर्यवंशी और मुम्बई सागा शामिल हैं।
गुलशन ग्रोवर ने यहां सभी से फिट रहने का मंत्रा बताते हुए कहा कि अपने पेट को कचरे का डब्बा ना समझें, सोच समझ कर खाएं।
गीतकार नितिन रायकवार ने यहां परफॉर्म किया। यहां बेस्ट कोरियोग्राफर गीता कपूर, लीजेंड्री कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल, लीजेंड्री एक्टर गोविंद नामदेव, गोल्डन ईरा वॉइस सपना मुखर्जी, महेश ठाकुर (बेस्ट कैरेक्टर आर्टिस्ट) भाग्यश्री वर्सेटाइल एक्ट्रेस, वर्सेटाइल एक्टर गुलशन ग्रोवर को सम्मान मिला। यहां शमीम खान, पद्मिनी कोल्हापुरी, उदित नारायण, सरोज खान के हाथों १०० फ्लिक्स नामक ओ टी टी प्लेटफॉर्म भी लॉन्च किया गया।
शक्ति कपूर ने भी यहां अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज करवाई। आर्या बब्बर ने डांस किया और आर्या बब्बर ने कॉमेडियन सुगंधा मिश्रा को अवॉर्ड दिया। हिना खान और शिवांगी जोशी को भी अवॉर्ड से नवाजा गया।

संभावना सेठ ने परफॉर्म किया, उन्हें सर्टिफिकेट ऑफ औनर भी दिया गया। सरोज खान को भी अवॉर्ड दिया गया। मधुबाला, मीना कुमारी और रेखा जैसी लीजेंड्री एक्ट्रेस को ट्रिब्यूट पेश किया मिस मोनिका ने।
यहां आए सेलिब्रिटीज में मेहुल कुमार, उदित नारायण, सरोज खान, भाग्यश्री, गुलशन ग्रोवर, शक्ति कपूर, आरती नागपाल, अरुण बख़्शी, मोनिका बेदी, शिवांगी जोशी, जन्नत ज़ुबैर, अयान ज़ुबैर, गीता कपूर, सुगंधा मिश्रा, मंत्री रामदास आठवले, आयुर्वेद मंत्री श्रीपद नायक, संभावना सेठ, आर्य बब्बर, गोविंद नामदेव, सपना मुखर्जी, सुनील पाल, नितिन रायकवार, डॉ संकेत भोंसले, हिना खान, अखिल सचदेवा जैसे कई नाम शामिल हैं। प्रीतम प्यारे और सिमरन ने इस अवॉर्ड शो की एंकरिंग की। परवाज़ मीडिया ग्रुप द्वारा आयोजित टिफा २०१९’ के प्रचारक की जिम्मेदारी मुंडे मीडिया ने बखूबी संभाली। । ….. छायाकार : रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई

Peter Patel honored with Independent Bakery Retailer Award in the Asian Trader Awards 2019...

Costcutter Brockley, situated in High St in UK, owner  Peter Patel honored with Independent Bakery Retailer Award in the Asian Trader Awards 2019.

Peter Patel says about the single most profitable innovation he have made to his store over the past 12 months. “Introducing a dedicated chiller for vegan products has meant we’ve been able to significantly increase the range and reap the rewards, with weekly sales now at £2,000”.

He describes about his best strategy for increasing footfall in his store.

“Really getting under the skin of what existing shoppers want and crucially who else could be shopping with us. Once we have that, finding a point of difference and answering their needs”.

He also describes two key challenges facing convenience and explain your plans for taking advantage.

“1. Point of difference With two Sainsbury’s, a Co-op and independently owned convenience stores all within walking distance, we have had to work hard to create a point of difference. Using our shopper insights we have created an offering that is tailored to meet our shoppers’ needs, including the most comprehensive BWS and vegan offerings in the area. Not only do our sales prove that we’ve created a point of difference, but the fact that our nearest competitor, Sainsbury’s, is now directing customers to our vegan range, is the icing on the cake. 2. Shopping environment All the research showed that our local shoppers wanted smaller batched produced products, whether that was BWS or vegan products. They’re also keen to top-up shop regularly and want healthy, easy dinners with fresh ingredients and that’s exactly what we’ve delivered. We’ve also tried to look after our younger visitors and have introduced small shopping trolleys for children, which have been a big hit. The results speak for themselves. Basket spend has grown from £5.30 to £6.66 and sales have grown from £26,000 to £35,000”

He lists three ways in which he have responded and retained footfall after a new discounter/supermarket opened in his catchment area.

