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Toronto – Ontario And Canada Are Making A Come Back – Stronger Than Ever...

Toronto to be the host city for a global leaders’ business summit celebrating the beginning of the end to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19

  • City Mayor John Tory and Ontario Premier Doug Ford to kick off summit
  • C Vijaykumar, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, HCL Technologies and Ravi Kumar S., President, Infosys, among panellists

Toronto, ON – September 6, 2021 – Toronto Global and the International Economic Forum of the Americas announced that on September 9, 2021, they will co-host a global business summit to celebrate the re-opening of the Canadian and global economies.

Representing the fastest growing urban metropolitan region and tech hub in North America, Toronto Global and its partners are committed to continuing that pace of growth and investment – not only to get back to where the Toronto Region was before the pandemic but to go beyond what has been achieved already. The primary goal is to ensure that the Toronto Region leads the country’s recovery and cements its place as the best location for investment in North America. This come back celebration will be staged live in-person at Billy Bishop Airport in Toronto and virtually around the world.

The theme for the event, Stronger Than Ever, is a celebration of the team at Toronto Global and all the partners in the region, in the province and in the country, that are working together to reimagine how to emerge from this pandemic even stronger.

Toronto Mayor John Tory and Ontario Premier Doug Ford will kick off the summit by showcasing how the City of Toronto, the Province of Ontario, and Canada are safely re-opening the economy, safely re-opening business, re-igniting business investment and creating new, diverse and inclusive jobs.

This session will be followed by a series of discussions with domestic and global business leaders.

The following have confirmed to date:

Afsaneh Beschloss, Chief Executive Officer, RockCreek

Patrick Pichette, Inovia Partner and Chairman, Twitter

Jen Wong, Chief Operating Officer, Reddit

C Vijayakumar, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, HCL Technologies

Jan De Silva, President & CEO, Toronto Region Board of Trade

Erin Elofson, Head of Pinterest Canada

Ravi Kumar S., President, Infosys

Other domestic and global leaders are being invited to attend virtually, interact with the speakers and hold their own private meetings on business growth opportunities. Business people, students, civil society and the general public are invited to attend. There is no cost. Further information about the Summit, including registration, can be found at


John Tory, Mayor, City of Toronto
“Before the pandemic, Toronto was the fastest growing city in North America – people and businesses were choosing our city to live, work and play. We are determined for that success to continue as the pandemic comes to an end and we reopen and rebuild our economy. I am so confident that Toronto – Canada’s economic engine – will come back stronger than ever. This summit is one of the many ways we are letting the world know that Toronto is the best place in the post-pandemic world to invest and grow your business. I look forward to global business leaders joining us in September.”

Doug Ford, Premier, Province of Ontario
“We are laying the foundation for a strong economic recovery in Ontario by increasing investment opportunities through trade and investment missions to position Ontario as a leader in innovation and technology. Ontario’s deep talent pool, cutting edge innovation ecosystem, and competitive business costs continue to make our province an ideal place for investment and will contribute to building back our economy stronger than ever.”

Stephen Lund, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Global

“This has been a difficult year, no doubt. Difficult for businesses, difficult for front-line workers, difficult for Canadians. However, the enduring confidence of investors in the Toronto Region has remained and we’re very bullish about our opportunities going forward. I’m proud to be leading a team at Toronto Global that has never stopped believing in this region and never stopped driving towards bigger and better.” 

About Toronto Global

Toronto Global’s team of experienced business advisors works to help international companies access the most dynamic and innovative region in the world. We actively seek global companies interested in expanding to the Toronto Region and connect investors with the right opportunities that will facilitate the successful growth of their business.

As an arms-length organization representing the Cities of Mississauga, Brampton and Toronto, and the Regional Municipalities of Durham, York, and Halton, we work with our partners in the Ontario and Canadian governments to provide a comprehensive, customized service that allows for a smooth transition for international companies wishing to do business here. Toronto Global is dedicated to understanding our clients’ business needs and delivering tailored, innovative solutions that will set the stage for their success in the Toronto Region.

About IEFA

The International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA) was established in 1994 with the mission of promoting an exchange of views and perspectives on pressing economic issues of our times among world leaders, renowned experts and business executives. The IEFA brings together members of the private, public and academic sectors to facilitate agreements, offer business opportunities and provide access to unique insights from leading specialists.

