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Dr Sohan Roy to release Nyari Nain’s Anchor my Heart at the 40th Sharjah International Book Fair...

Dr. Sohan Roy, a renowned poet, Forbes listed entrepreneur, and Founder Chairman & CEO of Aries Group, will release Nyari Nain’s debut nonfiction novel – Anchor my Heart at the 40th Sharjah International Book Fair. The unraveling ceremony will be organized at Writer’s Forum (Hall – 7) on 6th November 2021 from 8:00 PM. Dr. Roy will be presenting the first copy of the book to Zenifer Khaleel, a freelance writer and Emirati Women’s Day awardee.

Anchor My Heart is the debut book of Nyari Nain, a marine engineer onboard foreign-going vessels. She is currently working as the Fleet Superintendent with Maersk. Taking about her book Nyari quotes, “Only 2% women represent shipping amidst a whooping 1.2 million seafarers across the globe, and I am one of them. Having circumnavigated the earth carrying sugar, coal, and what not for the world, my experiences have been deeply enriching as that of the lone lady protagonist of my book.”

Anchor my heart narrates the story of Lehar Saxena, a diligent engineer in the merchant navy. She finds an unusual turmoil in her life as love creeps in through her hard cocoon, being in a male-dominated world of shipping. The book is inspired by true events and the harsh lifestyles seafarers endure while at sea.

Dr. Sohan Roy stated, “I am delighted to be a part of this book release function. I am sure it will be an eye-opener for many and a source of inspiration for the young generation who wish to take a plunge into this lucrative industry. I wish the author a bright future ahead,”
Nyari is also a TEDx speaker and a national-level volleyball player. She has been featured in the Friday magazine, Dubai, and awarded with Young Seafarer achievement award for authoring a book by the NMDCC, DG Shipping, Govt of India.


Anchor My Heart is the debut book of Nyari Nain.

Kunal Sachdeva A Music Sensation In Melbourne Has Set Foot In Bollywood...

Kunal Sachdeva, a music sensation in Melbourne has set foot in Bollywood. His two originals (‘Mere Khuda-Love is God’ and ‘Teri Bewafai’)released under the T-series banner in 2019 got over a million views and a huge fan base mesmerized with  his refreshing new voice. Kunal is 24 and has been singing for over 6 years now, at various concerts with top Bollywood singers. Singers like Kunal are surely an asset to the industry with their versatile style and multi genre singing. Kunal is a young talented singer and his unassuming personality adds a certain charm to his singing. The lockdown did slow things down, but the wait is over, two new original songs coming soon with  singer Aakanksha Sharma. Songs to be released under Zee Music Co. and Tips Industries. Music is given by Rajesh Atibal Sharma, lyrics by Deepak Noor. and Randeer Singh “Raaj” Kunal is not just giving his voice but is playing the lead in one of the music videos, one music video Aaj Phir Jeena Chahe Dil is shot in Melbourne, Australia. Video Directed by Santosh Kameshwar  and Produced by Dhavan Kodrani. Follow Kunal Sachdeva on:


Looks like the industry has unearthed yet another gem! Stay tuned!

World Book Of Records Honours Miss World America WA Shree Saini For COVID-19 Work...

The World book of records, London, honored Miss World America Washington Shree Saini for her relentless efforts in the fight against COVID-19. Her efforts were awarded with a ‘Certificate of Commitment’ and was globally acknowledged for her efforts and tireless work in battling the pandemic.

The official account of Shree Saini took to Instagram and shared the news with everyone. She wrote, “Honorable Wilhelm Jezler, the head of all Europe operations, sent “The World Book of Records” certificate for my loving service work with COVID Relief. This certificate came as an encouraging gesture because I have been volunteering with hundreds of nonprofit organizations. For this recognition, I was nominated by Mr. Bharat Goradia ji. He called me to congratulate me for my social service work. I am deeply grateful to him for being my mentor.

World Book of Records – Switzerland has launched a Global Pledge Campaign to promote safety and universality against Covid-19. This Pledge is an effort to make our planet a happy and livable place for one and all. Shree Saini is associated with hundreds of NGOs across globe during this covid pandemic she has donated clothes, groceries, food and raised funds to help needy people.


Shree Saini gives her heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Julia Morley, Mr. Steve Douglas, owners and team of Miss World organization for inspiring her to make a positive change.

——-Pigeon Media (Abhishek Dubey)

Sandeep Marwah Appreciated For Promotion Of Indo Uzbekistan Relations...

Tashkent: The second day was marked to India after the grand opening of Tashkent International Film Festival -‘The Pearl of The Silk Road’ at Alisher Navoi Cinema Palace Tashkent Uzbekistan. The show was stole by the renowned film, television and media personality Sandeep Marwah, the seven times World Record Holder in media, while addressing the international audience.

Sandeep Marwah is the founder of Noida Film City, Marwah Studios, and founder Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts, He is teacher to 19000 Media professionals and producer of 3000 short films. He believes in film tourism and Marwah Studios has attracted three million people from 145 countries of the World to Noida Film City including Uzbekistan.

