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Producer singer Lalit Agarwal Enters Film Industry With Album RADHE RADHE...

Recently, the music company Z Series of Lalit Agarwal, a famous businessman and now singer producer, was released at Mumbai, Karmveer Kreda kendra and his debut album “Radhe Radhe, Many people gathered to congratulate him on this occasion.

Lalit Agarwal, a resident of Raipur, started his business with transport business and then tried his hand in the plywood and steel business and today his company Pankaj Group of Companies and Sagar TMT is no need of introduction.

Songs in “Radhe Radhe” dedicated to Lord Krishna , it has music and lyrics by k.R Wahi’s, dance by Pappu Khanna, concept by Rupali Rawat, and directed by Yatindra Rawat.  Yogendra Srivastava is the executive producer of this. The album is produced and sung by Lalit Agarwal. Speaking on this occasion, famous music director Dilip Sen said that he had planted a small plant 1 years ago .Today there is a flower feeding in him, there is a puff in the voice of Lalit Ji. The same famous filmmaker Vimal Kumar said that Lalit Ji’s arrival in the film industry will feed home to hundreds of families.  Producer singer Lalit Agarwal said that “singing is his first love as well as singing and singing gives him a strange feeling.

Seema Kapoor, Ali Khan, Sunil Pal, Mohan Nadar, Mohammad Salamat, Shabab Sabri, Shahid Mallya, Arvind Kumar, Ravi Jain, Aarti Nagpal , Indanee Talukdar, Ankita Nadan, Hafija Bakshi, Ayush Raina, Arvind Chaudhary,   Suhail Zaidi, Chanakya Chatterjeei,Amar Upadhyay, gb successfully conducted by singer and actress Anuja Sahay. On this occasion, the famous songwriter Nawab Arzoo told about Lalit Ji and his singing.

Lalit Agarwal Releases album RADHE RADHE Produced and sung By Himself

Belafz winning audience heart And Trending On Social Media...

We’re in the home stretch of 2022 and it’s safe to say that it’s been a great year for music—especially when it comes to songs about falling in or out of love. Original Music Gang has released most love song on there YouTube Channel Belafz starring Naman Arora and Deepika Charak. You will fall in love with the chemistry of the actors, and simplicity of video and there love chemistry. They got trained for more than two months and the result will shock you. As they both were not trained dancers. But the choreographer made this possible this song choreographed by Swapnil Desai has been a key element of this song and

This beautiful video is directed by Irfan Ishak he portrayed craving for love and pain at the same time. What a masterpiece for audiences eye, Must watch.

The lyrics have been penned by Saad Khan and The song is produced by Ashutosh Upadhyay who puts his heart out for the production and making of this song. His taste of selecting music to getting actors on board will set an example for other producers.

This song is bound to provide a much-needed boost to the couple. The song Sung by Chinmay Pandit, Music by Sagar Tamore, Gaurav Gupta, Chinmay Pandit.

Go listen and watch the song now, if you haven’t heard it already and thank us later.

This sad romantic song Belafz is winning every heart on OMG music channel

विधोत्मा शाक्या का “वो लम्हे” रोमांटिक सांग 25 जून को होगा रिलीज निर्देशक आज़ाद हुसैन...

म्युज़िक लवर्स के बीच आजकल म्युज़िक वीडियो काफी पसन्द किये जा रहे हैं। एक तरह से कहा जा सकता है कि प्राइवेट अल्बम का दौर एक बार फिर लौट आया है। 25 जून को म्युज़िक 4 यू के ऑफिशियल चैनल पर डायरेक्टर आज़ाद हुसैन का एक रोमांटिक सांग “वो लम्हे” रिलीज होने जा रहा है। इस प्यार भरे गीत के वीडियो में विनय कुमार के साथ दो अभिनेत्रियां विधोत्मा शाक्या और रिया शाक्या नज़र आने वाली हैं। इसका खूबसूरत पोस्टर आउट हो गया है जिसमें दोनों हीरोइनें बेहद हसीन और ग्लैमरस नज़र आ रही हैं। गाने के संगीतकार विक्रमजीत रांझा, गायक राजू सिंह और गीतकार राज सागर हैं।

इमेज प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बने म्युज़िक वीडियो वो लम्हे के निर्देशक आज़ाद हुसैन का कहना है कि यह एक प्यारा सा रोमांटिक गीत है जिसमे खूबसूरत संगीत और दिल को छू लेने वाले गीत हैं। विधोत्मा शाक्या और रिया शाक्या ने इस गाने में जान डाल दी है।

आपको बता दें कि आज़ाद हुसैन एक कुशल निर्देशक हैं जिन्होंने ढेर सारे हिट म्युज़िक वीडियो डायरेक्ट किए हैं। फिल्मी सांग की तरह गीतों को फिल्माने की क्षमता और विशेषता रखने वाले आज़ाद हुसैन को वो लम्हे से काफी उम्मीदें हैं।

वहीं इस प्यारे से गाने में एक्टिंग करने वाली विधोत्मा शाक्या और रिया शाक्या भी अपने इस सांग को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित हैं। दोनों का लुक, मुस्कान और परफॉर्मेंस देखने लायक है। यह गाना संगीत प्रेमियों के लिए एक यादगार तोहफा होगा।

डायरेक्टर आज़ाद हुसैन का रोमांटिक सांग “वो लम्हे” 25 जून को होगा रिलीज, विधोत्मा शाक्या व रिया शाक्या के दिखेंगे जलवे

H & K म्यूज़िक लेबल के तहत रोमांटिक म्यूज़िक वीडियो ‘अब की बरसात में’ जल्द होगा रिलीज़...

