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All Eyes Are On Ajay Harinath Singh Who Is Keen To Make India Stronger Economically And Politically...

  • Political, Social, and Religious Establishments emphasise blending Traditions with Modernity by handing over leadership to the Young Business Tycoon who has emerged as a strong propagator of Sanatan Principles owing to his lineage of Lord Rama (Lava lineage)
  • Mahamandeleshwars (Religious Leaders) from prominent Akhadas urge leadership to involve innovative business minds, who promote Traditions, in top Decision Making Process for a New India
  • India needs a new age political renaissance even before the 2024 general elections with an answer to – Who after Modi?  

New Delhi/Mumbai –  The whole world is feeling pressure because of the renewed confidence and unity of Hindus in India and credits go to many including prime Minister Narendra Modi, Yogi Adityanath, Amit Shah and a business tycoon Ajay Harinath Singh who comes from Lava ( Son of Lord Rama) lineage. All eyes are on Ajay Harinath Singh who is very keen and making all efforts to make India stronger economically, socially, and politically by combining traditions with modernity.

As Chairman of Darwin Platform Group of Companies (DPGC), Ajay Harinath Singh has taken his businesses to 11 countries and also propagated Sanatan Principles there. In India, his contributions to creating awareness about Sanatan and Hindutva through various activities have caught the attention of various political, social, and religious establishments.

According to reliable sources in the Pariwar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has confided with the Rashtriya Swamsevak Sangh (RSS) top brass about his retirement from the post as he has accomplished all major agendas concerning dominance Hindutva and development. It is now speculated that India could witness a new age political renaissance even before the 2024 general elections with an answer to – Who after Modi?

Political, Social, and Religious Establishments emphasise blending Traditions with Modernity by handing over leadership to the Young Business Tycoon who has emerged as a strong propagator of Sanatan Principles owing to his lineage of Lord Rama (Lava lineage).  Mahamandeleshwars (Religious Leaders) from prominent Akhadas urge leadership to involve innovative business minds, who promote traditions, in the top decision-making process for a New India.  It is widely admitted that India@75 needs to align with the new age challenges and opportunities.

A senior BJP leader, requesting anonymity, said, “The future of the Indian Republic rests on the shoulders of young leaders. Hence, a new political strategy is in the offing. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is known for throwing political surprises and a New Prime Minister, coming from unknown quarters without any political background may be the biggest surprise of the century.”

India has become the fastest-growing economy in the world. If India aspires to be among the top three economies of the world in the next 10 years, a new young leadership with financial brains and deep roots in Sanatan traditions is urgently required, said Swami Rameshwar, a Dharmaguru from Uttar Pradesh Math, who has strong faith in the leadership capabilities of Ajay Harinath Singh who is a descendant of Lord Rama’s son Lava’s Kshatriya clan.

A random online survey conducted by a Youth Organisation- reveals that aspirational India prefers Corporate Tycoons to lead the country. Compared to political veterans their choice may include industrialists like Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani, Kumarmanglam Birla.  Among the younger generation of corporate leaders and prominent personalities who may be considered for the top post include names of Tejasvi Surya, Akash Ambani, Anant Ambani, Jayesh Shah and Ajay Harinath Singh (41).

“Ajay Harinath Singh is not only an extraordinary business acumen to drive economic growth, but he is also a torchbearer of India’s glorious traditions (Raghukul and Ram Rajya).  Given the current socio-political and economic conditions India needs a leader who can combine India’s great traditions with modernity,” said Swami Rameshwar.

Ajay Harinath Singh’s vision, strategic planning, and system thinking have also put him in the political league to transform governance. India has lately learned the US pattern where several of its Presidents were from business and industry backgrounds. In the US, the world has witnessed the successful tenure of real-estate Mogul Donald Trump. Before him, Oilmen George H.W. Bush (1988) and George W. Bush (elected 2000)- Oilman and managing partner of the Texas Rangers ruled the country efficiently.

