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Actresses Radhika And Khushboo Inaugurate 50th Store Of Sai Silks Kalamandir In Chennai...

Third ‘VaraMahalakshmi’ format store in Tamil Nadu inaugurated by renowned actresses Radikaa Sarathkumar and Kushboo Sundar
The store houses premium product offerings including a variety of sarees such as Banarasi, Patola, Kota, Kanchipuram, Paithani, Organza and Kuppadam
Chennai, October 7, 2022: Sai Silks (Kalamandir) Limited (Sai Silks or SSKL), one of the leading retailers of ethnic apparel, particularly sarees, in South India in terms of revenue and profit after tax in Fiscal 2019, 2020 and 2021 (as per a Technopak report), opened their landmark 50th store in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The new SSKL store, which operates under the brand name ‘VaraMahalakshmi Silks’, is spread over an area of more than 4000 sq. ft. across two floors and is located at 3rd Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai.
The new VaraMahalakshmi store is the third such store in Tamil Nadu – other two being located at Mylapore, Chennai and Gandhi Road, Kanchipuram.  It houses premium product offerings, including a variety of sarees such as Banarasi, Patola, Kota, Kanchipuram, Paithani, Organza, Kuppadam, etc., with major focus on handlooms such as Kanchipuram silk sarees. SSKL’s stores are focussed on spreading India’s vibrant culture, traditions and heritage by offering a diverse range of products which includes various types of ultra-premium and premium sarees and ethnic wear, including value fashion products. The premium ethnic silk sarees and handlooms targets, inter alia, wedding and occasional wear. VaraMahalakshmi sarees retail in the range of approximately Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 250,000.
Mr. Nagakanaka Durga Prasad Chalavadi, Managing Director, Sai Silks (Kalamandir), said, “Tamil Nadu has always been an important market for us. We are delighted that our third store in the state is coinciding with Sai Silks crossing a major milestone of 50 stores across India. The VaraMahalakshmi format store offers our entire range of premium silk sarees and Kanchipuram sarees. The new store, which is strategically located in a prime area, is part of our cluster-based approach.”
Mr. Chalavadi added, “We believe our VaraMahalakshmi stores provide a unique experience and customer service, which combined with our inventory and variety of SKUs that we offer, enables us to attract and retain a growing customer base. From here on, we intend to open 25 additional stores across South India and these are planned over the course of next two Fiscals.”
The VaraMahalakshmi retail brand format was established in 2011 with the first store opening in Chickpet, Bengaluru, and has been further scaled in cities such as Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Vijaywada, Nellore etc. as of May 31, 2022.
VaraMahalakshmi stores are more traditionally decorated and reflects the brand’s roots in the Kancheepuram culture. It was conceived as a brand which would reinvent the handloom saree business and offers Kanchipuram silk sarees and other handloom and occasion-wear sarees under one roof.
Sai Silks has four store formats including Kalamandir, VaraMahalakshmi Silks, Mandir, and KLM Fashion Mall, offering products to various segments of the market that include premium ethnic fashion, ethnic fashion for middle income and value-fashion, with a variety of products across different price points, thereby catering to customers across all market segments.
About Sai Silks (Kalamandir) Limited
Sai Silks (Kalamandir) Limited is one of the largest retailers of ethnic apparel, particularly sarees, in South India in terms of revenues and profit after tax in Fiscal 2019, 2020 and 2021. (Source: Technopak Report). Sai Silk operates four store formats, i.e., Kalamandir, VaraMahalakshmi Silks, Mandir, and KLM Fashion Mall. The firm also offers products to various segments of the market that include premium ethnic fashion, ethnic fashion for middle income and value-fashion. Sai Silk Kalamandir was founded by Managing Director, Nagakanaka Durga Prasad Chalavadi a first generation entrepreneur who set up the first ‘Kalamandir’ store in 2005 at Hyderabad, Telangana with a store size of 3,213 square feet.  The firm has since expanded to 50 stores in four south Indian states, i.e., Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. SSKL attracts and retains a growing customer base that, as of May 31, 2022, exceeded over 50 lakh customers in India.
SSKL focuses on spreading India’s vibrant culture, traditions and heritage by offering a diverse range of products which includes various types of ultra-premium and premium sarees suitable for weddings, party wear, as well as occasional and daily wear; lehengas, men’s ethnic wear, children’s ethnic wear and value fashion products comprising fusion wear and western wear for women, men and children.
Sai Silks has expanded its presence in online e-commerce marketplace and started selling its products through its own online websites,  and  as well as through other third-party online e-commerce websites which provides an omni-channel network to customers through online and offline channels.