“Indo Uzbekistan Friendship Zindabad. Indo Uzbekistan Film and Cultural Forum is trying the level best to develop and promote relation between the people of India and Uzbekistan through films, television, art, and culture. We are trying to bring love, peace and unity through art and culture. I extend my special thanks to H.E. Manish Prabhat Indian Ambassador to Uzbekistan and H.E. Dilshad Akhtov Ambassador of Uzbekistan to India ,” said Sandeep Marwah who was invited on the stage for number of times.

Ambassador of India to Uzbekistan H.E. Manish Prabhat, renowned producer director and actor Randhir Kapoor, film director Rahul Rawail and Umesh Mehra, Actor Mithun Chakraroborty, Rahul Bhat, Art Promoter Karim Morani & B.R. Saini. BJP Leader Anand Sahu, President IIFF Russia Sarfaraz Alam, Additional Secretary Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India Neerja Shekhar, Director Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture Tashkent Prof. Chander Shekhar and ADG Prasar Bharti Sunil were also present there.

Toronto – Ontario And Canada Are Making A Come Back – Stronger Than Ever...

Toronto to be the host city for a global leaders’ business summit celebrating the beginning of the end to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19

  • City Mayor John Tory and Ontario Premier Doug Ford to kick off summit
  • C Vijaykumar, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, HCL Technologies and Ravi Kumar S., President, Infosys, among panellists

Toronto, ON – September 6, 2021 – Toronto Global and the International Economic Forum of the Americas announced that on September 9, 2021, they will co-host a global business summit to celebrate the re-opening of the Canadian and global economies.

Representing the fastest growing urban metropolitan region and tech hub in North America, Toronto Global and its partners are committed to continuing that pace of growth and investment – not only to get back to where the Toronto Region was before the pandemic but to go beyond what has been achieved already. The primary goal is to ensure that the Toronto Region leads the country’s recovery and cements its place as the best location for investment in North America. This come back celebration will be staged live in-person at Billy Bishop Airport in Toronto and virtually around the world.

The theme for the event, Stronger Than Ever, is a celebration of the team at Toronto Global and all the partners in the region, in the province and in the country, that are working together to reimagine how to emerge from this pandemic even stronger.

Toronto Mayor John Tory and Ontario Premier Doug Ford will kick off the summit by showcasing how the City of Toronto, the Province of Ontario, and Canada are safely re-opening the economy, safely re-opening business, re-igniting business investment and creating new, diverse and inclusive jobs.

This session will be followed by a series of discussions with domestic and global business leaders.

The following have confirmed to date:

Afsaneh Beschloss, Chief Executive Officer, RockCreek

Patrick Pichette, Inovia Partner and Chairman, Twitter

Jen Wong, Chief Operating Officer, Reddit

C Vijayakumar, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, HCL Technologies

Jan De Silva, President & CEO, Toronto Region Board of Trade

Erin Elofson, Head of Pinterest Canada

Ravi Kumar S., President, Infosys

Other domestic and global leaders are being invited to attend virtually, interact with the speakers and hold their own private meetings on business growth opportunities. Business people, students, civil society and the general public are invited to attend. There is no cost. Further information about the Summit, including registration, can be found at


John Tory, Mayor, City of Toronto
“Before the pandemic, Toronto was the fastest growing city in North America – people and businesses were choosing our city to live, work and play. We are determined for that success to continue as the pandemic comes to an end and we reopen and rebuild our economy. I am so confident that Toronto – Canada’s economic engine – will come back stronger than ever. This summit is one of the many ways we are letting the world know that Toronto is the best place in the post-pandemic world to invest and grow your business. I look forward to global business leaders joining us in September.”

Doug Ford, Premier, Province of Ontario
“We are laying the foundation for a strong economic recovery in Ontario by increasing investment opportunities through trade and investment missions to position Ontario as a leader in innovation and technology. Ontario’s deep talent pool, cutting edge innovation ecosystem, and competitive business costs continue to make our province an ideal place for investment and will contribute to building back our economy stronger than ever.”

Stephen Lund, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Global

“This has been a difficult year, no doubt. Difficult for businesses, difficult for front-line workers, difficult for Canadians. However, the enduring confidence of investors in the Toronto Region has remained and we’re very bullish about our opportunities going forward. I’m proud to be leading a team at Toronto Global that has never stopped believing in this region and never stopped driving towards bigger and better.” 

About Toronto Global

Toronto Global’s team of experienced business advisors works to help international companies access the most dynamic and innovative region in the world. We actively seek global companies interested in expanding to the Toronto Region and connect investors with the right opportunities that will facilitate the successful growth of their business.

As an arms-length organization representing the Cities of Mississauga, Brampton and Toronto, and the Regional Municipalities of Durham, York, and Halton, we work with our partners in the Ontario and Canadian governments to provide a comprehensive, customized service that allows for a smooth transition for international companies wishing to do business here. Toronto Global is dedicated to understanding our clients’ business needs and delivering tailored, innovative solutions that will set the stage for their success in the Toronto Region.

About IEFA

The International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA) was established in 1994 with the mission of promoting an exchange of views and perspectives on pressing economic issues of our times among world leaders, renowned experts and business executives. The IEFA brings together members of the private, public and academic sectors to facilitate agreements, offer business opportunities and provide access to unique insights from leading specialists.

