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मितवा टीवी नेटवर्क ने भारत के पहले सब्सक्रिप्शन फ्री ओटीटी न्यूज चैनल के लॉन्च के साथ रचा एक नया इतिहास...

दिल्ली : देश के अपनी तरह के अलग सब्सक्रिप्शन फ्री ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म मितवा टीवी नेटवर्क (Mitwa TV Network) ने, फिल्मों के मुफ्त मनोरंजन के बाद मितवा न्यूज़ के लॉन्च के साथ अपने नेटवर्क में एक नया आयाम जोड़ा है, इसी के साथ मितवा न्यूज़ ने भारत के पहले ओटीटी न्यूज़ चैनल के रूप में भी एक नया इतिहास रच दिया।

शनिवार देर शाम नॉएडा स्थिति फ्लोरा फॉर्म क्लब में मनोरंजन जगत, समाचार बिरादरी, पूर्व नौकरशाहों और न्यायपालिका और राजनीति की दुनिया के अनेक प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्तियों की उपस्थिति में देश के पहले ओटीटी न्यूज़ चैनल मितवा न्यूज़ की चैनल आई डी लॉन्च की गई और साथ ही पहले न्यूज़ बुलेटिन का भी सीधा प्रसारण किया गया।

इस अवसर पर मितवा टीवी के सीईओ अविनाश (Avinash Raj) राज ने मुख्य धारा के बजाय डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म पर मितवा न्यूज के लॉन्च के पीछे के दृष्टिकोण के बारे में बताते हुए कहा कि समाचार के लिए एक मंच के रूप में ओटीटी का चुनाव एक रणनीतिक निर्णय है। जैसे आज मोबाइल/टैब ने व्यावसायिक जरूरतों के लिए भारी कंप्यूटरों की जगह ले ली है वैसे ही अब मनोरंजन या समाचार जगत में बदलाव हो रहे हैं। अब धीरे-धीरे ओटीटी टेलीविजन की जगह ले रहा है, लोग तेज गति की किफायती इंटरनेट सुविधा से अपनी पसंद के प्लेटफॉर्म के रूप में ओटीटी को अपनाने के लिए आगे बढ़ रहे हैं। इसका सबसे बड़ा कारण है कि ओटीटी कहीं से भी और किसी भी समय सामग्री का उपभोग करने की सुविधा प्रदान करता है, जो इसे सभी आयु वर्ग के लोगों के बीच इतना लोकप्रिय बनाता है। दर्शकों की इन्ही जरूरतों को समझते हुए, इसे हमने मुख्य धारा के प्लेटफॉर्म के बजाय ओटीटी पर लॉन्च करने का फैसला किया।

इस अवसर पर मितवा टीवी के प्रबंध निदेशक राघवेश अस्थाना ने कहा कि ‘मितवा टीवी हमारे दर्शकों को गुणवत्तापूर्ण सामग्री उपलब्ध कराने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है और मितवा न्यूज का लॉन्च इसी दिशा में आगे बढ़ता हुआ एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है। इसी के साथ बहुत जल्द ही मितवा टीवी, भोजपुरी और हिंदी में डब की गई क्लासिक हॉलीवुड फिल्मों की स्ट्रीमिंग करेगा। फॉरेन कंटेंट के अलावा मितवा वेब-श्रृंखला की स्ट्रीमिंग भी करेगा, जिसमें हिंदी हार्टलैंड, रियल्टी शो और फिल्मों पर आधारित कहानियां होंगी।

गौरतलब है कि सब्सक्रिप्शन फ्री ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म मितवा टीवी, गूगल प्ले स्टोर के अलावा एंड्रॉयड फ़ोन, टाटा स्काई बिंज, अमेजन फायर स्टिक, ज़िओमी आदि प्लेटफ़ॉर्म से एकदम मुफ़्त डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है। इस समय मितवा टीवी, भारत और विदेशों  के अपने लाखों दर्शकों के लिए 200 से ज्यादा चैनलों की लाइव स्ट्रीमिंग उपलब्ध करता है। एकदम मुफ़्त होने के कारण इसके दर्शको की संख्या दिन ब दिन बढ़ रही है, जिससे यह सबसे हॉट स्टार्ट-अप और मनोरंजन के लिए एक बड़ा प्लेटफॉर्म बन गया है।

भारत के पहले ओटीटी आधारित समाचार चैनल का शुभारंभ पर  मितवा टीवी के प्रमोटरों ने उच्चतम गुणवत्ता वाले मनोरंजन के साथ भारतीयो के विचारों को समृद्ध करने वाले सही समाचार को देने की प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता व्यक्त की।

दर्शक मितवा टीवी को फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम पर भी फॉलो कर सकते हैं..



मितवा टीवी नेटवर्क ने भारत के पहले सब्सक्रिप्शन फ्री ओटीटी न्यूज चैनल के लॉन्च के साथ रचा एक नया इतिहास

Saiba Dance Academy presents The story of HER “Sati – The Dark Past Of India”...