——-Ramakant Munde

Actresses Radhika And Khushboo Inaugurate 50th Store Of Sai Silks Kalamandir In Chennai

करण जौहर की उदारता! टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के लिए महेका मीरपुरी को 2 घंटे में 1 करोड़ से अधिक राशि जुटाने में की मदद...

करण जौहर की उदारता! टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के लिए महेका मीरपुरी को 2 घंटे में 1 करोड़ से अधिक राशि जुटाने में की मदद

कहते हैं कि अगर एक बार इंसान जो चीज करने की ठान ले , फिर उसे पूरा होने से कोई नही रोक सकता। मानव आत्मा में इतनी ताकत हैं कि वो चट्टान को भी हिला सकती हैं ।

महेका मीरपुरी ने यह साबित कर दिया जब उन्होंने  मुम्बई के पांच सितारा होटल,ताज महल पैलेस में एमसीएन चैरिटी गाला के 10 वें संस्करण के साथ एमसीएन के 10 साल पूरे किए, और टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल को सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर के इलाज में मदद करने के लिए दो घंटे की अवधि में 1 करोड़ से अधिक जुटाए।

और बॉलीवुड की सबसे बड़ी हस्ती करन जौहर ने इस नेक काम मे उनका साथ दिया । जिन्होंने वहां की मेजबानी की और महेका मीरपुरी को 2 घंटे में 1 करोड़ रुपये जुटाने में मदद की। करन कहते हैं कि “मुझे यह विश्वास करना अच्छा लगता है कि कुछ ऊर्जाएं खूबसूरती से तालमेल बिठाती हैं,जैसा कि मैं और महेका और टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के बीच हूबहू वैसा ही हुआ। मैं उम्मीद करता हू कि हमेशा इस नेक काम से जुड़ा रह सकू और लोगों की मदद कर सकूं। करन ने अपने अलमारी के बेशुमार कपड़ो की पेशकश करते हुए  MCan चैरिटी के लिए सहयोग करने की बात की।  महेका ने कहा कि वह करन के लिए कपड़े डिजाइन करेंगी और उसे ऑक्शन करवाएंगी।

करन कहते हैं की “मेरे लिए, यह कोशिश और भी व्यापक और भावनात्मक रही है। अपने जीवन में, व्यक्तिगत रूप से, मैंने अपने पिता को कैंसर से खो दिया और तब से, मैंने अपने तरीके से चुपचाप इस कॉज़ का समर्थन करने की कोशिश की है।  लेकिन आज, जब मैंने देखा कि महेका पिछले एक दशक से इतना कमाल का काम कर कर रही है, तो यह जानकर मैं स्तब्ध हो जाता हूं कि एमसीएन सिर्फ एक आंदोलन नहीं है, यह एक अद्भुत पहल है।”

करन जौहर ने एक करोड़ से अधिक की राशि जुटाई ,टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के लिए,महेका मीरपुरी के एमसीएन फाउंडेशन के माध्यम से सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर के रोगियों की मदद करने के लिए तांकि मरीजों को उनकी खोई हुई आवाज वापस मिल सके।

महेका ने करन को उनके उदार प्रयास के लिए दिल की गहराइयों से धन्यवाद देते हुए कहा कि “आज रात आपने टाटा मेमोरियल के लिए जो कुछ किया है, वह कुछ ऐसा है जिसके लिए मैं हमेशा आपकी ऋणी रहूंगी, क्योंकि जब ऐसे प्रतिभाशाली इतनी सद्भावना और उदारता के साथ अपना सहयोग करते हैं तब हम जैसे लोगों को और बढ़ावा मिलता हैं और ऐसे कार्यों को और शक्ति मिलती हैं। ”