बारिश के इस सुहाने मौसम में म्यूज़िक वीडियो ‘अब की बरसात में’ जल्द ही लोगों के दिलों पर राज करने आ रहा है. इस गाने की शूटिंग हाल ही में मुम्बई के मड इलाके में एक्मे विला में पूरी हुई.

H & K म्यूज़िक लेबल के तहत निर्माता हरीश शर्मा द्वारा निर्मित इस गाने में अभिनेता आकाश जग्गा और अपर्णा की जोड़ी एक दूसरे के साथ रोमांस करती नज़र आएगी. इस गाने को अपनी समधुर आवाज़ दी है अमन त्रिखा ने और इस गाने को संगीतबद्ध करने के अलावा इस गाने के बोल प्रवीण भारद्वाज ने लिखे हैं. म्यूज़िक वीडियो को ख़ूबसूरती के साथ शूट करने का ज़िम्मा निर्देशक आर. राजा ने निभाया है.

इस मौके पर कम्पोज़र और गीतकार प्रवीण भारद्वाज ने कहा, “H & K म्यूज़िक की कोशिश है कि हम साफ़-सुथरा संगीत लोगों के लिए पेश करें, जिसमें किसी भी तरह की कोई अश्लीलता ना हो. आगे भी हमारी यही कोशिश रहेगी. आज की तारीख़ में हम म्यूज़िक इंडस्ट्री के सभी बड़े सिंगर्स के साथ काम कर रहे हैं. ये हमारा वादा है कि हम लोगों को कर्णप्रिय और मधुर संगीत पेश करते रहेंगे और उतने ही ख़ूबसूरत म्यूज़िक वीडियोज़ भी बनाएं.” प्रवीण भारद्वाज ने आगे कहा कि हमारा नया गाना भी यकीनन लोगों को बहुत पसंद आएगा.”

म्यूज़िक वीडियो के डायरेक्टर आर. राजा ने इस गाने की ख़ासियत के बारे में बात करते हुए कहा, “यह एक बेहद सॉफ़्ट रोमांटिक गाना है जिसमें एक अलग तरह की मस्ती दर्शकों को देखने को मिलेगी. गाने की लीड रोमांटिक जोड़ी आकाश जग्गा और अभिनेत्री अपर्णा ने बढ़िया अदाकारी से इस गाने को और भी दर्शनीय बना दिया है.”

‘अब की बरसात में’ के गायक अमन त्रिखा ने गाने के बारे में बात करते हुए कहा, ‘इस गाने में संगीत का शोर कम और जज़्बात ज़्यादा हैं. यह गाना आपको 90 के दशक के गानों की याद दिलायेगा, जब लिरिक्स और गायकी पर ज़्यादा ज़ोर हुआ करता था. बारिश के मौसम में बारिश का हमारा ये रोमांटिक गाना आपको एक अलग ही दुनिया में ले जाएगा.”

उल्लेखनीय है कि H & K म्यूज़िक द्वारा जल्द रिलीज़ किये जानेवाले चौथे गाने ‘उड़ उड़ जाए चुनरी’ में जानी-मानी स्टेज परफॉर्मर मीनू राज ठाकुर अपना जलवा दिखाती नज़र आएंगी. मीनू राज ठाकुर की पहचान एक बेहद उम्दा डांसर और एक उत्तर भारत में एक बेहतरीन स्टेज परफॉर्म के तौर पर होती है.

H & K म्यूज़िक लेबल के तहत रोमांटिक म्यूज़िक वीडियो ‘अब की बरसात में’ जल्द होगा रिलीज़

Teri Aashiqui Mein Song sung by famous Bollywood Singer Aaman Trikha crossed 1 Million Views...

It was double celebration for Producer & Actor Shantanu Bhamare one was his birthday  on 12th June and other was on same day ‘Teri Aashiqui Mein’ Romantic Album Produced by him crossed 1 Million Views !

‘Teri Aashiqui Mein’ Song sung by famous Bollywood Singer Aaman Trikha , Directed by Rajeev Chaudhari ( ‘ Beiimaan Love’& ‘RED’ fame), choreographed by famous Jeet Singh, Cinematographed by DOP Akram Khan, Still Photography by Ramakant Munde, Editing done by Parth Bhat, DI & VFX done my famous Amit Jalan – Image Devices. PRO / Media Publicity work is done by famous Puneet Khare Ji.

