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Dr Madhu Krishan Rector Of The American University ( AUGP) As Keynote Speaker To Establish Global Peace Against War And Terrorism...

His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan a World reputed Global Leader Of Global Peace was Keynote Speaker in an initiative to STOP WARS & GLOBAL TERRORISM and  to Establish Global Peace.

His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan a World reputed Global Leader Of Global Peace, a eminent Scientist ,Chairman Cum Chief Rector Of The American University USA ( AUGP  USA ) andUnited Nation University For Global Peace USA ( UNUGP USA ) ,  In an joint initiative to Establish Global Peace Through 4 Days International Folk  Dance & Music Program where  thousands of artists representatives of more than 25 Countries ( Including India } participated & performed folk Dance & music of their respective ethnic groups & Nations.

His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan in his Keynote address spoke about the importance of Peace Culture beyond all boundaries & boarders, to cultivate, Establish Global Peace For the Prosperity & Sustainable development of Nations as we all belongs to the same EARTH PLANET, sharing indiscriminately the same sun light, inhaling the same oxygen from the same atmosphere ,created by the same God The Creator Of The Whole Universe. He spoke about the ONE GLOBAL FAMILY OF ONE GOD ( Vashudhava Kutumbakam )  philosophy ,on the principle of which Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan  from the Year 1984 Onwards founded several Peace Foundations & Educational Groups of Institutions/ Academies / Universities Worldwide.

During the 4 Days Mega International Events, thousands of artists from different indigenous Folk dancers from various parts of India ,like Manipur , Assam , Bengal, UP & from Polland , Romania, Bulgaria , Sri Lanka, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.etc., have shown their talents through their magnificent performance which has created a good bond of Peace ,friendship, reconciliation, social justice , Love , Harmony & in  one accordeness all  representatives of all Nations with covenant agreed to make this Earth Planet a Better Place of Dwelling on this earth planet  for this & future generations .

Award & Excellence Certificates  from AUGP USA & UNUGP USA were distributed on the  4th Day by  His Excellency Amb. Dr. Neeraj Tandon ,The Honry. Director Cum Dean Of AUGP /UNUGP USA , who   had participated in 4 days International Folk Dance Festival with the message of ” HARMONY , LOVE ,PEACE  UNITY AMONG DIVERSITY ” To Stop  Wars , Global Terrorism , Human Rights Violation , Organized Crime ,Drugs , Human trafficking, Ultimately To  Establish  Global Peace  to Build a Transformed Civilization Of , ” PEACE LOVING – PEACE LIVING – PEACE PRACTICING ” GLOBAL SOCIETY , which was organised  in association with  UNESCO ,CCF ,MAHAMAYA BALIKA INTER COLLEGE ,Panchsheel Balak Inter College.  A few names of the recipients of the Awardees are as follows . Dr Chhaya Jain , Ms.Santosh, Ms.Arti, Ms.Monika,Ms.Jyoti, Ms.Rajni,Ms.Shalu,Ms. Deepti,Ms. Himanshi, Ms. Shilpa,Ms. Sonika,Ms. Kiran,13. Ms. Meenakshi,Ms. Ritu,Ms. Masooma,Ashisha, Ms.Manisha,Ms.Kalpana,Ms.Geetika Ahuja,Ms.Swara Gautam,  Mr. Naved Ali ,Ms. Asha Rani ,Mr. Mukesh Kumar ,Ms. Kavita Saxena ,Ms. Poonam, Ms. Sheetal singh,Ms. Maitray ,Mr. Deepika Arora,Mr.Santosh Paswan ,Mr. Chandan,Mr. Farman,Mr. Sachin Kumar ,Mr. Sudhir Kumar,Mr.Dheeraj Kumar,Ms. Richa, Ms. Priyanka Singh ,Ms. Pooja Jain,Ms.Shakila,  etc,etc.

Her Excellency  Amb. Dr. Daljeet Kaur The Ambassador of AUGP USA  on her behalf & on behalf of all the Board of governing Council & Senate members of AUGP /UNUGP USA in all it’s  branches in 120 Countries ,has expressed heartiest congratulation to all the awardees & all the artists from all 25 Countries & their management team / Authorities etc .