करण जौहर ने आगे कहा, “टाटा मेमोरियल के डॉक्टरों के साथ स्टेज साझा करते हुए मुझे बेहद खुशी महसूस हो रही है , जो लोगों की जान बचाने का ऐसा अद्भुत काम करते हैं।  उनके प्रति मेरा आभार।”

महेका मीरपुरी और करन जौहर के अलावा, मधु शाह, रक्षंदा खान, पूनम ढिल्लों, भाग्यश्री, संजय कपूर, इकबाल सिंह चहल, किरण जोनेजा, रमेश सिप्पी, सागर चोरडिया, गौरव घई, हरिंदर सिंह, तहसीन पूनावाला, अशोक वाधवा , परवेज दमानिया, जया रहेजा, सुचित्रा कृष्णमूर्ति, और करण गुप्ता सहित कई अन्य हस्तियां भी यहाँ नजर आयी।

करण जौहर की उदारता!  टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल के लिए महेका मीरपुरी को 2 घंटे में 1 करोड़ से अधिक राशि जुटाने में की मदद

Karan Johar helps Maheka Mirpuri raise over 1.5 crore in 2 hours for Tata Memorial Hospital...

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it and for every mountain, there is a miracle.

Maheka Mirpuri proved this when she celebrated 10 years of MCan with the 10th edition of the MCan Charity Gala at the Hotel Taj Mahal Palace, and raised over 1.5 crore in the span of two hours to help Tata Memorial Hospital treat head and neck cancer.

“I like to believe that certain energies synergize beautifully, and that is me and Maheka and Tata Memorial Hospital. I hope to come again and I hope to sell many more articles for much more money, all for a good cause.” Offering his closet for the cause, Karan enthusiastically offered to chip in for the MCan charity. Maheka added that she would love to design clothes for him and have him auction the same.

“To me, this endeavour has been even more massive and emotional. In my life, personally, I lost my father to cancer and from then on, in my own way I have tried to silently support the cause. But today, when I have seen what Maheka has been doing for the last decade, it moves my heart to know that MCan is not just a movement, it is a phenomenon,” said an emotional Karan Johar as he raised more than a crore to support head and neck cancer patients, to help them get their voice boxes through Maheka Mirpuri’s MCan Foundation for Tata Memorial Hospital. “It was amazing to see the goodwill of Maheka Mirpuri and the goodness in the room where people were so giving.”

Added Maheka, thanking Karan from the bottom of her heart for his generous endeavour, “What you have done for Tata Memorial tonight is something that I will forever be indebted to you for, because when support comes from such people in power, and people have generously donated, it adds more power to the cause.”

Added Karan, “There’s nothing greater than sharing space with the doctors of Tata Memorial who do such a wonderful job of saving lives. My gratitude to them.”

Besides Maheka Mirpuri and Karan Johar, the others included were Deepa Jagwani, Vandana Jagwani, Sanuj  Birla, Karan Johar, Laveena  and Sajjid Mitha,  Dr CS Pramesh and Dr Devendra Chaukar, Gul Kriplani, Puraskar Thadani, Renu Oberoi, Ajay Kakkar, Hamza Patel, Aftab Patel, Jay Makhijani, Amy Arora Madhoo Shah, Rakshanda Khan, Poonam Dhillon, Soumya Tandon  Bhagyashree, Karan Gupta, Kiran Joneja,  Ramesh Sippy, Sagar Chordia,  Harinder Singh,  Ashok Wadhwa, Parvez Damania, Jaya Raheja, Suchitra Krishnamurti,  among many others.

Karan Johar helps Maheka Mirpuri raise over 1.5 crore in 2 hours for Tata Memorial Hospital

How An Indian American Became A Best Selling Author And His New Work Is A Film On Netflix – The Story Of Soman Chainani...

Once upon a time, there was a young boy with stars in his eyes and fire in his soul. He was to be Yash Raj’s English wedding film director.

The wedding was cancelled when YRF faced several flops back to back in those days and Florida boy Soman Chainani turned to books to tell his tales. His father’s clairvoyance when he called him America’s storyteller turned into reality when despite being in an Ivy League School and passing out from Harvard Institute, Soman found himself in a corner writing stories as a 21 year old and was chucked out of the job. “I was 21 when I was a consultant in a high paying job in a prestigious firm and that is when everyone realized that I was born to tell stories. From telling stories about how a dinosaur ate my lunch box, I delved into fantasy as an escape route, because I felt different from others in the US. The Indians in Indians felt I didn’t belong as did the locals in Florida back then and fantasy offered respite,” says Soman who then went on to film school.