Ajay Harinath Singh has emerged as a natural and most preferred choice for the top post. Indian political observers have already pointed out that several politicians including members of parliament across political parties have recognised his ability and extended support to him.

“A young Indian entrepreneur should be at the helm of affairs to make India a superpower culturally and economically. A new age strong India would need Ramrajya for inclusive growth. Hence, the top post could be given to a descendant of Lord Rama with a complete consensus cutting across the part line, caste, creed, and religion,” said another religious leader- Mahant Mahesh.

In political and government circles, such a move was guessed wildly for 2029, but sources said that it can happen this year, even before the 2024 general elections! Political pundits also hinted that a revolutionary change may happen anytime.

“There needs to be a perfect alignment between a wish to establish Ramrajya, inclusive economic growth, and the welfare of the people. Hence, India is probably going to witness a new age of political renaissance and inclusive politics where for the top post a consensus arrives from all political parties and forces,” said a veteran political analyst.

Political analysts pointed out that creating wealth by providing jobs and platforms to a determined Young India is an urgent need as they will do the rest to Make India Mahan (Great) with Self-confidence, Self-Reliance, Unity, and Determination.

“The future of the Indian Republic rests on youth leaders. India has become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.  Lord Rama’s son Lava’s descendent Ajay Harinath Singh can play an important role in taking the country to the next level of advancement. Not only he has got an extraordinary business mind but he is a staunch promoter of glorious Indian traditions (Principles of Ram Rajya and Raghu Kul),” said Pawan Das, Mahamandeleshwar of Maha Nirwani Akhada, Prayagraj.

Prominent political leaders, analysts, and religious gurus (Mahamadeleshwars) strongly advocate that India’s heritage belongs to all mankind with an abundance of spirituality, humanism, unity, harmony, wisdom, and knowledge. Economic power, guided and governed by Sanatan Principles, is the strong driving force in nation-building.

All Eyes Are On Ajay Harinath Singh Who Is Keen To Make India Stronger Economically And Politically

भक्ति और जूनिनियत की अभिव्यक्ति को अपने पेंटिंग के जरिये दुनिया को कृष्ण की लीला में सराबोर करने आ रही हैं कलाकर राखी. एस. बैद! कृष्णांश संग्रह के जरिए देखी जाएंगी अद्भुत पेंटिंग!...

भक्ति और जूनिनियत की अभिव्यक्ति को अपने पेंटिंग के जरिये दुनिया को कृष्ण की लीला में सराबोर करने आ रही हैं कलाकर राखी. एस. बैद! कृष्णांश संग्रह के जरिए देखी जाएंगी अद्भुत पेंटिंग!

सब कुछ मुझमें है और हर किसी में मैं बसता हु, हर क्रिया के पीछे मैं ही हूं,यही वाक्य हैं भगवान कृष्ण के।  ऐसा लगता है कि कलाकार राखी एस बैद ने इस कृष्णांश को अपने जीवन और कार्यों में आत्मसात कर लिया है।

यह वह अंश है जिसने शायद राखी में ओडिशा के ग्रामीण आदिवासी गांव लांजीबेर्ना से मुंबई के जादुई शहर में जाने के लिए रचनात्मकता को जन्म दिया।  कृष्ण के साथ संबंध के रूप में जो शुरू हुआ, जैसे कैनवास पर नीला रंग, कान्हा का रंग, अनंत काल का, गहरे अंतरिक्ष का, महासागरों और आकाश का, रंगों की उनकी कविता, उनकी तीर्थयात्रा, उनके साथ उनका भावनात्मक जुड़ाव बन गया।

आज, दुनिया भर में राखी ने और एकल और सामूहिक तौर पर 62 से अधिक नायब शो किये हैं और अब उतनी ही भक्ति और जूनिनियत की अभिव्यक्ति के साथ आ रही हैं  एक श्रृंखला लेकर जिसका नाम हैं  – कृष्णांश – एक ऐसा संग्रह जो अपनी खुद की एक लय प्रतीत होती है।

