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बहुमुखी प्रतिभा संपन्न अभिनेता नाजिम मिर्ज़ा (Nazim Mirza)को मिला वसई गौरव अवार्ड(Vasai Gaurav Award)...

अभिनेता  नाजिम मिर्ज़ा 6 साल की उम्र से ही बतौर अभिनेता न सिर्फ  कई शॉर्ट फिल्मों में काम कर चुके हैं,।बल्कि उन्होंने ज़िम क्रिएटर नामक एक की  कंपनी भी शुरू की है  जहां वे ग्राफिक्स, वीएफएक्स, सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग, प्रोडक्शन हाउस इत्यादि को संभालते हैं। साथ ही फेमोरीज और डिजिटल फॉक्स टेक्नोलॉजीज के फ्रीलांसर हेड भी हैं। इसके अलावा उनकी एक और सबसे बड़ी उपलब्धि है,जो लोगों को हैरान करती है,लेकिन यह वाकई में सच है।वह  संस्कृत में महाराष्ट्र स्वर्ण पदक भी जीत चुके है। उन्हें इंटरमीडिएट ड्राइंग ग्रेड परीक्षा में  ए ग्रेड मिला है। उन्होंने 2016 और 2017 के विहान पुरस्कार, 2018 में 24 एफपीएस अंतर्राष्ट्रीय एनीमेशन पुरस्कार में भी भाग लिया। इसके अलावा हैंडबॉल राष्ट्रीय खिलाड़ी, और बूगी वूगी में भाग लिया।साथ ही उन्होंने एनिमेशन, बैचलर ऑफ आर्ट्स और बैचलर ऑफ मास मीडिया में डिग्री भी हासिल किया है।इस तरह की तमाम उपलब्धियों को देखते हुए वह गिनीज वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड में अपना नाम भी दर्ज करा चुके हैं। पिछले दिनों उन्हें नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस पीस अवार्ड 2022से सम्मानित किया गया।और इस बार उन्हें वसई गौरव अवार्ड से भी सम्मानित किया गया। जहां तक उनके फिल्मों और शार्ट फिल्म्स की बात है तो वह ‘समय का महत्व, मुंबई लोकल, द माइंड गेम, स्वच्छ भारतअभियान, जानवरों का महत्व आदि उल्लेखनीय फिल्म्स और शॉर्ट्स फिल्म में काम कर चुके हैं।हाल ही में उन्होंने एन बी एंटरटेनमेंट की एक और शार्ट फिल्म में काम किया है ,जो समाज को एक मजबूत संदेश देती है।उन्होंने कई म्यूजिक वीडियो में भी  काम किया है जिसमें’ मैं तेरा दिवाना ‘और ‘हमने बस चाहा’ प्रमुख है।


बहुमुखी प्रतिभा संपन्न अभिनेता नाजिम मिर्ज़ा (Nazim Mirza)को मिला वसई गौरव अवार्ड(Vasai Gaurav Award)

Semi abstract artist Sangeeta Babani’s Exhibition FAIRY TALES at Jehangir Art Gallery paints a bright picture of the bustling world...

When- 8th March, Inauguration from  6.30 pm onwards, exhibition from 8th march to 14 th March

Where- Jehangir Art Gallery, 161B, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001.

Entry- Free

Sangeeta Babani has become a well-known name in the abstract and realism art world. Raised in Spain, this artist’s musings veer from figurative to semi-abstract depiction, surrealism to semi-realism, as the mood takes her. Babani was amongst the first to paint on cars as she does not believe in limiting her canvases only to a white paper frame. She worked with Tata Motors, BMW, Jeep and Mercedes Benz. She has held numerous exhibitions in India and displayed her work in London, Paris and Dubai and showcased an 18 feet Installation called The Lost Art. The accomplished Artist was awarded for her Contemporary work in Paris (France) in 2017.

