Posted by
admin on Aug 29, 2018 in
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When the chaos and disorder is mounting in the building construction business where the citizen and the legitimate buyers will go? Like recently the fire in Crystal Tower in Mumbai where 4 people were killed, and 16 others were injured. Whereas, the most basic duty of a government is to protect its people. Oozing no sense and no sagacity of responsibility that the concerned government authorities, the government departments, the politicians, the civic bodies and builders are showing towards the fire safety, which is an essential part in the National Building Code 2016 and recommends the third-party audit in the building and construction industry.
How one can expect fairness in governance if consistently we witness a fire related accidents or tragedies in-spite of knowing well that the misuse, engaging or selling the Refuge Area, can cause catastrophe, the ignorance in the duty the authorities cannot escape from it. Why do the authorities give permission to the builder to allow the occupant to take the possession of the flats without the occupation certificate (OC). If it is the Citizens’ responsibility and then primarily it is the Government Responsibility. At the under construction stage why the illegal act after being discovered are not rectified and allowing the construction to be over done with,this certainly speaks in volume that there is a nexus between the builderand the officials of MCGM.

Time is for Rapid Action! Palais Royale is one such example, which is full of gross illegalities & irregularities as it is being constructed illegally by using extra FSI which the builders were not entitled to and is without any authority sanction, the under construction said building is an exemplar of the violation of the rules and regulations. It will not be appropriate to say that the officials of MCGM and the builder SRUIL of the said building Palais Royale have collusively and clandestinely taking advantages and letting a monument of illegalities and irregularities stand tall right in front of the eyes of the Government and no action is being taken.
However, the Commissioner MCGM has observed that in the absence of conclusive documentary evidence, the FSI advantage in lieu of handing over the setback area cannot be considered at that stage.The absence of the conclusive evidence as mentioned in the Speaking Order dated 12.09.2013 of the then Commissioner MCGM signifies missing of documents concerning handing over possession of the land and receiving of monetary compensation by SRUIL.
The files and details regarding the handing over – taking over and payment of compensation etc. were not found in the office record of EEB (City); being the same was missing or misplaced. Later, taking advantage of it, SRUIL despite having received the compensation availed extra FSI in the year 2013 in lieu of that and consumed the said extra FSI available, in their said ‘Palais Royale’ project by concealing true facts and by misrepresentation, which is a serious FSI fraud on the part of the SRUIL.
A fraud collusively committed by SRUIL, its officials and the officials of BMC/MCGM and investigation of which is already being done by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Mumbai. A letter dated 06.07.2013 was issued under RTI from Dy.Ch.Eng. (B.P.City) to the Addl. Police Commissioner, ACB confirming complaint about compensation received by SRM/ SRUIL and mentioning of the files/records and register No. 26, 28, 32 & 36 which are in the custody of ACB Mumbai and the ongoing investigation in the matter. Why the Anti-Corruption Bureau has not registered FIR despite EX- Commissioner’s observation? Whereas, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra Davendra Fadnavis already announced in media that the Maharashtra Government will hold civic and police officials responsible for illegal construction and is considering slapping Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against the erring builders to curb the illegal practice. The Chief Minister also mentioned that without the blessings of local civic officials and police, the builders will not go ahead with the illegal structures. Is it an urgent need of the hour to follow the footstep of law and take the matter as the most serious issue to save the lives of many.
In Mumbai there are largest number of High Rise Buildings what makes government disinclined to set the precedence instead of, course correction to implement the building safety audit as mentioned as, ‘suggested’ in the National Building Code 2016 by a third-party making it, ‘mandatory?’
——–Pigeon Media(Abhishek Dubey)