हाल ही में नेहरू सेंटर आर्ट गैलरी में उनकी प्रदर्शनी में अनुभवी संगीतकार जीतू शंकर, पार्श्व गायिका मधुश्री, मिस इंडिया टूरिज्म रूपाली सूरी, अतिका फारूकी, बिमला राजू सेखानी, सुमन बचावत, सुनीता परमार, अनुभवी कला समीक्षक मनमोहन सरल और पृथ्वी सोनी, विश्व साहनी, सुरेश नायर, सोनू गुप्ता सहित कई अन्य

अनुभवी कलाकारों ने भाग लिया।

राखी एस बैद का कृष्णांश 10 अक्टूबर तक नेहरू सेंटर एसी गैलरी, वर्ली में होनेवाला हैं।

भक्ति और जूनिनियत की अभिव्यक्ति को अपने पेंटिंग के जरिये दुनिया को कृष्ण की लीला में सराबोर करने आ रही हैं कलाकर राखी. एस. बैद! कृष्णांश संग्रह के जरिए देखी जाएंगी अद्भुत पेंटिंग!

Artist Rakhii S Baid Paints Her Moods In Shades Of Blue...

Everything lies in me and in everyone, it is me behind every action, said Lord Krishna. Artist Rakhii S Baid seems to have imbibed this Krishnaansh in her life and works. It is this ansh that probably sparked the creativity in Rakhii to move from the rural Adivasi village Lanjiberna in Odisha to the magical city of Mumbai. What began as a connection to Krishna, like the color blue making its mark on the canvas, the color of Kanha, of eternity, of deep space, of oceans and the sky became her poetry of colors, her pilgrimage, her emotional connect to her god.

Today, the veteran artist, with over 62 shows to her credit, both group and solo, across the globe, comes with an expression of devotion and passion, a series of works – Krishnaansh – a collection that seems to have a rhythm of its own.

It was natural that her exhibition at Nehru Centre Art Gallery was attended by veteran musician Jeetu Shankar, playback singer Madhushree, Miss India Tourism Rupali Suri, Atika Farooqui,  Bimla Raju Sekhani, Suman Bachawat, Sunita Parmar, veteran art critic Manmohan Saral and veteran artists Prithvi Soni, Vishwa Sahni, Suresh Nair, Sonu Gupta among many others.

And just like Lord Krishna, Rakhii mesmerizes the world with her art and persona alike, and leaves audiences wistful, spellbound and craving for more.

Rakhii S Baid’s Krishnaansh is on till October 10th at Nehru Centre AC Gallery, Worli.

Artist Rakhii S Baid Paints Her Moods In Shades Of Blue

मशहूर ऎक्ट्रेस आयुषी तिवारी का गुजरात के डांडिया में दिखा जलवा...

फिल्मी दुनिया की विख्यात अदाकारा आयुषी तिवारी ने गुजरात मे नवरात्रि के उत्सव में अपना भरपूर जलवा दिखाया। उनकी परफॉर्मेंस ने लाखों दिलों को प्रभावित किया। दरअसल गुजरात के सूरत में स्थित सीबी पटेल हेल्थ क्लब में के डी एम झंकार नवरात्रि महोत्सव के उपलक्ष्य में गरबा और डांडिया का आयोजन किया गया था जहां आयुषी तिवारी ने अपने डांस और जलवो से सबको झूमने पर मजबूर कर दिया।

यहां गुजरात की लोक गायिका गीता रबारी ने अपनी गायकी से सबको दीवाना बना लिया। उन्होंने जब यहां लोकगीत सुनाया तो सभी ने तारीफ की। इस प्रोग्राम में गुजरात के होम मिनिस्टर हर्ष संघवी भी मेहमान के रूप में मौजुद थे। साथ ही सूरत के पूर्व डिप्टी मेयर नीरव शाह भी मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में उपस्थित रहे।

