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Grand Finale of National Pageant Mrs India I am Powerful 2019 In Mumbai...

Competitors from across the nation participated but 21 lucky top contenders got the chance to perform at the national level

In the view of the growing popularity of Beauty Contests and to provide a platform for new talents, Mumbai’s finest Mrs. India I Am Powerful 2019 was organized in Mumbai last day.

From models confident walk on ramp to showcasing Western, Traditional & indo western desinger outfits ..This was the amazing scene of MRS INDIA I am powerful 2019 and Ms India  Curvy  Pageant 2019 Grand finale. The beauty competition was being organised by Aster Fine Arty Education in Mumbai at Eskay Resort and Maharaja Banquet Hall on sunday evening 16th June.


The Show was inaugurated by the Director of Aster Fine Arty Education Jaspreet, Mrs Urooj Khan (Mrs Asia Pacific 2018), Indira ji, Shallu ji, Shweta & Savita, Rashmi, Anita anandmayee,previous winners and saheb Alam, Mohammad Asif khan, Shadman Khan, Raj Kumar Tiwari ji and Dr. Iftikhar. Let us tell you that in this beauty contest,Competitors from across the nation participated but only 21 lucky top contenders got the chance to perform at the national level.

There were 6 rounds in the competition (Talent round, Fitness round, Personal Interview round, Questionnaire, Ramp walk & other tasks respectively) ..

After the very tough judgement n such superb talents showcased by the top competitors the winners of Mrs India were Monika Sharma, geetanjali, anju Gauniya,Gayathri And winners of Ms India curvy were Madhura, vandana Aleevira pinto.

Director Mrs Jaspreet thanked the photographer (Gautam Fadu), choreographer (Wasim Alam), designer (Nisha and Shikha) make-up artist (Neha Kakkar) on this occasion.Cinematographer Manidera choco.

मुंबई में शानदार ‘मिसेस इंडिया आई एम पावरफुल 2019’ नेशनल पेजेंट का आयोजन

ब्यूटी कोंटेस्ट की बढती लोकप्रियता को देखते हुए और नई प्रतिभाओं को एक प्लेटफोर्म मुहैय्या करवाने के लिए मुंबई में पिछले दिनों शानदार ‘मिसेस इंडिया आई एम पावरफुल 2019’ का आयोजन किया गया. रैंप पर आत्मविश्वास भरी वॉक और वेस्टर्न से लेकर इंडियन ट्रेडिशनल और इंडो-वेस्टर्न ड्रेसेस में नजर आती मॉडल्स। यह नजारा था ‘मिसेस इंडिया IMP 2019’ और मिसेस इंडिया कर्वी पेजेंट 2019 के ग्रांड फिनाले का। इस शानदार कॉम्पिटिशन का आयोजन रविवार 16 जून की शाम को एस्के रिसॉर्ट और महाराजा बेंक्वट, मुंबई  में एस्टर फाइन आर्टि एजुकेशन इवेंट कंपनी द्वारा किया गया।

इस कार्यक्रम का शुभारम्भ एस्टर फाइन आर्टि एजुकेशन की डायरेक्टर मिसेस जसप्रीत कौर , एवं जूरी उरूज खान ( मिसेस एशिया पैसिफिक 2018) सविता, श्वेता, सालू ठाकुर, इंदिरा जी, रश्मि, आनंदमय, ( प्रीवीअस विनर) साहेब और डॉक्टर इफ्तिखार ने किया।  मोहम्मद आसिफ अली खान हमारे मुख्य अतिथि हैं

शादमान खान सम्मानित अतिथि  और राजकुमार तिवारी जी विशेष अतिथि

आपको बता दें कि इस ब्यूटी कंटेस्ट में इंडिया के हर शहरों से चुनी गई 21 मिसेज कैंडिडेट ने पार्टिसिपेट किया। इस कॉम्पिटिशन में टोटल 6 राउंड थे – (टैलेंट राउंड, पर्सनल इंटरव्यू, क्वेश्चन राउंड, फिटनेस राउंड और अदर टास्क). यहाँ काफी टफ जजमेंट के बाद मिसेस इंडिया की विनर हुई… मोनिका शर्मा, गीतांजलि, अंजू गुनिया, गायत्री और रम्यता.

मिसेस इंडिया कर्वी की विनर हुई..मधुरा, वंदना औ अलवीरा

इस अवसर पर डायरेक्टर मिसेस जसप्रीत ने फोटोग्राफर (गौतम फलदू), कोरियोग्राफर (वसीम आलम), डिजाइनर (निशा और शिखा) मेकअप आर्टिस्ट (नेहा कक्कर) मनिंदर मनी कोको, सिनेमैटोग्राफर, का तहे दिल से शुक्रिया अदा किया.


APSARA MAHARASHTRA 2019 SEASON 5 Grand Finale Held At THE CLUB Juhu Mumbai On 3rd June...