In its 27 year history the IEFA has grown to become a landmark organization bringing together more than 17,000 participants and over 540 speakers combined under the auspices of four annual conferences: the Conference of Montreal, the Toronto Global Forum, the World Strategic Forum and the Conference of Paris. For more information:


डॉ संदीप मारवाह को दुबई के होटल ताज में एक भव्य कार्यक्रम में मिला द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल द्वारा सम्मान

संदीप मारवाह एक बार फिर से खबरों में है और सही कारणों से न्यूज़ में हैं। सात विश्व रिकॉर्ड धारक और रिपब्लिक ऑफ इंडिया के मीडिया पर्सन डॉ संदीप मारवाह को दुबई, संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में होटल ताज में एक भव्य कार्यक्रम में द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल द्वारा कला और संस्कृति के माध्यम से विश्व शांति और एकता में उनके अथक योगदान के लिए सम्मानित किया गया।

डॉ संदीप मारवाह २७ देशों में केस स्टडी, ४० साल से मीडिया में, स्टूडियो बिजनेस में ३० साल और शिक्षा क्षेत्र में २७ साल से हैं। विश्व मीडिया, फिल्म, कला और संस्कृति में उनके योगदान की कोई तुलना नहीं है। मीडिया और मनोरंजन उद्योग में उनके रिसर्च और नए विचारों पर अमल करने के लिए उन्हें सात बार मानद डॉक्टरेट से सम्मानित किया गया है। सौ से अधिक संगठनों की अध्यक्षता और कला और संस्कृति के माध्यम से प्रेम, शांति और एकता के लिए काम करने के लिए लगभग १०० देशों को एक साथ लाने से वह अपने अधिकारों और योग्यता के आधार पर एक प्रतीक बन गए हैं। उन्हें दुनिया भर में ८०० से अधिक पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित किया जा चुका है। विभिन्न नामों और उपाधियों के साथ अपने सांस्कृतिक प्रतिनिधि के रूप में ६० देशों द्वारा नामित एक और विश्व रिकॉर्ड है, “द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल की प्रबंध निदेशक फातिमा सोतो द्वारा पढ़ा गया एक उद्धरण।

२०२१ के सबसे प्रेरणादायक व्यक्तित्व का पुरस्कार डॉ. मारवाह को प्रसिद्ध व्यवसायी और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता एच.ई. मोहम्मद अल अली और एच.ई. डॉ. राफेल नागेल द्वारा मिला। महामहिम शेख जुमा बिन मकतूम जुमा अल मकतूम के संरक्षण में उन्हें अब्राहम बिजनेस सर्कल के संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष डॉ. राफेल नागेल के हाथों अवार्ड मिला।

डॉ संदीप मारवाह दुनिया के १४५ देशों के १९००० मीडिया पेशेवरों के शिक्षक हैं। वह एएएफटी यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ मीडिया एंड आर्ट्स के संस्थापक और चांसलर हैं। मीडिया और मनोरंजन समिति (बीआईएस उपभोक्ता मामले मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार) के लिए राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष के रूप में नामांकित, वर्तमान में भारत के लिए मुख्य स्काउट और मीडिया और मनोरंजन उद्योग के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय चैंबर के अध्यक्ष के रूप में कार्य कर रहे हैं। वह इंडो यूएई फिल्म एंड कल्चरल फोरम के अध्यक्ष भी हैं।

यह पुरस्कार दुबई की कई बड़ी हस्तियों की मौजूदगी में हुआ जैसे संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में डेनमार्क के राजदूत एचइ फ्रांज माइकल स्कजोल्ड मेलबिन राजदूत, राउल सिल्वा प्रबंध निदेशक और सीईओ मोजे ग्लोबल होल्डिंग, एच. ई डेंग डेंग निहियाल संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में दक्षिण सूडान के राजदूत, अदनान सवादी स्ट्राजिक एडवाइजर नोइंगो, एच.ई. शरीफी बहादुर महमूदजोदा यूएई में ताजिकिस्तान के राजदूत और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में बुल्गारिया गणराज्य के राजदूत एच इ बोगदान कोलारोव।

बहुत बढ़िया, संदीप जी..!

सोलोमन कैपिटल ग्रुप के अध्यक्ष डेविड सोलोमन, अली शबदार रिजनल डायरेक्टर मेय  ज़ोहो कारपोरेशन, कियान चोंग चीह इन्वेस्टमेंट एडवाइजर, डॉ बेन हैनसन कंसल्टेंट सोलर एनर्जी, रोनेन मिकदाशी वाइस प्रेसिडेंट मार्केटिंग साइबरजिम, जॉन सालाजार गज़ेल विंड पावर के संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष  और डॉ एंड्रिया क्लाउडियो गैलुओज़ो डि कैप्रामोज़ा हरक्यूलिस होल्डिंग के सीईओ और द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल के सह-संस्थापक भी वहां मौजूद थे।

बहुत बढ़िया, डॉक्टर संदीप..!