“1. Point of difference to create distinction. We’ve created a real point of difference with our vegan offering. Our competitors have now reduced their vegan range as they simply couldn’t compete with the depth and breadth of our offering. We have also introduced a specialist range of grocery items to fulfil demand from customers seeking a premium range of goods. 2. The extension of our BWS offering means that we now have one of the most comprehensive ranges in the area, ensuring we always have a great range of possibilities to pair with our ‘meal for tonight’ options. 3. In a direct response to customer feedback and to reduce environmental impact, we have introduced loose fruit and vegetables, so shoppers can buy the exact quantity they need”

Shad Saleem honored with Spirit of the Community Award in the Asian Trader Awards 2019...

best-one Poets Corner and best-one Plessey News, situated in Housing Estate in UK, owner Shad Saleem honored with Spirit of the Community Award in the Asian Trader Awards 2019.

Shad Saleem says how a store-owner can become the spirit of the community.

“For me, it’s all about being woven into the community; a part of the fabric. A community can be diverse – a mix of people of different ages, jobs, families and it’s about connecting with all of them in some way. I think one of the ways I’ve managed to do this is I’ve never said no to ANY community support asked of me in the last 20 years”.

He says about the initiatives that he developed to benefit his local community in the last 12 months.

“Within our community there are children that come from families below the national poverty threshold who can’t always afford food and are being sent to school hungry. Through my involvement with The Rotary Club of Blyth we worked together with Malvin’s Close Primary Academy, where we created a Breakfast Club enabling 30 children to be given a proper breakfast and ‘set them up’ for the day. The school fed back that there is a close correlation between the success of children within the classroom and being well fed. We’re looking at expanding this initiative and I’d like to support this financially through the shops (my personal ambition is to ensure that no child in Blyth goes to school hungry)”.

He describes two key challenges facing Convenience and his plans for taking advantage.

“Blyth is inundated with retail shops; we have ALDI, Lidl, ASDA and many convenience stores. The challenge is to differentiate ourselves from everyone else. One way we do this is through stocking local products. Our eggs are delivered fresh daily from family-run Lintz Hall Eggs, our milk and fresh dairy comes from Hanover Dairies, our local green-grocer (John!) brings fresh, seasonal vegetables, and a local Blyth sandwich lady delivers delicious homemade sandwiches every day. Another challenge is ensuring we offer a quality range of products at competitive prices, as many customers are on a budget. We work closely with best-one to ensure we have a range of products at various price-points and also run monthly special offers”.


He lists three ways in which he have responded and retained footfall after a new discounter/supermarket opened in his catchment area.

“One way we’ve retained footfall is through our support of the community – we support local people, and in turn, they support us back. We face a lot of retailer competition but because we are at the heart of the community customers choose to shop with us. We’ve also utilised social media to engage with our customers. We now have 5,000 Facebook followers and promote our special offers and new products via our page. Lastly, we’ve introduced food-to-go options allowing us to capture lunch time footfall. This has bought new shoppers through our doors, as well as the same familiar faces”

Anita Nye Honored With Spirit Of The Community Award In The Asian Trader Awards 2019...

Premier Eldred Drive Stores, situated in Housing Estate in UK, owner Anita Nye honered with Spirit of the community Award in the Asian Trader Awards 2019.

Anita Nye says that it is a  community shop that really keeps everyone at the heart of everything. They are members of the community and have been for many years so they want to play our part in whatever they can to help improve the area they live and work in.

They have introduced a couple of initiatives to ‘do out bit’ to tackle food poverty and childhood obesity. They have introduced a very popular loyalty card scheme. People get a stamp every time they spend £10 on groceries. They chose to keep the amount that triggers a stamp relatively low and shoppers just need to collect 10 stamps to get £5 off their shopping. It’s unbelievably popular and lots of people save their full cards til Christmas so that they can get some really good money off their festive shopping.


Anita describes about key challenges facing Convenience and explains plans for taking advantage. Keeping prices down whilst retaining good profit margins. Ever changing demands of customers. People often shop around for the best prices, they stick to PMP where they can as that’s what their customers like.

Justin Whittaker Honored With Food To Go Retailer Award In The Asian Trader Awards 2019...

MJ’s Premier Store, situated in  Housing Estate, UK, owner Justin Whittaker honored with Food to go Retailer Award in the Asian Trader Awards 2019.