In its 27 year history the IEFA has grown to become a landmark organization bringing together more than 17,000 participants and over 540 speakers combined under the auspices of four annual conferences: the Conference of Montreal, the Toronto Global Forum, the World Strategic Forum and the Conference of Paris. For more information:


डॉ संदीप मारवाह को दुबई के होटल ताज में एक भव्य कार्यक्रम में मिला द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल द्वारा सम्मान

संदीप मारवाह एक बार फिर से खबरों में है और सही कारणों से न्यूज़ में हैं। सात विश्व रिकॉर्ड धारक और रिपब्लिक ऑफ इंडिया के मीडिया पर्सन डॉ संदीप मारवाह को दुबई, संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में होटल ताज में एक भव्य कार्यक्रम में द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल द्वारा कला और संस्कृति के माध्यम से विश्व शांति और एकता में उनके अथक योगदान के लिए सम्मानित किया गया।

डॉ संदीप मारवाह २७ देशों में केस स्टडी, ४० साल से मीडिया में, स्टूडियो बिजनेस में ३० साल और शिक्षा क्षेत्र में २७ साल से हैं। विश्व मीडिया, फिल्म, कला और संस्कृति में उनके योगदान की कोई तुलना नहीं है। मीडिया और मनोरंजन उद्योग में उनके रिसर्च और नए विचारों पर अमल करने के लिए उन्हें सात बार मानद डॉक्टरेट से सम्मानित किया गया है। सौ से अधिक संगठनों की अध्यक्षता और कला और संस्कृति के माध्यम से प्रेम, शांति और एकता के लिए काम करने के लिए लगभग १०० देशों को एक साथ लाने से वह अपने अधिकारों और योग्यता के आधार पर एक प्रतीक बन गए हैं। उन्हें दुनिया भर में ८०० से अधिक पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित किया जा चुका है। विभिन्न नामों और उपाधियों के साथ अपने सांस्कृतिक प्रतिनिधि के रूप में ६० देशों द्वारा नामित एक और विश्व रिकॉर्ड है, “द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल की प्रबंध निदेशक फातिमा सोतो द्वारा पढ़ा गया एक उद्धरण।

२०२१ के सबसे प्रेरणादायक व्यक्तित्व का पुरस्कार डॉ. मारवाह को प्रसिद्ध व्यवसायी और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता एच.ई. मोहम्मद अल अली और एच.ई. डॉ. राफेल नागेल द्वारा मिला। महामहिम शेख जुमा बिन मकतूम जुमा अल मकतूम के संरक्षण में उन्हें अब्राहम बिजनेस सर्कल के संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष डॉ. राफेल नागेल के हाथों अवार्ड मिला।

डॉ संदीप मारवाह दुनिया के १४५ देशों के १९००० मीडिया पेशेवरों के शिक्षक हैं। वह एएएफटी यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ मीडिया एंड आर्ट्स के संस्थापक और चांसलर हैं। मीडिया और मनोरंजन समिति (बीआईएस उपभोक्ता मामले मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार) के लिए राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष के रूप में नामांकित, वर्तमान में भारत के लिए मुख्य स्काउट और मीडिया और मनोरंजन उद्योग के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय चैंबर के अध्यक्ष के रूप में कार्य कर रहे हैं। वह इंडो यूएई फिल्म एंड कल्चरल फोरम के अध्यक्ष भी हैं।

यह पुरस्कार दुबई की कई बड़ी हस्तियों की मौजूदगी में हुआ जैसे संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में डेनमार्क के राजदूत एचइ फ्रांज माइकल स्कजोल्ड मेलबिन राजदूत, राउल सिल्वा प्रबंध निदेशक और सीईओ मोजे ग्लोबल होल्डिंग, एच. ई डेंग डेंग निहियाल संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में दक्षिण सूडान के राजदूत, अदनान सवादी स्ट्राजिक एडवाइजर नोइंगो, एच.ई. शरीफी बहादुर महमूदजोदा यूएई में ताजिकिस्तान के राजदूत और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में बुल्गारिया गणराज्य के राजदूत एच इ बोगदान कोलारोव।

बहुत बढ़िया, संदीप जी..!

सोलोमन कैपिटल ग्रुप के अध्यक्ष डेविड सोलोमन, अली शबदार रिजनल डायरेक्टर मेय  ज़ोहो कारपोरेशन, कियान चोंग चीह इन्वेस्टमेंट एडवाइजर, डॉ बेन हैनसन कंसल्टेंट सोलर एनर्जी, रोनेन मिकदाशी वाइस प्रेसिडेंट मार्केटिंग साइबरजिम, जॉन सालाजार गज़ेल विंड पावर के संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष  और डॉ एंड्रिया क्लाउडियो गैलुओज़ो डि कैप्रामोज़ा हरक्यूलिस होल्डिंग के सीईओ और द अब्राहमिक बिजनेस सर्कल के सह-संस्थापक भी वहां मौजूद थे।

बहुत बढ़िया, डॉक्टर संदीप..!

…. निर्मल मिश्रा मुंबई