Present by SS Associates , Organiser Smruti Panchal and Shekhar Panchal. This beauty pageants grand finale was attended by many of well known artists and celebrities from Bollywood, Fashion world, different media and from Marathi film industry.

Beautiful contestants came from different states of India, they  performed the different grooming task very well at their grooming venue before grand finale.


The finale was attended by Shri Yogesh Lakhani –  CMD Bright outdoor Media,Fashion Icon Shri Kawaljit Singh, Famous Bollywood actress Vijeta Pandit, Shri Nagesh Bhosale ( Famous Marathi film personality), Shri Pankaj Berry- well known Bollywood artist,  Shri Pappu Khanna – very famous Bollywood choreographer,  Shri Ajit Singh Chaddha – Famous CMD Fashion TV. And was witnessed by many more Famous celebrities. The beauty pageant served the cause of women empowerment through NGO Swawlamban trust.

Apsara Maharashtra 2019 Season 5 Held In Mumbai Presented by S. S. Associates...

मुंबई में अप्सरा महाराष्ट्र 2019 के सीजन 5 का शानदार आयोजन द क्लब में किया  गया था!

जिसे एस एस एसोसिएट् ने पेश किया था।

मुंबई के अंधेरी में स्थित द क्लब में हुए इस सौंदर्य मुकाबले में बहोत सारे फिल्मी सितारों ने हाज़री दी! इस सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिता का  आयोजन मिसेस  यूनिवर्स स्मृति पंचाल और शेखर पंचाल ने किया था। इसमें जो कंटेस्टेंट थे उन्होंनेअपने  टास्क पूरे किये, और स्मृती पंचाल जी का जो ‘स्वावलंबन ‘ (एन जी ओ) है उसके जरिये बहोत सी   सामजिक ग़रीब महिलाओं की मदद की और सबित कर दिय के अप्सरायें केवल बोहुत खूबसूरती तक सीमित नही हैं उनके अंदर एक खुब्सुरत दिल भी है जो दूसरो को मदद करने के लिये सदैव तय्यार रहती है!


अप्सरा महाराष्ट्र का नऊवारी टास्क मराठी नऊवारी साडी पहन्के बहोत ही ख़ूबसूरती से  निभाया!

इंटरनेशनल फैशन डिज़ाइनर श्री कवल्जीत सिंग ने इसके लिये स्मृती पंचाल की बहुत तारिफ़ भी की!

इसमें कई सेलेब्स ने भी हिस्सा लिया।

श्री योगेश लखनी जी ( ब्राइट आउट डोर मीडिया)

श्री कवल्जीत सिंग जी ( इंटरनेशनल फैशन डिज़ाइनर)

श्री अजित सिंग चाद्ढा ( सी एम डी फैशन टी वी चैनल)

श्रीमती विजेता पण्डित( बोल्लिवूड सितारा)

श्री पंकज बेरी ( बोल्लिवूड ऐक्टर)

श्री नगेश भोसले ( मराठी सितारा)

पापपु खन्ना ( बोल्लिवूड चोरियोग्रफेर)

इस प्रतियोगीता मे शामिल होने ववाले  सभी का अभिनंदन!

WEE Awards 2019 Grand Event In Mumbai

WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave completed its 1st year and celebrated it by organizing its Annual event “WEE Awards 2019” where Founder,  Chaitali Chatterjee felicitated women from different walks of life. Celebrities like “Nandita Puri, Shanthi Priya, Hemaa Sardesai, Sujata Mehta, Merlin Dsouza, Kamalika Guha Thakurta graced the event, while Sharon Prabhakar anchored the event. Event was well-organized by ShreOM Communications and Solutions and the event was supported by sponsors like “Bank of Baroda”, “Taste Of Punjab”, Stories and Ideas”, “Fledge Entertainment”, “Golden Orange Entertainment”, “Splashh Soaps”, “Vardan Jewellers” and “Nimco Soaps”.

Honorable Jury who supported the event by selecting the Awardees were Mrs. Nandita Om Puri, Mrs. Neelam Kumar, Ms. Bharati Chhabria, Mrs. Naavnidhi K Wadhwa, Ms. Sajni Srivastava, Mrs. Shobhaa Arya and Ms. Nidhika Bahl.


“WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave” is an interactive platform and forum for Women Entrepreneurs to grow their business together. Presently WEE has 1400+ members in 6 cities – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Nagpur, Pune and Bangalore. To register for WEE Event WhatsApp at 9867210670.