Justin Whittaker says “We identified that whilst our food-to-go offer was great for breakfast and dinner – from 4pm we were quiet. Yet takeaways are thriving in the evening. We were missing a trick. We also identified that we were missing ‘millennials’ from our customer base. So we introduced the desserts bar to complement the rest of our food-to-go offering by giving an offer for the evening trade and something that would appeal to the younger generation – waffles, crepes and premium ice cream! The desserts bar alone takes £4,000 a week with a profit margin of +50%. We’ve introduced exclusive offers, such as Waffle Wednesday (buy one get one free) or Monday 2 pizzas and Pepsi for £10. And we’ve developed an ordering app to maximise the appeal of the dessert bar, appeal to our younger more ‘tech-savvy’ younger generation and to future proof our business. Customers can click onto a Facebook post to ‘shop now’. We’re doing £1,500 business with the app and more importantly, it’s all on high profit lines. Add to that our food-to-go zone with coffee machine, doughnut rack, hot cabinet, noodle snacks, grab and go chiller, which includes sandwiches and meal deals. There’s something for everyone throughout the day. Evenings are now our busiest time of day for food to go! We already had a good broad food-to-go offering to cover most requirements for grab-and-go. Our food-to-go zone includes a coffee machine, doughnut rack, hot cabinet, noodle snacks, F’real milkshakes and a chiller (with sandwiches, crisps and soft drinks). Now that we’ve introduced the desserts bar we’ve got an offer that is really popular with the younger generation and also for evening trade. That’s what was missing before. The investment in the desserts bar was £80k. Payback was just 6 months.”

He says about the best-performing component of food-to-go. “This year, we’ve built a dessert bar! This has definitely proved to be the best performing component of our food to go offer. It cost £80k to install and payback has been just 6 months. Previously a large proportion of our business was driven through promotions, so our POR was just 19%. We reduced SKUs across the store to create space to build our ‘Just Desserts Co’ bar. It’s a vibrant pink – really distinct and completely different from the rest of the store. We sell a range of cream cakes, premium ice cream, crepes and waffles with a variety of toppings. The unit also houses a Chicago Town pizza station, milkshakes and a Tango ice blast with carbonated slush. The dessert bar is already taking £4,000/week and with +50% profit margins. Different daily offers include Waffle Wednesday (BOGOF), Pancake Tuesday (BOGOF) and Monday x2 pizzas and Pepsi for £10. Customers are quite happy to wait while their waffle is being created in-store! The teatime solution has always been a problem but with the dessert bar and pizza options we have now started to evolve into this market especially at the weekends”.

He describes about two key challenges facing Convenience and explain his plans for taking advantage of them. “Falling footfall (traditional services in decline ie news and mags, tobacco) and reduced margins (a store doing 19% gross profit cannot survive). Anything new coming into the store has to have a minimum of 30% POR tapping into the millenniums (who have never bought a newspaper or cigs in there life) ie Tango Ice Blast costs £1:10 selling at £5 also not leaving out the silver greys by doing great shop local deals ie local milk, bread and eggs again with some great margins. Also taking a great local shop with traditional values and putting it into the modern world with a great app connected to FB”.

He says three ways in which he have responded and retained footfall after a new discounter/supermarket opened in his catchment area. “1 We added a ‘Dessert Co’ dessert bar in vibrant pink – really distinct and completely different from the rest of the store. We sell a range of cream cakes, premium ice cream, crepes and waffles with a variety of toppings, creating a ‘store within a store’ effect to attract younger customers with different deals every day eg Waffle Wednesday to add interest 2 We developed an ordering app to maximise the appeal of the dessert bar. Customers click on a Facebook post to ‘shop now’ and place their order – for pick up or for delivery. We’re doing £1,500 business with the app. 3 We ensure that we’re active on social media. It’s the key tool that we use for promoting all our activities and for connecting with our customers and the community. For example, when we put Gordon’s pink gin on promotion at £12/bottle with a free glass and promoted it on Facebook the post reached 59,000 people and we sold £2,500 in one day. When all the banks in the area closed, we put in an ATM and posted ‘free cash, like and share’. It reached 129,000 people”.

Actress Samikssha Batnagar Bags Best Actress Award At 12th Global Film Festival Noida...

Bollywood actress Samikssha Batnagar bagged best actress award at 12th Global Film Festival Noida for critically acclaimed film Hamne Gandhi Ko Maar Diya. The Hindi movie produced and directed by Naeem A. Siddqui. It was released on 2 March 2018 all over India, this movie is inspired by non-violence movements taken by Mahatma Gandhi (Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi) during his struggle for Independent India from 1915 to 1947. The excitement and enthusiasm of young film makers from all over India and abroad created a new energy in the 12th Global Film Festival Noida at Marwah Studios, Noida Film City. The festival was inaugurated by Ambassador of Bosnia Mohammed Cengic, joint secretary of state committee of the Uzbekistan Tumurbek Anvabekov, Film Director Rahul Ravail, Film Director Ranjit Kapor, Writer & Dancer Raghunath Manet, Director Usha Deshpandey, TV Actress Samikssha Batnagar, Vivek Paul, Miss Ukraine Darina Gordienko, Mohamed Ali Rabbani & President Marwah Studios Sandeep Marwah.


Samikssha Batnagar said, “I dedicate this award to all my fans who always supports me. I am glad to receive this award. I would like to thanks organizer of 12th Global Film Festival Noida for this appreciation.