Celebrating life’s day-to-day occurrences, culture, cities, intersections of places and time, she conjures up memories, thoughts, opinions, stories that inspire her to step into another world of colour, canvas, rhythmic strokes and storytelling.

Babani recently launched an exhibition titled ‘Fairy Tales’ at Jehangir Art Gallery showcasing different cities around the globe manifested in bright and vibrant colours. With the theme ‘Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale’, the artist aimed at creating a mood of happiness and calm.

Sangeeta Babani says, “I create landscapes and urban settings in a surreal and fairy-like manner. The images are from my visits to many lovely areas of the globe and I manifest the image with an infusion of bold and vibrant colours to create a mood of happiness and calm. I try to paint happiness because I believe art should leave a viewer with a positive feeling. My Art is all about celebrating daily life, appreciation for different cities and culture, they are expressions of scenes I thought were beautiful, intersections of places and time that I experienced and a desire to create a better World and it convinces people to enter in this new World. Through my paintings, I want to convey the message of enjoying the journey, as that’s the secret to our brief transit in the world.”


Semi abstract artist Sangeeta Babani’s Exhibition  FAIRY TALES  at Jehangir Art Gallery paints a bright picture of the bustling world

HDB Financial Services addresses malnutrition in the urban slums of Ahmedabad...

Ahmedabad, 03 March 2022: HDB Financial Services (HDBFS), in collaboration with CHETNA, has initiated Project SNEHA, to address and prevent the cases of malnutrition in eleven slum areas of Vasna ward, in Ahmedabad.

Project SNEHA facilitates pregnant women, lactating mothers and children under five years of age to adopt a healthy diet that is affordable, locally-available and easy to prepare. Project SNEHA has so far positively impacted lives of nearly 6500 women and children.

Through a series of group-based awareness sessions and one-on-one counselling, mothers of undernourished children are encouraged to prepare dietary charts. To ensure that desirable health and nutrition indicators are achieved, mothers and ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) workers track a child’s consumption pattern, height, weight and haemoglobin-level on a monthly basis.

Project SNEHA also focuses extensively on improving maternal healthcare. Sessions on breast feeding, complementary feeding, immunization and post-natal care are conducted regularly. Additionally, family planning / birth spacing methods are promoted among adolescents, newly-weds, and those in the reproductive age group.

Commenting on the initiative Ms. Shirley Thomas, National Head – Human Resources, HDBFS said,“Healthy nutritional programming is critical to holistic development of new-born babies. Poor intake of nutrition by mother and her child in the first 1000 days can cause irreversible damage to a child’s early development. Project SNEHA has touched the lives of over 6500 families through its continuum of care approach that focuses on reproductive health, maternal care and early child development.”

Ms Pallavi Patel, Director CHETNA, said, – “Rapid urbanisation demands urgent action to address the health and nutrition needs of the vulnerable communities. Project SNEHA, with the financial support from HDBFS, has provided us an opportunity to be one of the pioneers to address these needs. The project systematically involves the community as a whole by creating mass awareness about maternal, child and adolescent health and nutrition, and has brought a significant change in the health and nutrition indicators. We are thankful to the HDBFS to make our vision and dream to improve the urban health scenario come true.”

Project SNEHA has resulted in substantial increase in intake of iron-folic acid (IFA) supplements by pregnant women, preference of institutional deliveries over child-birth at home, and adopting breastfeeding practices. With consistent efforts and monitoring of dietary intake, nutritional level of acutely and moderately malnourished children in the slums has shown a positive improvement.

HDB Financial Services addresses malnutrition in the urban slums of Ahmedabad

The Beautiful Black Invisible – An Exhibition of Paintings By Contemporary artist Jaydeb Dolui in Jehangir Art Gallery...