बता दें कि आयुषी तिवारी फिल्मों में अपने अभिनय की वजह से तो जानी जाती हैं साथ ही वह सोशल मीडिया सेंसेशन भी हैं। उनके लाखों फॉलोवर्स और फैन्स हैं जिनके लिए वह सोशल मीडिया पर अपनी लेटेस्ट तस्वीरें, वीडियो शेयर करती रहती हैं जिन्हें खूब लाइक और शेयर किया जाता है, बेहतरीन कमेंट्स किए जाते हैं।

मशहूर ऎक्ट्रेस आयुषी तिवारी का गुजरात के डांडिया में दिखा जलवा

Himanshu Patel’s Epic Stories is a Wedding Photography Company that is creative and unmatched...

Epic Stories is a wedding photography service that shoots various frames of the bride and groom with their family and friends during the wedding festivities.  Renowned wedding photographer Himanshu Patel has launched his new wedding photography company ‘Epic Stories’.  Epic Stories is based out of Mumbai, in the state of Maharashtra.

Not only wedding shoots in Epic Stories, but all pre-wedding shoots take place.  Through this company, they capture the special moments of the wedding couple and try to capture their love stories.  Epic Stories has done wedding photography of celebrities like Yuvika Choudhary, Shweta Tripathi, Prince Narula, Karishma Tanna and went abroad to shoot many international projects.

The panel of this creative service comprises of seasoned photographers, designers, filmmakers and creative directors, whose skills and creativity are always on track to make one’s wedding celebrations even more special by stabilizing the time with their craft.  This splendid wedding photography studio is passionately led by its leaders who ensure that the quality of service is not compromised in anything they do.  They are in this field for many years and are moving ahead strongly.

The pioneers of this brand ensure that the quality of service is of the best standards.  The Mumbai-based Wedding Photo Digital Studio team loves to click the beautiful chaos during the wedding festivities of a person’s life and deliver them in a format that they and their future generations can look back on and enjoy.  The stunning presentations of their captivating photo captures are a consistent part of their wedding services to leave their clients engrossed.

Himanshu Patel’s Epic Stories is a Wedding Photography Company that is creative and unmatched

Meet Ankur Chandrakant a person who consistently advances in the age of intelligence and consistently rates his abilities at the highest possible level...

Since technology is regarded as the foundation of any business, it is present everywhere in the world as it expands day by day. Ankur Chandrakant is a well-known name in today’s generation who has taught people how to become more optimistic in life. Today, there are many people working for technology and the back hands. Ankur has over ten years of thriving experience and is a professional in both cyber forensics and cyber intelligence.

Born in 11 December 1987, Ankur Chandrakant is a person who constantly strives to achieve goals that are not related to laborious effort but rather to intelligence. He has believed since he was a young child that intelligence is more significant than hard effort. And as of right now, he works with several portals, giving them the best inspiration.

He has received numerous certificates and accolades up to this point. He pioneered several of the job opportunities and is currently a FOUNDER of the eProtect Foundation. After earning his BTech, he always aspires to do something extraordinary with his life, and by extraordinary, he does not only mean achieving fame and notoriety but also developing his virtual abilities and making the world a better place for him and his career prospects. Additionally, he received approval from a number of his dream employers, including Google. But he wants to take action on his own, so he keeps moving forward and never turns around while keeping this idea in mind.

He held positions at Google and Microsoft as a cyber forensic investigator and technical analyst, respectively. Through his company E-protect, he has also worked in the area of women’s and children’s welfare. Who are creativity and innovation? He has had more than a thousand women for free, and he wants to create a country where women also have a free role. VCLAP DIGITAL, LEARNING SOLUTIONS EDUFLUX360 and CYBER RADIX are some his educational startups that are touching the heights of sky. He has a strong belief in two concepts: innovation and creativity. For him, these concepts represent not just a word but also the future of his career. His innovations and ascent to the heights of the sky are only around the corner.


Meet Ankur Chandrakant, a person who consistently advances in the age of intelligence and consistently rates his abilities at the highest possible level.