वी-वीमेन इंट्रप्रेनर्स एन्क्लेव का एनुअल समारोह।

वी-वीमेन इंट्रप्रेनर्स एन्क्लेव, के प्रथम वर्ष सम्पूर्ण होने पर, उसका वार्षिक समारोह “वी अवार्ड्स २०१९”, बांद्रा के ‘टेस्ट ऑफ पंजाब’ में शानदार ढंग से मनाया गया। इस अवसर पर वी की संस्थापिका चैताली चटर्जी ने विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के अग्रसर महिलाओं को सम्मानित किया।

लोकप्रिय महिला सेलिब्रेटिज जैसे नंदिता पूरी, शांति प्रिया, हेमा सरदेसाई, सुजाता मेहता, मर्लिन डिसूज़ा, कमालिका गुहा ठाकुरता, अनिता कँवल जैसे लोग उपस्तिथ थे, मशहूर गायिका शेरॉन प्रभाकर ने पूरे कार्यक्रम का संचालन शानदार ढंग से किया। ‘श्रेओम’ कम्युनिकेशन्स एंड सॉल्यूशन्स’ ने इसे आयोजित किया, और इस कार्यक्रम को ‘बैंक ऑफ बरोदा’, ‘टेस्ट ऑफ पंजाब’, ‘स्टोरीज एंड आइडियाज’, ‘फ्लेज एंटरटेनमेंट’, ‘गोल्डन ऑरेंज एंटरटेनमेंट’, ‘स्प्लेश सोअप्स’, ‘वरदान ज्वेलर्स’ एवं ‘निम्को सोअप्स’ ने प्रायोजित किया।

अवार्ड्स के लिए जूरी के माननीय सदस्य मिसेज़ नंदिता पूरी, मिसेज़ नीलम कुमार, मिसेज़ भारती छाबरिया, मिसेज़ नवनिधि के वाधवा, मिसेज़ सजनी श्रीवास्तव, मिसेज़ शोभा आर्या एवं मिसेज़ निधिका बहल थे।

“वी-वीमेन इंट्रप्रेनर्स एन्क्लेव” एक ऐसा मंच जिसमे महिला उद्यमियों को अन्य लोगो से जुड़ने का मौका मिलता है। चैताली चटर्जी के नेतृत्व में पूरे देश से जिसमे मुम्बई, दिल्ली, कोलकाता, नागपुर, पुणे एवं बंगलुरु से १४०० से ज्यादा सदस्य जुड़े हुए हैं। इस लेख को पढ़कर अन्य लोग भी व्हाट्सएप 9867210670 के जरिये जुड़ सकते हैं।

WEE’s Grand Pre-Festive Exhibition

“WEE’s Grand Pre-Festive Exhibiton” was organized on 11th October 2018 at Sahara Star Hotel by “WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave” by Chaitali Chatterjee, the Founder of the organization. The Event gave opportunity to Women Entrepreneurs to showcase and sell their products.

WEE is an interactive platform and forum for Women Entrepreneurs to grow their business together. Presently WEE has more than 1200 members in 6 cities, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Nagpur, Pune and Bangalore. WEE helps business women to scale-up their business. It not only helps established Business Women, but also helps aspiring new Women Entrepreneurs to get them projects and establish their own firms.


WEE members enjoy benefits of Networking, getting platform to promote & sell products and services, Start-up Counselling Sessions, Wealth Management Sessions, Media and Marketing assistance, Financial Assistance (By getting Connected to Investors), Motivational Sessions, etc.

The Event was inaugurated by Mrs. Nandita Om Puri, Head of Om Puri Foundation who was Chief Guest at the Exhibition. It’s Media partner is Navbharat and Navrashtra, and Web partner is Wonder Web World.

Other celebrities present at event as Guest of Honor were Merlin Dsouza, India’s Leading Woman Music Director, Bollywood Actress, Director & Producer Ms. Sajni Srivastav, TV and Theatre Actress Ms. Roma Navani, Mrs. Asia 2017 & Social Activist Pinky Prashant Rajgariah, Ms. Bharati Chhabria – Celebrity Fashion Designer & Vice President, BJP Mahila Morcha, Best Selling Author Ms. Neelam Kumar, Mrs. Anjali Rajput – Mrs India n Mrs Universe Asia Queen 2017, Ms. Nidhika Behl – International Bestselling Author & Celebrity Life Coach, Ms. Ranjana Ghoshal – Personal Branding Coach, Dr. Bhavi Mody – Health Evangelist, Blogger, Ms Shradha Salla – Celebrity Tarot Reader & many more….

