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Pracheen Kala Kendra marked International Women’s Day with performances by Acclaimed Artists and Legends of Tomorrow...

New Delhi 9/3/2020:The art of Indian Classical Music, Dance and its related Arts date back to thousands of years, which have evolved through generations of survival and still have sustained itself and have even evolved into an unputdownable form of art. And if art is the soul of humanity, what starts the creation of life, the creation of endless possibilities, is a Mother and her endless love. Celebrating such a relationship of love, care and nurturing on a stage is even more beautiful, and that is exactly why Pracheen Kala Kendra’s 15th Quarterly Baithak, under the ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ series titled Maatri Shakti was such an applauded event this weekend. The Housefull audience at Triveni Kala Sangam at Mandi House was ecstatic to see jugalbandi performances by extremely seasoned artist mothers with their wards performing together at the prestigious stage.

The event kicked off with the welcoming of eminent dignitaries who attended the musical event. The first act was a duet Santoor Recital by Vidushi Shruti Adhikari along with her promising son Ninad who set their performance to Raag Kirwani with the traditional Alaap Jod Jhala, followed by a soothing Vilambit, followed by an engaging gat in Rupak taal (seven beats) and a high octane and breath-taking Drut set to Tintaal (16 beats). With the vibrance of two hundred strings together by the duo, every member of the audience was awestruck by the prowess, mastery, and chemistry exhibited by both the mother and son. Their love and respect for each other created an enigma on stage with every taan and tihai receiving resounding applause. Their melodious resonance of two-hundred strings producing a spectrum of the superlative musical extravaganza was aptly accompanied by Abhijit Aich on Tabla. His smooth, versatile and rhythmic support to the performance took the whole thing to a higher degree of completion and was greeted with applause from the audience. The adept perfection and maturity shown through her performance by Shruti Adhikary, along with the jubilant youthfulness of her son Ninad made it a perfect jugalbandi.

This mesmerizing performance on the stringed instruments was followed by a graceful soul-filling and memorable duet Bharatnatyam recital by eminent danseuse Vidushi Kanaka Sudhakar who performed along with her immensely talented daughter Aparajita. The mother-daughter duo arrested the attention of the audience with their impeccable stage presence and beautiful movements covering various emotions that they portrayed through their performance. The duo complemented each other’s performances on stage when they performed the many scenes of Ramayana. The grace and experience of Kanaka Sudhakar along with the youthful and vibrant presence of her daughter marked the celebration of International Women’s Day with perfection.

(L to R) Sh.Abhijit Aich – Vidushi Shruti Adhikari – Ninad Adhikari

The event was attended by dignitaries and reputed journalists and eminent artists like such as Pt Chetan Joshi (flutist),  Ustad Asghar Hussain (Violinist), Sh Ajay Jha (Mohan Veena), Sh Subrata De (Sitarist), Sh Debasish Adhikary (Tabla) and numerous others including the Registrar of Pracheen Kala Kendra, Guru Dr. Shobha Koser (SNA Awardee Kathak Maestro). Sh Sajal Koser concluded the evening with a heartfelt vote of thanks to everyone who made the event a resounding success. This celebration of motherhood through Music and Dance by Pracheen Kala Kendra was yet another feather in the decorated cap of the Kendra, which is headquartered at Chandigarh, who has been organizing memorable musical concerts throughout the length and breadth of India for the promotion and dissemination of Indian Classical Music Dance and the welfare of the arts and the artists.

संगीत की धुन पर मां की ममता का जश्न
प्राचीन कला केन्द्र की ओर से अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस पर आयोजित संगीत समारोह में आज के दिग्गज कलाकारों और उभरते हुए कलाकारों ने मनभावन प्रस्तुति दी।

भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत, नृत्य और उससे संबंधित कला शैलियों का इतिहास हजारों साल पहले का है। यह कला पीढ़ी दर पीढी विकसित हुई और आज भी अपना वजूद बनाए हुए है और यहां तक कि आज यह अविश्वनीय कला के रूप में विकसित हुई है। कहा जाता है कि कला मानवता की आत्मा है जो जीवन के सृजन के साथ शुरू हुई। यह अनंत संभावनाओं का जनक है। उसी तरह से जैसे जीवन का सृजन मां और उसकी अंतहीन ममता के साथ शुरू हुआ और ऐसे में प्यार, देखभाल और पालन-पोषण को कला के माध्यम से उजागर करना और उसका जश्न मनाना बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है। इसी के मद्देनजर प्राचीन कला केन्द्र की 15 वीं तिमाही सभा में ‘‘लीजेंड्स आफ टुमारो’’ नामक श्रंखला के तहत इस सप्तांह ‘‘मातृ शक्ति’’ का जश्न मनाने के लिए संगीत समारोह का आयोजन किया गया। मंडी हाउस के त्रिवेणी कला संगम में दर्शकों से खचाखच भरे सभागार में आयोजित संगीत समारोह में दिग्गज कलाकारों ने अपनी प्रतिभाशाली संतानों के साथ यादगार  प्रस्तुति दी।
स्मारोह की शुरूआत संगीत समारोह में भाग लेने वाले प्रतिष्ठित गणमान्य व्यक्तियों के स्वागत के साथ हुई। समारोह में पहली प्रस्तुति के तौर पर विदुषी श्रुति अधिकारी का युगल संतुर गायन था जिसमें उनका साथ दिया उनके होनहार पुत्र निनाद ने। दोनों ने परम्पारिक अलाप जोड झाला के साथ राग किरवानी की प्रस्तुति दी। इसके बाद उन्होंने आनंदित करने वाला विलम्बित की प्रस्तुति दी। इसके अलावा उन्होंने रूपक ताल (सात सुर) तथा तीन ताल (16 ताल) प्रस्तुत किया। दोनों ने दो सौ तारों की कंपन से संगीत की ऐसी जुगलबंदी प्रस्तुत कि हर दर्शक मां और बेट के समायोजन और कौशल से अभिभूत हो गए। मां-बेटे के बीच के प्यार और एक दूसरे के प्रति सम्मान की भावना हर तान और तिहाई में झलकती थी और दर्षकों ने तालियों के साथ उनका उत्साहवर्द्धन किया। उन दोनों कलाकारों का साथ तबला पर अभिजीत ऐच ने साथ दिया।
इसके बाद जानी मानी भरत नाट्यम नृतकी विदुषी कनक सुधाकर और उनकी प्रतिभाषाली पुत्री अपराजिता ने यादगार प्रस्तुति दी। मां-बेटी ने अपने नृत्य के जरिए विभिन्न भावनाओं को प्रस्तुत किया। दोनों ने रामायण के अनेके दृश्यों पर भी प्रस्तुति दी। मां और पु़त्री की इस बेहतरीन प्रस्तुति ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस के समारोह को परिपूर्ण कर दिया।
इस समारोह में अनेक गणमान्य व्यक्तियों और प्रतिष्ठित पत्रकारों के अलावा प्रख्यात कलाकार भी उपस्थित थे जिनमें पंडित चेतन जोशी (बांसुरी), उस्ताद असगर हुसैन (वायलिन वादक), श्री अजय झा (मोहन मीणा), श्री सुब्रत डे (सितारवादकी), श्री देबाशीष आधिकारी (तबला) प्रमुख हैं। इस मौके पर प्राचीन कला केन्द्र के रजिस्ट्रार गुरू डा. शोभा कोसर (एसएनए पुरस्कार विजेता कथक गुरू) भी मौजूद थे। श्री सजल कौसर के धन्यवाद ज्ञापन के साथ इस संगीत समारोह का यादगार समापन हुआ।
संगीत और नृत्य के जरिए मातृत्व के इस उत्सव के इस सफल आयोजन के साथ प्राचीन कला केन्द्र के साथ गौरव का एक और अध्याय जुड़ गया है। प्राचीन कला केन्द्र का मुख्यालय चंडीगढ़ में है जो पूरे भारत में भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत एवं नृत्य को बढ़ावा देने तथा कलाकारों के कल्याण के लिए यादगार संगीत समारोहों का अयोजन करता है।

Bollywood’s New Crooning Queen R Naaz Releases A New Song Yaad Aayega...

Mumbai, 09 March 2020: After receiving recurrent encore for Cappuccino song, one of the most promising singers of today, R Naaz is ready to invade hearts of the music lovers with a new Hindi song “Yaad Aayega” along with Abhay Jodhpurkar. This soul-stirring track is composed and produced by Sourav Roy and it is picturised on young yet promising artists Reem Sameer Shaikh and Sehban Azim.

The beautifully written song by Kunaal Vermaa is full of unforgettable memories and moments that the couple cherished during the relationship decided by none other than the destiny. R Naaz, with her vocal marvel and mellifluous, does complete justice to the lyrics. On the other hand, the video of the song which is directed by Onboard Films is also quite captivating.

After the success of her songs “Cappuccino” gathering a whopping 17 Million in just one month, and her first song with T-SERIES Present Punjabi song Fashion Di Queen,  Singer R Naaz, also known as Razia Naaz, is all set to her latest track Yaad Aayega (will be remembered).


Talking about the song, R Naaz said, “Yaad Aayega is a story of true love, heartbreak and everything in between. It has been a very special experience collaborating with some of the most talented people in the industry while recording this song.”

“Yaad Aayega is a melodic track that perfectly captures what it’s like to open your heart to someone and to embrace what might happen in the future. It sends out a clear message, ‘When one fell in love, how s/he goes through the phase of heartbreaks, how they feel about each other, how they conquer the melancholy feelings, and finally come back in the arms of the loved one. It is a blessing to find someone to love and life whole life with, and this feeling makes it even more special. And working together with them was indeed very gratifying for me,” further added by Naaz.