“I guess I always wanted to tell stories for a living,” says the now author of the bestselling YA series known as the “EverNever World” books. Over the course of six volumes — with a seventh about to be released — the series has conjured up sales of over 3 million copies worldwide. The epic tale of fantasy, friendship and hard choices, set at a school where a diverse collection of magical young folks are trained to become fairy tale heroes or villains, has been translated into over 30 languages.

Soman’s first novel, The School for Good and Evil, and the first book in the EverNever series, debuted on the New York Times Bestseller List, and has been translated into 30 languages across 6 continents, and Later this year, “The School for Good and Evil,” will become an all-star motion picture from Netflix. The film features a cast that includes Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne and Michelle Yeoh, and is being directed by Paul Feig, best known for “Bridesmaids,” “The Heat” and “Ghostbusters.”

Another of Chainani’s bestsellers, 2021’s “Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales” — an anthology of short stories inspired by classic fairy tales, written during the early months of the pandemic — is on its way to becoming a streaming television series on Sony. Beasts and Beauty, was released on September 21, last year, to wide acclaim, with Kirkus Reviews calling the collection and ;expertly crafted… evoking the wonder, terror, and magic of the fantasy realms.” Beasts and Beauty was an instant New York Times bestseller, Soman’s seventh New York Times bestseller in a row. His most recent book, The Rise of the School for Good and Evil was released on May 31, 2022, to high acclaim and the New York Times Bestseller list. Publishers Weekly described it as “An episodic, adventurous fantasy offering”.

Soman now lives in New York and writes his books from there.

He wants to direct one of his books very soon,

How An Indian American Became A Best Selling Author And His New Work Is A Film On Netflix! The Story Of Soman Chainani

8th Global Literary Festival Noida Inaugurated at Marwah Studios...

Noida: The City of Noida was bubbling with energy and enthusiasm. The excitement of the people could be seen in the well decorated campus of Marwah Studios where people were queuing up to enter the prestigious auditorium to be part of the grand event-The Inauguration of 8th Global Literature Festival 2022.

“We are institution of Communication-reading, writing, speaking, and listening are our love, passion & profession. Every year we invite likeminded people from all over the World and promote literature which is need of the hour. Well learned leads to well written and then in return better literature for the masses.

“We are proud to be part of this international event, I congratulate the organizers for showcasing literature at such a grand scale. Indo Myanmar Film and Cultural Forum and Embassy of Myanmar is here to support to its best,” said H.E. Moe Kyaw Aung Ambassador of Myanmar to India.

“Writing is the best expression. Everyone has his or her own story and the best way to start writing is to start writing your own story,” Said J.J. Singh former Governor of Arunachal Pradesh and Chief of the Army Staff.

“Promotion of literature means promotion of humankind, our traditions, our customs, our way of life. You may be writing a book, but fact is you are also writing history for the next generation,” said Acharya Lokesh Muni.

“Literature is writing that uses artistic expression and form and is considered to have merit or be important. As an artistic term, literature refers to written works, such as novels, short stories, biographies, memories, essays, and poetry,” expressed Heera Lal Senior IAS officer.

“Superfluous writing has no meaning, the depth of life converted into writing becomes many times a learning experience for others. Writing a book is a serious matter,” added Prem Janamejai senior writer of the country.

Educationalist and writer Ermia Raescu from Romania, Katernia Tyurina from Embassy of Russia, Eom Nam Suk from South Korea also shared their experience and spoke on the subject love, peace, and unity through art and culture.

The first day of the festival saw many events one after another to keep the large audience busy with activities of knowledge and intelligence including the book release of J.J. Singh, and Poster release of Ram Manohar Lohia by forum. The event was conducted by Festival Director Sushil Bharti.

The event was designed by Asian Academy of Arts, supported by International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, AAFT University, World Peace Development and Research Foundation and Asian Unity Alliance.

8th Global Literary Festival Noida Inaugurated at Marwah Studios