Directed & Choreographed by Saiba Sayed, Executive Producer- Ekta Anand, Associated NGO- Mukkti Foundation headed by Smt. Smita Thackeray, Co Sponsor- Satva Tatva Anchal Chavan
Introducing the tale of SATI in various dance forms, a revolutionary change, a journey of a 1000 years in 60 mins

The show saw the presence of Urmila Kothare, Meena Rohera, Bina Aziz, Gurpreet Kaur Chadha, Bassant Rasiwasia & many more.
“Sati” is a thought-provoking visual portrayal showcasing the dark past of India. A woman who has stepped into an afterlife with her husband, a woman who has been a ‘dutiful’ wife, a woman who has traveled an extra mile through forced traditions and beliefs, a woman who ‘commits’ SATI. Illustrating intense subjects in every twirl and swirl, Sati aims to educate society on women’s empowerment in the form of dance.
This concept has plagued society and has become a tool to enforce the norms of patriarchy. Women have stayed quiet for too long, experiencing them fighting back and having their stories heard, their pleas answered through the expression of dance. Sati sheds light on the dark past of India and how it is still oppressing women in this day and age.
Directed & Choreographed by Saiba Sayed, he specializes in Indo-contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, salsa, kathak, body anatomy, and more with over 20 years of experience, he has successfully trained over 200 celebrities, 20,000 school children, and 100 corporates in various countries across the globe, quotes saying “In fond memory of my mother, I give you Sati. A saga of the sacrifice of women who have been adjusting and sacrificing for ages. Suppressed & abused by society, family & children. A 60 mins tribute to all the women, who know nothing but love”
Executive Producer Ekta Anand says ” A social evil practiced among Hindu communities where a recently widowed woman, either voluntarily or by force, immolates herself on her deceased husband’s pyre. Sati’ may be a thing of the past but widows continue to face social discrimination in different forms in the modern era. I along with the team, Saiba Sayed, and Anchal Chavan bring to you a 60 mins play of contemporary dance with drama, emotions & a strong message. I would like to thank Smita Thackeray ji & Mukkti Foundation for joining us & believing in Sati”
Co-Sponsor & the lead dancer, Anchal Chavan of Satva Tatva says “The struggle of my mother, my friend, my daughter, my husband. It breaks my heart to see my family support me in silence, they can’t support me openly. I have seen my mother give her life for her children and husband, she didn’t give up her dreams, she just stopped dreaming. Today we are all fighting, explaining- what, convincing- why balancing- how. I want to raise a question to the society when we are born in a free country, why can’t we live freely”
Smt. Smita Thackeray, heading Mukkti Foundation says “We present to you Sati. It needs no introduction, I am sure you must have guessed the concept of the play by its name.  We have all heard about sati, the cruel practice of making a widow burn herself alive on the funeral pyre of her dead husband. In the play, Sati will depict their struggles, their traumas, and their pain. Saiba Sayed has beautifully directed & choreographed the play. We have combined contemporary dance & music. I am sure it will touch your hearts, especially women”

Saiba Dance Academy presents The story of HER  “Sati – The Dark Past Of India”

Discover Orberium Cryptocurrency A chance to dive into the World of Cryptocurrency...

Meet Orberium Cryptocurrency, an opportunity for those who missed exchanging their fiat currency in to digital or future currency like bitcoin and many more which are rising very high these days. Orberium has a supply of 150 million (15 CR). Their token symbol is OTC. The decimal of Orberium’s token is 18 Decimal.

It is Orberium’s plan to work with all the major e-commerce sites to accept its cryptocurrency. Several online and offline outlets such as D-Mart, Flipkart, Amazon and Make my trip will allow the community members to use their cryptocurrency to buy the things they need on a daily basis.

Customers also have an option of Staking from between 15 months to 48 months. The currency exchange starts from a minimum amount of 25 USD with a monthly staking reward of up to 6%. The staking bonus is 3% for 15 months, 4% for 24 months, 5% for 36 months and 6% for 48 months.

The Orberium token community is joining one of the fastest-growing markets in the world: gaming. Virtual reality gaming in the metaverse is also one of the most lucrative business visions in the coming years.

It is the only token in the crypto world that offers benefits to first-time buyers while also rewarding people as a token of thanks for educating people about Orberium tokens through their invitation link. You can also buy OTC Tokens for any amount through Binance Coin (BNB).

Orberium Token Community Limited is an active company with the registered office located in Bristol, UK.

Discover Orberium Cryptocurrency  A chance to dive into the World of Cryptocurrency

Terrified of how quickly you are getting older? You must watch this Show !...

Laughter. Tears. Laughter. Tears. On and on it went. 

Kolkata, 9th May 2022

What a show it was. Terrified of Twenty-Five, a Broadway style solo musical, that premiered in Kolkata, at the amphitheater at the pristine Emami Arts, was a spectacle of the heart. An experience that I am sure none of the lucky spectators are going to forget in a long time. Basking in the glory of all her hard work over the past two years, was the creator, composer and performer of the musical, Jhansi. (BA in Musical Theatre Performance from Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore, Instagram: @jhansidramaqueen )

Firstly, to even have our own young people creating such distinct and stylised work in Kolkata, writing, composing and performing in the style of Western Musical Theatre (Broadway), was incredibly exciting. However, what we were not ready for, when we went in, was exactly how much our own personal life would be reflected as she performed. From our deepest shames and insecurities, to our very real fears of losing loved ones, to how utterly ridiculous the wedding industry is, she covered all the topics that plague us, all of us.