From: 7th to 13th March 2022

“The Beautiful Black Invisible”

An Exhibition of Paintings

By Contemporary artist Jaydeb Dolui


Jehangir Art Gallery

161-B, M.G. Road

Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: 99324 96167 


Recent work of a talented contemporary artist Jaydeb Dolui will be showcased in a solo art exhibition in hall no.4 at Jahangir art gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 from 7th to 13th March 2022. It will be there for public viewing daily from 11 am. To 7 pm. This series is in watercolour with wash technique and elaborates the thematic relevance of Black colour and its sanctity in this world via the paintings displayed with an artistic sense and creative instinct.

This show will be inaugurated on 7th March 2022 at 5.30 pm by Mr. Nidhis Lotia, Director of Nitin Gems and Jewellery and Mr. Kumar Desai, Advocate High Court, Mumbai

Jaydeb Dolui hails from W. Bengal. He had his art education at Amragori art centre, Kolkata followed by an advanced art course at Birla Visual art 2000, Kolkata. He has so far displayed his thematic works at several art galleries and was a proud recipient of overwhelming public response and appreciation in numerous solo and group art shows. He is a recipient of many awards and appreciations from leading art promotional institutions all over the country the prominent amongst them being Bengal art Forum – Kala Ratna Gold award 2020, Nabankur Kala Bhavan – ‘Colour Wings’ Master Award 2020, West Bengal Vigyan Mandi Champion – 1998 and many more. His paintings are in proud collection of several reputed art collectors connoisseurs, patrons and art lovers in the present art world.

The present series highlights the thematic relevance of Black colour and its omnipresence in the global scenario via the desired visual effects achieved in the work using mix media and wash techniques. The so called popular concept in the public mind about Black colour and superstitions associated with it like Darkness, Dishonesty, Unkindness, Cruelty etc. have also been associated with the virtuous source of positivity as has been elaborated by JoydebDolui. This is very significant and the paintings on Lord Ganesh, Lord Krishna, Shakuntala, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Noorjehan, Evening Sangeet, Buddha etc. bear testimony to this thematic peculiarity. It depicts true devotion and spirituality, culture, Indian Mythology, Philosophy etc.   Internal Black Concept has been specially highlighted by the artist in this exhibition elaborating the justification of omnipresence of eternal power and source of positive energy associated with the same in order to produce the desired visual effects.  Evening Sangeet illustrates the rhythm and melody associated with music that spreads joy and happiness in a peaceful environment after sunset i.e. in the darkness. Similarly, Gauttam Buddha always preaches peace, tranquillity and humanity as well as benevolence to masses. Black background highlights the sanctity and relevance of this message. So also is the thematic relevance of the work on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his message for peace and prosperity to masses. Painting on Noorjehan the symbol of eternal beauty and 25th wife of Emperor Jahangir in the Mughal Empire signifies the divineness and thematic peculiarity of the royal Mughal culture & the omnipresence of the historical heritage associated with it. Painting on Lord Ganesha highlights the divine and eternal message of peace and spirituality spread by the omnipresent waves of sanctity and thematic relevance in the surroundings. This conceptual illustration of the thematic peculiarity is the backbone of these works and certainly render the expected visual standard and glory to the works. These works being very eloquent and thematically relevant often lead to a dialogue with the viewers’ resulting into their warm response and appreciations.


The Beautiful Black Invisible  –  An Exhibition of Paintings By Contemporary artist Jaydeb Dolui in Jehangir Art Gallery


What is the next step of Bollywood Actress Neha Bansal...

Bollywood actress Neha Bansal is not only an actress, but is also active in Bollywood as a producer, director and writer. Along with acting, she has also produced and directed many films and shorts films, which have been appreciated internationally.  Along with Bollywood, she has also been associated with social work, for which she has been honored with many awards. Whatever work she has done in Bollywood so far, she has done a lot.  And people are curious about what Neha Bansal is going to do next.  If sources are to be believed, soon Neha Bansal is going to make a biopic of a big Bollywood personality, which will create a history.  She says that whenever she is going to make a big announcement about this.


What is the next step of Bollywood Actress Neha Bansal