Guard Of Honour Was Given To Prof Dr Madhu Krishan By Both  Men And Women Cadets And Army

IAWA मुंबई ने महिला सशक्तिकरण की पेश की नई मिसाल, कैंसर पीड़ितों को समर्पित सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिता करवा कर जीता पंजाब का दिल। मुम्बई कि प्रसिद्ध अभिनेत्री दलजीत कौर ने स्टेज को सम्भला।...

मुंबई की NGO इनेवेटिव आर्टिस्ट वैल्फेयर एसोसिएशन (IAWA) ने महिला सशक्तिकरण को बढ़ावा देने के लिऐ केंसर के खिलाफ अब पंजाब में कदम रखा है । देश-विदेश में प्रसिद्ध IAWA की तरफ से इसी क्रम में कैंसर पीडि़तों को समर्पित मिस एंड मिसेज  पंजाब  ब्यूटी पैजेंट का आयोजन लुधियाना के होटल फ्रैंडज रिजेंसी में किया गया।  IAWA की अध्यक्षा  व बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री डा. दलजीत कौर जो 200 से अधिक टीवी सीरियल व फिल्मों में काम कर चुकी हैं व पंजाब की एंबेसडर डा. तनुजा तनु के संरक्षण में आयोजित इस इवेंट में डिप्टी कमिश्नर सुरभि मलिक के अस्वस्थ होने कारण ADC अनीता दर्शी बतौर मुख्यातिथि पधारे । विशेषातिथियों में महिला सशक्तिकरण की शानदार मिसाल पदम् श्री अवार्डी श्रीमती रजनी बैक्टर,  चरॉजीत कोर,रामपाल सैनी, शो के मुख्य स्पॉंसर एस्ट्रोवाला के डायरेक्टर आचार्या अनु भुटानी चौहान व डा. मनदीप चौहान के अलावा  डा. भुपिंद्र सिंह, डॉ सोनी, डॉ सिंह दयानंद हॉस्पिटल के हेड ऑफ द डिपार्ट से कैंसर के बारे जानकारी दी ,पूर्व मिस इंडिया निहारिका होनाकेरी, पूर्व पॉपुलर क्ववीन ऑफ यूनिवर्स लीना होनाकेरी आदि उपस्थित हुए । कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत शुरूआत रवलीन कौर ने गणेश वंदना पर प्रस्तुति देकर की । इस दौरान IAWA की अध्यक्ष डा. दलजीत कौर ने संस्था के उद्देश्यों की जानकारी दी । ज्यूरी का कार्यभार समाजसेविका, लेखिका व मोटिवेशनल स्पीकर डा. तनुजा तनु , वोलकेनो डांस एकेडमी के अरूण खतरी,  अुन चौहान भुटानी, दिल्ली से आई IAWA की पूर्व मिस विजेताओं लीना व रवलीन कौर ने संभाला

इस प्रतियोगिता के लिए वेबसाइट के जरिए लगभग  100 से ज्यादा एंट्रीज आईं जिन में से जालंधर, मुकेरियां, होशियारपुर, संगरूर, लुधियाना, फगवाड़ा, पठानकोट, कपूरथला व अमृतसर की 20 से अधिक फाइनलिस्ट का चुनाव किया गया । इवेंट की खास बात यह रही कि शो में स्कूल प्रिंसीपल, टीचर, बिजनेस वूमेन, जर्नलिस्ट, गृहणियों व आम फ्रैशर प्रतिभागियों ने रैंप पर जलवे बिखेरे और कैंसर जागरूकता, घरेलू हिंसा के खिलाफ व महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिए काम करने की प्रतिबद्धता जताई। शो में तीन अलग-अलग कैटेगरी में फर्स्ट, सैकेंड व थर्ड विनर का चुनाव किया गया। इसके अलावा सब टाइटल विनर भी निकाले गए । शो में जालंधर की  आर.बी. के सिर  मिस IAWA पंजाब का ताज सजा जबकि दूसरे साथ पर जान्हवी बिट्ठल और तीसरे नंबर पर सिमरनजात कौर रही।  मिस क्लासिक कैटागिरी में आशा भारती विनर रही जबकि अमृतसर की सिंपल छाबड़ा दूसरे स्थान पर रही। इसी तरह IAWA मिसेज पंजाब का क्राऊन बहारदीप के सिर सजा जबकि होशियापुर की डा. ज्योति खन्ना दूसरे व सिल्की शर्मा तीसरे स्थान पर रहीं। मिसेज क्लासिक कैटागिरी में दिपावली पोपली प्रथम, लुधियाना की नीलू ठाकुर दूसरे व दिल्ली की अंजू कुंद्रा तीसरे स्थान पर रहीं । विजेता प्रतिभागियों को क्राऊन, ट्राफी, टाइटल व गिफ्ट देकर सम्मानित किया गया। कार्यक्रम में टीन गर्ल इप्सा वर्मा शो स्टॉपर बनी। इस दौरान मंच पर कैंसर सर्वाइवर्स ने अपने अनुभव सांझा किए व IAWA की पूर्व विजेता प्रतिभागियों के साथ रैंप वॉक करके शो की शान बढ़ाई।