The show might be called Terrified of Twenty-Five, but it made everyone, old and young, laugh till their belly ached, and secretly cry into their handkerchiefs.

Honestly, it felt like a mirror in our faces, forcing us to confront our truths, while we felt safe in the warm embrace of the darkness and Jhansi’s brilliant words and music.

Strangers in tears hugging her after the end of each show, people messaging her days later, to speak of revelations that they applied in their lives, to guests in shock “How did you know my story. This is MY story”, we saw it all.

I guess… it is OUR story. We humans, who like to think of ourselves as alone in our suffering, our anxieties and our hopes. This musical proved this for sure. We are not alone, and we are SEEN.

Jhansi saw us. And she created this incredible rollercoaster of a musical. If the purpose of art is to heal, well, this show completed its purpose and some more.

About Jhansi (Tanvi Rajgarhia):

Our homegrown Kolkata girl, Jhansi, trained at Lasalle College of the Arts Singapore, getting her BA in Musical Theatre Performance.

She is determined to establish western Broadway style musicals in India, by telling OUR OWN stories. Talk about us, our challenges, our society, our people, while using this incredible art form. Not to mention, entertain the heck out of you.

She began her writing journey with Broadway style political parodies , moving on to bigger pieces of music storytelling at festivals and shows to much online appreciation, Mama, Chai? (Online Kommune):

“If you have ever had a dream that you could not fulfill, I wrote this show for you. Aaja dost, bond karte hain.” Says Jhansi.

She was even on a Netflix show, Queens of Comedy, where she was the only music comedian competing. Now she is writing full scale musicals, such as the one you are invited to.

After the premier of Terrified of Twenty-Five, Jhansi is off to New York City to audition for the second round of the merit based, prestigious BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop, where she has been asked to come audition as a lyricist finalist.

Terrified of how quickly you are getting older? You must watch this Show !

Solo Exhibition of Watercolour Landscapes By well-known artist Dr. M.G. Makandar in Jehangir Art Gallery...

From: 10th to 16th May 2022

Solo Exhibition of Watercolour Landscapes

By well-known artist Dr. M.G. Makandar


Jehangir Art Gallery

161-B, M.G. Road

Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001

Timing; 11am to 7pm

Contact: 94484 20510

Serene Beauty of Nature

Recent work of a well known artist from Karnataka, Dr. M.G. Makandar in water colours will be displayed in a solo art exhibition at Jehangir Art Gallery, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001 from 10th to 16th May, 2022 between 11 am to 7 pm. It will present landscapes and other works related to beauty of nature in different forms in water colours in his unique technique and stylish visual expressions. This show will be inaugurated on 10th May 2022 at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai at 12 noon by Mr. M.R. Balikai, senior renowned artist from Dharwad and Mr.Devagouda N. Malagoudnavar, well known artist from Dharwad in presence of many art lovers, patrons, collectors of art etc.

Dr. M.G. Makandar hails from Belgaum, Karnataka. He had his art education upto Art Master followed by Master of fine arts in Karnataka. He was awarded doctorate in fine arts from a well known University in Karnataka. He achieved the Karnataka Lalit Kala Academy Award. Then he displayed his work in water colours in many solo and group art exhibitions at numerous places in leading art galleries at Dharwad, Hubbali, Bangalore, Mysore, BelgaviUdupi, Goa, Mumbai, Kolhapur, Pune and many more.  He also participated in International art shows at Nepal, Bangkok, Kathamandu etc.  He is a proud recipient of several awards from leading art promotional institutions of good reputation as a recognition and appreciation of his genuine talent and creativity.  His works are in collection of many art collectors in India and abroad.

Deeply motivated by an intense urge from within to create artwork in water colours to reveal the beauty of nature in a realistic style, Dr. M.G. Makandar was very much obsessed by the hues of the simplicity of village life and its cultural vignettes in rural areas of our country.  He was also overwhelmed by the omnipresent beauty of nature and its numerous hues and grandeur in various seasons in a year at different places and regions. His keen observations, command over the medium and techniques used and an eloquent visual language of expressions together resulted into the present series of artwork that is not only picturesque and expressive but also eloquent and visually pleasant. It depicts small mud huts and houses of farmers and other working class in rural environments that produce the landscapic visual effect.  He has displayed simple village life and eternal beauty of nature at Hampi, Pattadakalla, Badami, Bijapur, Goa and many more places in his works.  In addition, he has also highlighted the hills and snowclad mountains in Nepal and other spots.  He also incorporated the eternal beauty and divine serenity of Mother Nature and their omnipresent grandeur in his works at strategic arenas so as to adorn them aesthetically with the desired visual effects and the expected tranquillity.

Solo Exhibition of Watercolour Landscapes By well-known artist Dr. M.G. Makandar in Jehangir Art Gallery