…. निर्मल मिश्रा मुंबई

Sandeep Marwah Included In World Book Of Records London...

Dubai: Renowned media person Sandeep Marwah president of Marwah Studios and founder of Noida Film City gets included in the World Book of Records London for being founder of Noida Film City-the fastest growing film city in the World.

“It was in December 1986 I submitted the project to UP Government. December 1987 the film city got its clearance from the state capital Lucknow and !988 allotments were made. Government gave us three years’ time to build up the infra structure and to come into production. We were originally six, then twelve and now total sixteen players in film city,” recollected Sandeep Marwah while narrating the story of making of Film City in North India.

“We have gone through tough times. There was no culture of cinema and film production. It has been thirty years we are managing the film city with our own resources and efforts. Today we have created a World Record,” added Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and founder of Noida Film City.

Now Noida Film City is the fastest growing film city in the World. 100 acre complex 75 outdoors and 25 indoors. There are 16 players and 350 channels are being broadcast from these studios to 162 countries 24 by 7. Around 17000 media professionals are working from here in 3 shifts of eight hours each- is the World Record now. The cascading effect is that around hundred thousand people are earning their bread because of film city.

The Record certificate was presented to Sandeep Marwah on his official visit to Dubai by Dr Jitendra Matlani Vice President World Book of Records in a function at Hotel Oberoi at Business Bay Dubai UAE. Dr Sandeep Marwah was congratulated by Shri Santosh Shukla, Supreme court Advocate (President & CEO World Book of Records) and many dignities present there.

World Book of Records is one of the leading organizations in international certification. Its primary objective and goal is to Records, Honour, Listing and appreciate, authenticate and adjudicate events which can be termed as activities of world standard. Since its inception in the year 2017 it has spread its wings and it is working with global presence in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.


Czech Republic Consul General Rashmi Jolly-Gautam Patole’s Live Art Fest Marks Newer Beginnings Amidst Social Distancing...

Post COVID, Mumbai welcomes Art again, after a 9-month hiatus with Art Adda, a unique event at Jolly Board Towers, I-Think Campus E Wing, Kanjurmarg East, hosted by India’s Consul General to Czech Republic Rashmi Jolly and master artist Gautam Patole of Art Desh Foundation, in association with Secular Art Movement. The Art Adda, a one-of-its-kind open air, live Art show, with live canvas paintings, workshops and demonstrations sees the participation of noted artists from different cities of India. Actors Preeti Jhangiani, Pooja Bedi and Angela Krislinzki graced the inaugural ceremony that also witnessed the presence of Rashmi Jolly, Gautam Patole, Dr.Agarwal, Bharat Patel, Anisha Jolly, Rupali Patole among various talented artists. People mingled with each other, shared ideas, interacted with visitors and created great works of Art. There were live demos, workshops, discussions etc while strictly adhering to social distancing norms.  
“These have been trying times for all of us and we do not know when this ordeal will get over. No exhibitions, no galleries and no events… Art Adda will be a welcome break,” says Rashmi Jolly who is also Executive Director and Vice Chairperson of Jolly Board Ltd. and an ardent art lover who has graciously offered a beautifully-landscaped office complex of Jolly Board Ltd. for art activities.
Adds Gautam Patole, “Artistes like to breathe fresh air. Art Adda signifies that. Creativity cannot be stifled; circumstances cannot rule us. We must overcome the hurdles and move on.”
The ambience of Art Adda inspires one to paint… With Art Adda providing canvas, drawing paper, colours, tea/coffee snacks and lunch, all the artists and sculptors bring their brushes and their spirit!
About 15 artists participated in the inaugural event. Artists from Pune and Hyderabad showcased their skills on canvas. This was perhaps the first time that this kind of live painting work was conducted in the city for the public at large. There will also be workshops, demonstrations, classes et al, in the future.

Says Gautam Patole, “There are many known artists and art professors who live around the campus. There is an organisation called Secular Movement that is doing commendable work for artists living in this area. Mr Bharat Shelke, working President of Secular Movement was thrilled to know that Jolly Art Adda is offering encouraging facilities to the artists.”

All in all, yours to experience, enjoy and be a part of the art celebrations till 24th December. And come home exhilarated this X-mas eve!