International Business School of Washington launches Banglore Branch offers global Study to Indian Students...

International Business School Washington(IBSW) has come to India with immediate effect starting from the 8th of March, 2020. Our Bangalore campus is finally fully operational and has gone live today.

We are an educational consortium consisting of College De Paris, Ascencia Business School, Keyce, Ecema, Estiam and Ecole Conte established to promote the broad educational and cultural objectives of its associated institutions. IBSW academic programs collaborate across campuses based on shared disciplinary & interdisciplinary interests to enhance academic offerings and support vibrant intellectual communities.

We are based out of Washington DC and have our campuses across five different cities namely Paris, Lyon, Montpellier and Dubai. We offer undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate programs in Business Administration, International Marketing, Information Technology, Global MBA, Culinary Arts, Fashion Design, Tourism & Hospitality, and English. We share three fundamental values: openness to international markets, teaching excellence and individual attention for each student.

Our president, Mr Vinay Lamba, began his illustrious career with Nextec Operations functional across 120 countries, founded in 1998. He founded the University of Reston in 2016 which was the sign of things to come. He is an international entrepreneur with over 30 years of successful experience in numerous industry sectors worldwide including Education, IT Services, and Management Consulting. IBSW and College De Paris(CDP) have striven to promote French excellence through training. Mr Olivier De Lagarde, president of CDP and CEO of IBSW has been

instrumental in bringing all his expertise into establishing IBSW.

IBSW, Bangalore is a new venture. It hopes to bring the success achieved in the US to India. We are hopeful of upholding the ethos of IBSW by abiding by our motto – CONNECTING EDUCATION GLOBALLY.

Board of Directors

▪ Mr Vinay Lamba

President, IBSW

▪ Mr Olivier de Lagarde

President, CDP CEO, IBSW

▪ Mr Guillaume Finck


▪ Ms Aline Destaillats

President, KEYCE

▪ Ms Elise Perriot

Manager, CDP

▪ Mr Sebastien Duchanaud

Director, ECEMA

▪ Mr Alban Miconnet

CEO, Digital University

▪ Mr Sandip Soparrkar

Director, IBSW

▪ Mr Partho P. Kar

Director, IBSW

▪ Mr Abdul Halder

Director, IBSW

IBSW had the exclusive privilege of presenting the magnanimous Chitrangada Singh, a renowned and widely celebrated model and

notable silver screen superstar as a showstopper for Abdul Halder’s show at the grand finale of BFW this Sunday on the 8th of March, 2020.

Chingari Shakti Foundation – Making A Difference In Life Of Our Daughters...

Chingari Shakti Foundation has a twin objective of positively impacting India’s daughters by making them brave, strong  and encouraging Indians to contribute to a worthy cause.

Having successfully conducted a self defence workshop for 700 girls in Mumbai, it also intends to have similar workshops in the future in different parts of our country to train our daughters to be courageous and mettlesome.

To celebrate the occasion of International Women’s Day, Chingari Shakti Foundation conducted a Dental Medical camp for 700 girls from Canossa Convent high school on the 6th of March ‘20. This endeavour will help us ignite the educational awareness about good oral hygiene practices besides the regular dental check up.


Chingari Shakti foundation will continue with its vision through well-planned and comprehensive programmes in health, education, livelihoods  and response.

Let’s make a pledge of making a difference in the life of our daughters by igniting the chingari at the right age and right time by supporting right people and right minds.

– Chaitali Chatterjee, Editor, WEE Newsletter


Message to all the Women of India, I did this movie with my heart and soul felt it has a beautiful message to all the girl child in India who are facing problems like intercity crime rape. I was the chosen one by God and did this film “Diya The Wonder Girl” for a cause all  though I was nominated I was not expecting  anything from this movie only awareness, well if I would have got the award it would have been cherries on icecream. I believe movie is getting awards in this whole zest as I am so happy, Film “DIYA THE WONDER GIRL” where a mother becomes a mentor to the girl child and transforms her super human at very young age and fights to every one against all odds and makes her daughter world’s best taekwondo champion and gets her to the level of gunnies books of world record.

I would like to tell this to every parent with a girl child as there are to many evils in our society who take advantage of girls and even little boys, today girls are equally treated likewise like a man .seeing Nirbhaya case, Acid attacks, so many rapes child molestation, I feel the pain as I am so sensitive to there pain.


I want to send this message to everyone that this day today 8 /3/2020 , to the nation that every girl should learn self-defense,  karate, taekwondo, boxing. Like Film Marry Kom children from a very young age should be trained in self defence,make them so tough that there should not be cases like child abuse in the history of man kind. We all women of India will change from today there should not be any such things like rape, Nirbhaya land, child molestation, no means no, therefore all evil should be washed out then it will Swachchha Bharat. I request to the government that with “beti bachao beti padhao” Abhigyan he should start motivating parents for self defence.