“वी का शानदार प्री-फेस्टिवल एक्सहिबिशन”।

“वी” का शानदार प्री-फेस्टिवल प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन ११ ऑक्टोबर २०१८ को सहारा स्टार होटल में ‘वीमेन इंट्रप्रेनर्स एन्क्लेव’ द्वारा किया गया, जिसके संस्थापिका चैताली चटर्जी हैं। इस आयोजन का उद्देश्य महिला उद्दमियों को एक ठोस प्लेटफॉर्म देना है, जिसके जरिये उन्हें व्यापार में व्यापक अवसर प्राप्त हो। वी के पूरे हिंदुस्तान में १२०० से ज़्यादा सदस्य हैं। इसके मीडिया पार्टनर नवभारत एवं नवराष्ट्र हैं, व वेब पार्टनर वंडर वेब वर्ल्ड हैं।

ओम पुरी फाउंडेशन की प्रमुख श्रीमती नंदिता ओम पुरी, मुख्य अतिथि रही, साथ ही गेस्ट ऑफ ऑनर महिला संगीतकार मर्लिन डिसूज़ा रही, इनके अलावा अन्य मेहमान बॉलीवुड की सजनी श्रीवास्तव, एक्ट्रेस रोमा नवानी, मिसेज़ एशिया २०१७ पिंकी प्रशांत राजगृह, भारती छाबरिया, लेखिका नीलम कुमार, अंजली राजपूत मिसेज़ इंडिया २०१७, निधिका बहल, रंजना घोषाल, डॉ भावी मोदी, टैरो रीडर श्रद्धा सल्ला एवं अन्य।

Meet top 5 DJs of Queen of Mashups Championships, powered by

‘SOS Nitelife’ successfully organized Queen of Mashups –  an exclusive contest for world’s top female disc jockeys – this year as well. The grand finale of the Global Female DJ Championship was held at JW Marriott, Sahar Mumbai.
The panel of judges picked up two joint winners in the contest, which saw 15 participants from different countries. The Queen of Mashups honour was shared between DJ Burlene based in Dubai and DJ Natalia Moon from Australia.
Top 15 female artists performed in the finale which was judged by DJ Akbar Sami, DJ Akhtar, DJ Aqeel Ali and DJ Notorious.
All these talented artists set the stage on fire with their musical numbers but in the end, the judges chose two of the finalists as the winners. The musical evening was attended by several celebrities who were seen grooving to the songs played by these talented ladies behind the music consoles.

Miss Faith from Holland was the first runner-up, Miss Pasha Doll from Russia emerged as the second runner-up, while Miss Donna Amelia from Indonesia was the third runner-up.
After winning the Queen of Mashups 2018, DJ Burlene said, “I am thrilled to have won this championship. India is a lovely country, people are very warm and hospitable here. I am thankful to SOS Nitelife for providing me with an opportunity to perform in front of a wonderful audience and showcase my talent. I am on cloud nine after winning this championship. I also congratulate DJ Natalia Moon for emerging as the joint-winner, she truly deserved it.”
DJ Natalia Moon was equally elated after winning the contest and thanked the judges for choosing her the joint-winner.
“I congratulate DJ Burlene for being a winner and sharing the honours with me. I too thank SOSNitelife and Mr. Chand Seth for putting up such a spectacular event. All the female DJs were simply amazing and the contest was really tough and I feel lucky to have come out victorious in the end. I wish more such contests will be held in the future and I would love to perform in front of such a lovely audience once again,” said DJ Natalia.
Miss Faith from Holland might have ended up as the first runner-up but she wasn’t disheartened and vowed to come back strongly next time.
“Yes, I missed winning the title this year, but I am not disheartened. I’ll come back strongly next time and put up an even better show to emerge as the winner. I would take this opportunity to congratulate Burlene and Natalia for winning Queen of Mashups 2018,” said DJ Faith.
DJ Pasha Doll from Russia on being adjudged the second runner-up said, “I thank the SoS: Nitelife for providing us such a wonderful platform to showcase our talents. I congratulate them for successfully hosting the event. I might not have managed to win it but thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. All the contestants were really talented and the audience was also amazing.”
DJ Amelia from Indonesia, who emerged as the third runner-up, said, “It was an amazing contest to be part of. Competing with such talented ladies at a single stage was like a dream come true for me. I convey my best compliment to the winners. If given a second chance, I’ll definitely put my best foot forward to be crowned as the Queen of Mashups. I would like to congratulate SoS: Nitelife for organizing this gala event.”
The organizers of the event congratulated these young and talented ladies for entertaining the audiences and putting up a spectacular show.
Chand Seth, founder, and MD of said on this occasion, “We are elated to have successfully concluded the grand finale of Queen of Mashups 2018. I congratulate DJ Burlene and Natalia on being crowned the Queen of Mashups 2018. I congratulate the other runner-ups and finalists as well for putting up a spectacular show.”
About SOS Nitelife:
“SOS Nitelife”, a Specialised Event Management Company, is exclusively managed the gala championship. It is a company with an unmatched commitment to delivering the highest possible level of Services thus turning them into Huge Success.
“SOS Nitelife” organizers believe in “Your Vision Our Mission”, to achieve and create a bond with their clients which is truly based on Trust and utmost Satisfaction, nobody does it better as our creation has emerged from our client’s enormous trust.