बता दें कि IAWA मुंबई  बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री डा.दलजीत कौर के मार्गदर्शन में कलाकारों के उत्थान के अलावा समाज सेवा के क्षेत्र में भी बढ़चढ़ कर काम कर रही हैं। दलजीत कौर एक अभिनेत्री,  समाजिक कार्यकर्ता हैं जो की पूर्व मिसेज इंडिया-2015 एवम मिसेज यूनिवर्स पॉपुलर-2016 खिताब जीत चुकी है। देश के  विभिन्न शहरों में IAWA मुंबई द्वारा  2015 से  मिस एंड मिसिस इंडिया इवेंट आयोजित करवाए जाते  रहे हैं।  IAWA पंजाब की एंबेसडर  व जालंधर की लेखिका, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता व मोटीवेशनल स्पीकर डा. तनुजा तनु के सहयोग से पहली बार मिस एंड मिसेज पंजाब  इवेंट लुधियाना में किया गया है। पंजाब में इस इवेंट करवाने का उद्देश्य भी घेरलू हिंसा, कैंसर के  खिलाफ व नारी सशक्तिकरण को बढ़ाने के लिए जागरुकता पर काम करना है।

इस इवेंट को सपोर्ट किया जोविस हर्बल ,शियानस कोसमैटिकस दिल्ली से गिफ्ट हेमपरस सभी पारटिसपैनटस एवम गेस्ट को दिये।लैकमी की टीम ने  पार्टीसपेनटस का मेकअप का समर्थन दिया।

गौरतलब है कि IAWA  की   टीवी अदाकारा ,अध्यक्ष  डा. दलजीत कौर देश के विभिन्न हिस्सों में साल भर सामाजिक कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन कर रही हैं। वर्तमान में उनके पास 10,000 महिलाओं का एक समूह है जो उनके साथ काम करता हैं। विभिन्न क्षेत्रों की महिलाओं को समाज में उनके योगदान और अपने सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से स्तन और गर्भाशय कैंसर के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाती है।  IAWA मुंबई  इस वैश्विक समस्या पर सात साल से काम कर रही है। खास बात यह है  मुंबई से टी.वी. एवम् फिल्म कलाकार व प्रसिद्ध भजन गायक  अनूप जलोटा, अभिनेता प्रहलाद कक्कर, अदाकारा नीलू कोहली, प्रीति सप्रू, डॉली सोही, जयश्री भट्टाचार्य, सलमा आगा इस संंस्था के मैंटोर व स्पोर्टर हैं।

IAWA मुंबई ने महिला सशक्तिकरण की पेश की नई मिसाल, कैंसर पीड़ितों को समर्पित सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिता करवा कर जीता पंजाब का  दिल। मुम्बई कि प्रसिद्ध अभिनेत्री दलजीत कौर ने स्टेज को सम्भला।

Victoria Quiyo from Imphal recieved SDP IAWA Iconic International Women Award from Amar Cine Productions...

Overcoming  unimaginable  things is nothing new for Victoria Quiyo.Not only is she a thoughtful mother and wife,she is a social activist and an entrepreneur, who has broken barriers and help foster an environment that inspires the community to cultivate and incorporate sustainable skills  and ideas.