Brahmo Films Announces Its Film ‘Rang Ratta’, Film’s Gripping Storyline To Be Showcased In The Backdrop Of Niagara Falls & Other Beautiful Features Of Canada...

Brahmo Films is excited to ring in the new year with their feature film ‘Rang Ratta'(Colour of Love) with Principal Photography beginning on December 31st,2020 for what is bound to be a magical holiday inspired Punjabi language hit, filmed on Canadian soil. ‘Rang Ratta’s’ digital poster was unveiled to signal the official announcement of the film by the cast & crew of the upcoming film.

Gurcharan Singh and Harcharan Singh of HRG Films will be filming on the sets around the GTA (Greater Toronto Area)for 25 days with six of those days showcasing breathtaking views of Niagara Falls.

The film will star Roshan Prince who is an accomplished singer, producer, musician, songwriter and actor and will co-star with the beautiful and talented actress Payal Rajput , a winner of SIIMA -South Indian International Movie Awards for Best Female Debut in 2019.

Director Gurcharan Singh wants to showcase his talent and passion for the film and says, “We want to bring the colourful and incredible world of Bollywood to Toronto and employ local talent and local film crews.” Producer and business partner Harcharan Singh adds, “We couldn’t think of a better, more beautiful setting for our winter wonderland Punjabi movie.”

In this story, Prince and Rajput meet when a chance encounter happens due to u-turns in their destiny. Together Rajput and Prince will navigate through their turbulent romance, all the while putting the spotlight on the beautiful backdrop of a classic Canadian winter.

The supporting cast will include Punjabi film stars Gurpreet  Ghuggi, Mahabir Bhullar,Yaad Grewal, & Satwant Kaur. The film will have high level of production values akin to a Bollywood movie thereby giving it a unique place in the Punjabi film industry.

Every Bollywood or Punjabi film is only complete with an energizing and upbeat Punjabi soundtrack and in this film we feature the voices of famous singers Jasbir Jassi, Mr. Kanwar Grewal, Roshan Prince and Viruss with music composed by Underrated, Romey Singh and Ullumanati.

The dynamic duo of Gurcharan and Harcharan Singh  has co-written the script and is taking it from script to the silver screen. ‘Rang Ratta’ is set for a worldwide release by the winter of 2021.

Canadian Production House Brahmo Films Announces Its Film ‘Rang Ratta’, Cast & Crew Unveil Digital Poster in Canada...

Brahmo Films is excited to ring in the new year with their feature film ‘Rang Ratta'(Colour of Love) with Principal Photography beginning on December 31st,2020 for what is bound to be a magical holiday inspired Punjabi language hit, filmed on Canadian soil. ‘Rang Ratta’s’ digital poster was unveiled to signal the official announcement of the film by the cast & crew of the upcoming film.

Gurcharan Singh and Harcharan Singh of HRG Films will be filming on the sets around the GTA (Greater Toronto Area)for 25 days with six of those days showcasing breathtaking views of Niagara Falls.

The film will star Roshan Prince who is an accomplished singer, producer, musician, songwriter and actor and will co-star with the beautiful and talented actress Payal Rajput , a winner of SIIMA -South Indian International Movie Awards for Best Female Debut in 2019.

Director Gurcharan Singh wants to showcase his talent and passion for the film and says, “We want to bring the colourful and incredible world of Bollywood to Toronto and employ local talent and local film crews.” Producer and business partner Harcharan Singh adds, “We couldn’t think of a better, more beautiful setting for our winter wonderland Punjabi movie.”

In this story, Prince and Rajput meet when a chance encounter happens due to u-turns in their destiny. Together Rajput and Prince will navigate through their turbulent romance, all the while putting the spotlight on the beautiful backdrop of a classic Canadian winter.

The supporting cast will include Punjabi film stars Gurpreet  Ghuggi, Mahabir Bhullar,Yaad Grewal, & Satwant Kaur. The film will have high level of production values akin to a Bollywood movie thereby giving it a unique place in the Punjabi film industry.

Every Bollywood or Punjabi film is only complete with an energizing and upbeat Punjabi soundtrack and in this film we feature the voices of famous singers Jasbir Jassi, Mr. Kanwar Grewal, Roshan Prince and Viruss with music composed by Underrated, Romey Singh and Ullumanati.

The dynamic duo of Gurcharan and Harcharan Singh  has co-written the script and is taking it from script to the silver screen. ‘Rang Ratta’ is set for a worldwide release by the winter of 2021.