Whole Team of ‘Teri Aashiqui Mein’ celebrated this success today at Raheja Classic Club, Andheri, West, Mumbai. They had put in 1 Million+ Views written standees in the function as well has they had cut 1 Million Written Cake in the function.

Some special guests of the function were Ashok Tyagi Ji (Director), Jagannath Waghmare Ji (Producer) & Narendra Gupta Ji (Film Critic).

Shantanu Bhamare posted message on all the social media thanking the audience as “Heartiest Congratulations with all my Love and Hugs  to all of you for making our Romantic Album Song ’Teri Aashiqui Mein’ Super Duper Hit Song of the Year 2022 which crosses 1 Million Views ! Today is my Birthday and this is the biggest Gift you all have given to me Love you all …”

Shantanu thanked his Co-Star as “A huge thanks Dear @ellenatutteja_official  for wonderful acting & showing our chemistry which is appreciated by the audience, you are too supportive on the sets, enjoyed working with you! ”

He also thanked his Director as “With gratitude and appreciation , I congratulate Film maker Rajeev Chaudhari  Ji for designing and directing everything so well for this song ‘Teri Aashiqui Mein’ that it’s become such a big hit and is loved by all ’Teri Aashiqui Mein‘ is a Such a hot hit song because of you and your team …

Also Rajeev Chaudhari Ji thanks for changing my look completely, from everyone I am getting good compliments that I am looking like Sharukh Khan, also thanks for the wonderful Direction!”

The song is so addictive that audiences all over the world will watch & hear it on various platforms for years!

Other than video it is also released in audio format in 3 flavours, one in duet, another one is solo & International track (just Music) for different flavours of audio. Audio will be released on Amazon Music, MX Player, YouTube Music, Gana, JioSavan, Spotify, Hungama Music, iTune Store, JioSaavn, Resso, SoundCloud, Wynk, and many other platforms.

Shantanu Bhamare is all up to doing different roles let it be serious ones, romantic ones, comedy ones as he trained and multi-talented actor! Many top production houses / banners are inviting him and welcoming him as an Actor / Producer / Co-Producer in their upcoming Hindi Feature Films.

It’s a way to go for Shantanu and we all praise and appreciate his talent, we all are sure is going to change outlook of the Bollywood !

It clearly indicates that Shantanu is a Rising Star in Bollywood (Hindi Film Industry) who is both Producer and an Actor and he is among discussions in Bollywood.

Shantanu Bhamare is the Sole Proprietor of Shan Se Entertainment, the banner registered under. Indian Motion Pictures Producers’ Association (IMPPA).

Teri Aashiqui Mein – Shantanu Bhamare  Elena Tuteja And Team Celebrates Success of 1 Million Views

SK Music Works Presents JAANA HAI TOH JAA artist version composed by Siddharth Kasyap And Sung by Mohammed Irfan...

SK Music works, a YouTube channel featuring mellifluous melodies released an artist version of “Jaana Hai Toh Jaa”, a label which creates original music in different genres and showcases them with a complete visual treat says the COO Sanober Herekar.

The poetic lyrics, the eloquent and soul-stirring phrases of  “Jaana Hai Toh Jaa” seem to perfectly articulate the feelings that can’t be put into words. For some it may heal, for some it may give the much needed closure & some may walk down the memory lane. It describes the pain of true love, it throws light on how difficult it becomes to stay without the ones we love.

The overwhelming response to the original version of the song provoked the makers to compose an artist version, they were bombarded with different versions from music enthusiasts, each better than the other. This heart melting song is touted to be the “love anthem” of the year, it has touched millions of hearts & crossed more than 5 lakh views in just 48 hours of its release.

Siddhart Kasyap of SK Music Works says “When Kumaar ji wrote the song Jaana Hai Toh Jaa, he first wrote the hook line. His expression inculcated an idea in me that the lyrics can have multiple meanings, it can either be If you want to leave feel free to I will not die without you or it could be sad. First we tried to explore the shades of extreme anger. The main starting phrase inspired us to make the song. Then came Irfan, when he heard the track & understood the concept, he gave his 100%. He emoted the song with apt passion. Later we started getting multiple requests from the artists that they wanted to hear it in its natural form, Irfan’s raw voice. This gave birth to the artist version of the song. However in the artist version we made it softer. The original version is more Kumaar ji’s expression & the artistic version is more my expression. I would like to applaud & praise Irfan for his versatility, there are very few singers who can sing their own song in multiple versions, he has done an outstanding job. I am glad people are loving it. We promise to give the best to our fans, there are many more on their way”

Mohammed Irfan says “I have felt the anger and the agony in the song before, but this song also deserved a sweet peaceful rendition which can make you connect to the lyrics in a soothing way”

Lyricist Kumaar says “A romantic betrayal song which has been beautifully curated to touch chords with our fans.The lyrics are slightly different than the usual songs, it is not your typical lyrics of a heart broken lover, If you want to leave feel free to i will not die without you. Mohammed Irfan is a terrific singer, an outstanding artist. I would like to thank Siddharth Kasyap for showing faith in me, his composition is applaud worthy”

Witness this soulful voyage of pain and anguish through this artistic musical video.