Hailing from the hilly district of Senapati, Manipur, Victoria grew up surrounded by nature and the rich Maram Thangal culture.  As a child, she was bright eyed, adventurous and had a deep desire for learning. Her fervent love for her culture and mother nature helped her initiate “Evergreen Hand” in 2008 a local handicrafts and skill development enterprise which offers authentic Manipuri handicrafts by artisans, especially northeast women artisans. She stands by the belief that local establishments and handmade business supports the local craft industries and people.

With a strong resolute determination and passion, Victoria has devoted more than 9 years of her life towards several organisations and movements including awareness programmes on menstrual health and hygiene,distribution of menstrual pads, charity for the poor and destitute, educational programmes and initiatives to help women and children in the most disadvantaged groups in rural areas of Manipur while providing resources and sustainable ways for women to economically empower themselves to help make their goals and dreams turn into a reality.

“Jamie Kitchen” with the message, “No child should suffer from hunger” is a mission to feed the poor and hungry and share the hope that comes with God.

There is no limit to what we, as women can accomplish. And Victoria is an exemplary example of it. Her determination, compassion and consistence has earned her several titles and prestigious awards,

Miss Barak (2005), 1st Runner up

Miss Barak (2005), Miss Beautiful hair

Best Female Artist Award (2005) Senapati District Level

Mrs IAWA India (2019), 1st Runner up.

Mrs IAWA India (2019), Mrs Best Smile.

Mrs IAWA India (2019), Mrs Social Media Queen.

Queen of northeast with a golden heart(2020)( fashion lifestyle magazine)

Popular Queen of Universe (2020)

Quarantine Queen of Universe (2020)

Through all her struggles and ventures, her beliefs have been affirmed that the most important ingredients that leads to the success of women are two things, support for one another and education to realise one’s dreams.


Victoria is fighting to make this become a reality through future endeavours that she would focus on with the grace of God as she believes, “A woman who fears the lord is to be praised”.

Victoria Quito from Imphal recieved SDP IAWA Iconic International Women Award from Amar Cine Productions...

Overcoming  unimaginable  things is nothing new for Victoria Quiyo.Not only is she a thoughtful mother and wife,she is a social activist and an entrepreneur, who has broken barriers and help foster an environment that inspires the community to cultivate and incorporate sustainable skills  and ideas.

Hailing from the hilly district of Senapati, Manipur, Victoria grew up surrounded by nature and the rich Maram Thangal culture.  As a child, she was bright eyed, adventurous and had a deep desire for learning. Her fervent love for her culture and mother nature helped her initiate “Evergreen Hand” in 2008 a local handicrafts and skill development enterprise which offers authentic Manipuri handicrafts by artisans, especially northeast women artisans. She stands by the belief that local establishments and handmade business supports the local craft industries and people.

With a strong resolute determination and passion, Victoria has devoted more than 9 years of her life towards several organisations and movements including awareness programmes on menstrual health and hygiene,distribution of menstrual pads, charity for the poor and destitute, educational programmes and initiatives to help women and children in the most disadvantaged groups in rural areas of Manipur while providing resources and sustainable ways for women to economically empower themselves to help make their goals and dreams turn into a reality.

“Jamie Kitchen” with the message, “No child should suffer from hunger” is a mission to feed the poor and hungry and share the hope that comes with God.

There is no limit to what we, as women can accomplish. And Victoria is an exemplary example of it. Her determination, compassion and consistence has earned her several titles and prestigious awards,

Miss Barak (2005), 1st Runner up

Miss Barak (2005), Miss Beautiful hair

Best Female Artist Award (2005) Senapati District Level

Mrs IAWA India (2019), 1st Runner up.

Mrs IAWA India (2019), Mrs Best Smile.

Mrs IAWA India (2019), Mrs Social Media Queen.

Queen of northeast with a golden heart(2020)( fashion lifestyle magazine)

Popular Queen of Universe (2020)

Quarantine Queen of Universe (2020)

Through all her struggles and ventures, her beliefs have been affirmed that the most important ingredients that leads to the success of women are two things, support for one another and education to realise one’s dreams.


Victoria is fighting to make this become a reality through future endeavours that she would focus on with the grace of God as she believes, “A woman who fears the lord is to be praised”.

Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan Recieved SDP ICONIC INTERNATIONAL WOMEN AWARD 2021 By Innovative Artist Welfare Association And Amarcine Production...

Shruti Chauhan is a proud reciepent of the most prestigious award ICONIC INTERNATIONAL WOMEN AWARD.100 top women around the world were choosen for this award based on their profile.50 countries participated in it.Out of 3000 entries top 100 were choosen and felicitated with a momorable Momento and certificate.

Everyone has oceans to fly, if they have heart to do it. But do dreams have boundaries ???

From flying mean machines in the sky to walking the ramp in a beauty pageant, Indian Air Force Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan has shown the world that for her even the sky is not the limit

From flying mean machines in the sky to walking the ramp in a beauty pageant, Indian Air Force Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan has shown the world that for her even the sky is not the limit. After fifteen years of distinguished service to the nation, along with being a mother of a 10-year-old daughter, Shruti went after her secret desire of shining in the spotlight and grabbed the center stage at Mrs. India Inc World Beauty Pageant 2021 where she was adjudged the second runner-up.

She comes from the lineage of freedom fighter Devi Singh Chauhan, who was also the PWD and Education Minister, and feels nationalism was instilled in her blood. Hence, her choice of donning the sky blue uniform and wings was discernible to her. A soldier at heart, Shruti is the wife of Gaurav Singh who belongs to the same line of work and is a Wing Commander in the Air Force.

The 38 years old diva was always an outdoor aficionado who loved challenges and seized every opportunity to quench her thirst for adventure. She was a performer and front runner in competitions, both in the field and in art. She was awarded All India Best Cadet in NCC, she is an All India Gold Medalist in Painting and has also been a leader of marching contingents at the prestigious Republic Day Parade at Rajpath. She has been conferred with several awards and honours including Awards from the President of India and the Marathwada Women`s Achiever Award felicitated by Shri Anna Hazare in 2011.

A believer of feminism, Shruti Chauhan has made heads turn in her appreciation in all walks of life. Navigating between the roles of a soldier, a wife, a mother, and now a diva, she has set an example for everyone and has made a statement that – A woman can get anything she sets her eyes on. She is an exemplary role model for the girls who want to break free from the chains of society which sets limits on their dreams. 

The most `Common` image of a 38-year-old woman, who is happily married and mother to a 10-year-old girl, would start with something like – talkative, shopping enthusiast, loves working from home. Wing Commander Shruti Chauhan challenges this ‘Common Imagination’ and takes the Crown of being an ‘Uncommon Woman’ who is a soldier at heart, a loving mother, a fitness enthusiast, and a complete woman.

IAWA President Dr Daljeet Kaur”s tribute to Late Actor Satish Kaul...

Satish Kaul  who worked in bollywood and tollywood passed away due to Covid-19 on Saturday. The 73-year-old actor breathed his last in Ludhiana. Satish had played the role of Lord Indra in the mythological series Mahabharata. Daljeet kaur President IAWA  Innovative artist welfare association was taking care of him right from the time he was admitted in Rajpura hospital.IAWA ngo helped raise funds for his treatment.

Recently on 24 th march she went to meet Satish kaul in Ludhiana as Satish jee called number of times to meet him.where he complained about his eyesight she helped him with some cash to buy specks and  to show to a Doctor. They spent very good time he was ok .it was only two days back he was not feeling comfortable.Daljeet herself was covid positive asked her friend to help him .

IAWA invited Satish kaul as guest of honour in their event to Mumbai and tried to help him shift in mumbai.But they did not get much support from the industry. From 2015 when he met an accident Daljeet stood by him in all odds . Satya jee a very cooperative lady helped satish jee revive back from bed Soares. she is a big fan of Satish jee and took care of him from last 6 years.


Dr Daljeet says “Met Satish jee on 24 th March in Ludhiana …he told me that he is having  eyes problem and he wanted specks which he could not afford v…so I arranged for him and  and was planning to get his cataract operation bone but when I reached mumbai got positive and quarantine from 1st April rather Satish jee called me after I reached mumbai  to take care as mumbai is hub of covid 19. But see covid took him away from us.”